Concept Exploration Essay Paper

Choose a theory from your undergraduate education in any discipline. It should be a commonly used theory for the general public such as Maslow, Darwin, Descartes, or others you used in physiology courses, chemistry, business courses, etc. Do not use a nursing theory. Provide the theory in your response. Identify the two concepts and the proposition between them. Explain the concepts. How might the terms used differ from the general use of the term? How might the term be confused or misinterpreted? Format your theory in the form “psychosocial development (Concept A) progresses through (Proposition) stages (Concept B)”.  Concept Exploration Essay Paper

Concept Exploration

The guiding pillars that guide nursing practice are frequently described in nursing theories. All relevant evidence-based therapies performed by nurses in the course of patient care are supposed to be theoretically sound. They are provided by conceptual frameworks, which are exclusively found in nursing theories. As a result, sound evidence-based practice, or EBP, is built on conceptual frameworks. In the same way that a lighthouse at sea guides, directs, and steers a ship, nursing theoretical principles guide, direct, and steer practice to avoid risks and blockages that may render treatments inefficient and ineffective. Nursing theories are classified into three categories, each with its own level of abstraction in terms of its concepts. According to Wayne (2020), all nursing theories will be grand theories, mid-range theories, or practice-level theories. The most abstract of the three are grand theories, whereas practice-level theories are the least abstract. Practice-level theories are straightforward and to the point, whereas middle-range theories are in the center and are the most common sort of nursing theory (Risjord, 2018). Some of the most well-known and frequently discussed nursing theorists are Environmental Theory, Transcultural Nursing (TCN) Theory, Self-Care Deficit Theory (SCDT), and the Theory of Human Caring by Watson (Alharbi & Baker, 2020; Gonzalo, 2019a; Gonzalo, 2019b; Pajnkihar et al., 2017; Borji et al., 2017). The purpose of this paper is to discuss a non-nursing theory with regard to its concepts and a related proposition.


Maslow’s Theory of Motivation

There are five basic needs that are involved in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. They dictate what the individual does in a bid to meet the needs that ensure their survival (Noltemeyer et al., 2020). This is a theory that originated from psychology but it is widely used in many disciplines today. The theory of motivation by Maslow states that:

  1. Human beings are motivated by a hierarchy of needs.
  2. Needs and wants are structured in a hierarchy of pre-potency, with more basic requirements (rather than all or nothing) having to be addressed before higher needs can be met.
  • The priority of requirements is not fixed; it might shift depending on external factors or individual differences.
  1. The majority of behavior is multi-motivated, which means it is motivated by numerous basic requirements at the same time.

Concepts and a Proposition

Concept A: Human beings feel hunger and require to feed constantly and every day so that they can fulfil this need. They also suffer from weather elements such as cold and heat and require clothing and shelter. These needs occur in a psychosocial sense and must be fulfilled.

Concept B: A person will engage in work so that they can earn “a living” that will enable them to meet their basic needs such as food, shelter, and clothing. These are the highest priority needs and are found at the base of the pyramid of needs by Abraham Maslow.  Concept Exploration Essay Paper

Proposition: There is a positive correlation between concept A and concept B in that the need for food, shelter, and clothing drives people to engage in economic activities that enable them to meet their basic needs.

The terms used might differ from the general use in that needs are essential for the survival of the human being as a species. They do not include wants in the context of this theory. Misinterpretation or confusion of the terms might occur between understanding of the words “needs” and “wants”.


Maslow’s theory of motivation is one that has been used across disciplines because it applies to all human beings. It has clear concepts and propositions that are tied to one another as demonstrated with the example above.


Alharbi, K.N., & Baker, O.G., (2020). Jean Watson’s middle range Theory of Human Caring: A critique. International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Scientific Research, 3(1), 1-14.

Borji, M., Otaghi, M. & Kazembeigi, S. (2017). The impact of Orem’s self-care model on the quality of life in patients with type II diabetes. Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, 10(1), 213-220,

Gonzalo, A. (2019a). Madeleine Leininger: Transcultural nursing theory.

Gonzalo, A. (2019b). Florence Nightingale: Environmental theory. Nurses Labs.,health%2C%20and%20that%20external%20factors

Noltemeyer, A., James, A.G., Bush, K., Bergen, D., Barrios, V., & Patton, J. (2020). The relationship between deficiency needs and growth needs: The continuing investigation of Maslow’s theory. Child & Youth Services, 1–19.

Pajnkihar, M., McKenna, H.P., Stiglic, G., & Vrbnjak, D. (2017). Fit for practice: Analysis and evaluation of Watson’s theory of human caring. Nursing Science Quarterly, 30(3).

Risjord, M. (2018). Middle-range theories as models: New criteria for analysis and evaluation. Nursing Philosophy, 1-10.

Wayne, G. (2020). Nursing theories and theorists. Nurses Labs.,%2C%20and%20practice%2Dlevel%20theory


The purpose of the Week 2 Discussion 1 question is to explore a common theory, identify the concepts and the proposition between them, and define the concepts.  By using a common theory that you explored in high school, you will have a basis to analyze a theory before we go into nursing theories.

What do we mean by concepts and prepositions? All theories are a prediction of events.  If A happens then B will happen.  There is a relationship between A and B.  The format for a theory is two nouns and a proposition.  Concept A is related (Proposition) to Concept B.  For example, you might use the theory presented in high school physical science that light bends when passing through different media.  Light is Concept A.  Different media is Concept B.  Bends when passing through is the proposition.  Notice that the definition of the concept “proposition” is different than the dictionary definition as authors on theory have used the term slightly differently than the dictionary definition.

Other examples:

  • Germs cause infection could be another example.  Germs (Concept A) cause (Proposition) infection (Concept B).
  • Moving this to nursing, we could say that turning patients (Concept A) reduce (Proposition) pressure sores (Concept B).

This would be a clinical theory easily measured with empirical evidence.   Next we will link these empirical concepts to middle range concepts and eventually the conceptual model concepts they represent.

For the purposes of these assignments, do not get fancy.  The key is learning to identify the concepts and what they mean. An example is the concept “care”.  Look carefully at how it is used in nursing theory.  At any one point in reading the term, does it mean the actual skills and procedures a nurse uses or does it mean the empathetic concern for another?  Read the meaning of words as used very carefully.

Assignment #1: You are asked to take one of the theories you use and identify 2 of the concepts in that theory and the proposition that connects them. Be sure to do the readings assigned

Assignment #2: Here you are being asked to develop your own little theory. Using a clinical situation that you have experienced, identify the concepts and proposition that connects them. This is your beginning theory – you will expand on this theory later this term.

Lastly: each assignment has to be supported by at least one scholarly reference and the article has to be within the past 5 years- NOT your textbook. Make sure you cite the reference accurately using APA, OK?

In this course I expect you all to be proficient with APA formatting by the end of the term as you are to achieve this goal before entering 563 and 600, therefore want to use your APA Manual 7th edition or and click on the APA icon to guide you on posting accurate references as you post each discussion board and write each paper. I do take of points for inaccurate APA .  Concept Exploration Essay Paper






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