The Connection between EBP and Quadruple Aim Essay

The Connection between EBP and the Quadruple Aim

EBP has been documented as an important factor in meeting the Triple Aim in healthcare. Triple care aims to improve the population health; improve the quality of care and patient satisfaction; reduce healthcare costs; and improve work-life and reduce burnout among the healthcare providers. Evidence shows that EBP improves the safety and the quality of healthcare, improves health outcomes, reduces healthcare costs, and reduces healthcare disparities (Boström, Sommerfeld, Stenhols & Kiessling, 2018).

Regarding the work-life of healthcare providers, EBP empowers healthcare providers and this leads to increased levels of job satisfaction. EBP successfully incorporated into the nursing culture of a healthcare organization leads to improved and better patient care and this possibly improves job satisfaction among the nursing staff (Salmond & Echevarria, 2017). In this manner, EBP helps healthcare systems to achieve the Quadruple Aim.  The Connection between EBP and Quadruple Aim Essay

For the population health and patient experience, the process of EBP allows healthcare providers to evaluate clinical guidelines, latest research, and other important sources of information as per the quality findings, and apply the finding in clinical practice ((Boström et al., 2018). For example, through evidence-based practice, healthcare providers examine the strength and quality of the evidence, and also the benefits and risks associated with some treatments and diagnostics tests. With such an approach, healthcare providers are able to envisage the benefits and risks associated with a particular intervention for a specific patient population. In addition, such an evidence-guided practice helps healthcare organizations to create a systematic approach to providing care to patients with specific health conditions (Lehky, Julen, Buchs, Kaufmann, Gaspoz & Verloo, 2019). Moreover, EBP is based on the latest research findings. The healthcare field is constantly undergoing changes and hence EBP ensures that healthcare providers are updated regarding the latest and best practice utilizing consistent, evidence-based practice. As a result, EBP provides an opportunity for the optimization of patient care and outcomes through the creation and leveraging of the appropriate tools, patient engagement skills, and culture during the care process (Lehky et al., 2019). This, for example, not only improves the quality of care and health outcomes but also leads to an improved patient experience. The Connection between EBP and Quadruple Aim Essay


Lastly, EBP informs healthcare leaders on decisions such as how to reduce healthcare costs and realize other changes throughout the organizational operations. The improvements brought about by evidence-based practice are effective in reducing healthcare costs (Black, Balneaves, Garossino, Puyat & Qian, 2015). EBP is associated with a better quality of care and healthcare outcomes; this is associated with direct benefits such as reduced complications and reduced length of hospital stay and thus reduced healthcare costs (Salmond & Echevarria, 2017). Another example is where EBP helps healthcare organizations to implement evidence-based interventions and changes that improve the quality of care that otherwise could result in significant healthcare costs. For example, reduced readmission rates, reduced return visits in the ED, and reduced rates of falls have been shown to significantly reduce healthcare costs. Therefore, implementation of EBP that addresses such aspects significantly decreases healthcare costs for both the patient and the organization at large (Lehane, Leahy-Warren, O’Riordan, Horgan, Hegarty, Corrigan, Burke, Hayes & Sahm, 2019).


Black, A. T., Balneaves, L. G., Garossino, C., Puyat, J. H., & Qian, H. (2015). Promoting evidence-based practice through a research training program for point-of-care clinicians. The Journal of nursing administration, 45(1), 14–20.

Boström A-M, Sommerfeld DK, Stenhols A & Kiessling A. (2018). Capability beliefs on, and use of evidence-based practice among four health professional and student groups in geriatric care: A cross-sectional study. PLoS ONE 13(2): e0192017.

Lehky Hagen, M., Julen, R., Buchs, P. A., Kaufmann, A. L., Gaspoz, J. M., & Verloo, H. (2019). Using a Triple Aim Approach to Implement “less-is-more Together” and Smarter Medicine Strategies in an Interprofessional Outpatient Setting: Protocol for an Observational Study. JMIR research protocols, 8(7), e13896.

Lehane E, Leahy-Warren P, O’Riordan C, Horgan F, Hegarty J, Corrigan M, Burke F, Hayes M, Sahm L. (2019). Evidence-based practice education for healthcare professions: an expert view. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, 1(24), 103-108.

Salmond, S. W., & Echevarria, M. (2017). Healthcare Transformation and Changing Roles for Nursing. Orthopedic nursing, 36(1), 12–25.  The Connection between EBP and Quadruple Aim Essay

Assignment: Evidence-Based Practice and the Quadruple Aim

Healthcare organizations continually seek to optimize healthcare performance. For years, this approach was a three-pronged one known as the Triple Aim, with efforts focused on improved population health, enhanced patient experience, and lower healthcare costs.

More recently, this approach has evolved to a Quadruple Aim by including a focus on improving the work life of healthcare providers. Each of these measures are impacted by decisions made at the organizational level, and organizations have increasingly turned to EBP to inform and justify these decisions.

To Prepare:

  • Read the articles by Sikka, Morath, & Leape (2015); Crabtree, Brennan, Davis, & Coyle (2016); and Kim et al. (2016) provided in the Resources.
  • Reflect on how EBP might impact (or not impact) the Quadruple Aim in healthcare.
  • Consider the impact that EBP may have on factors impacting these quadruple aim elements, such as preventable medical errors or healthcare delivery.

To Complete:

Write a brief analysis (no longer than 2 pages) of the connection between EBP and the Quadruple Aim.

Your analysis should address how EBP might (or might not) help reach the Quadruple Aim, including each of the four measures of:

  • Patient experience
  • Population health
  • Costs
  • Work life of healthcare providers

The Connection between EBP and Quadruple Aim Essay


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