Code Blue Scenario Essay Example

Code Blue Scenario


Code blue is n emergency situation in the hospital in which a patient is suspected of having gone into sudden cardiopulmonary arrest. Only quick action at resuscitation can save their life (Nurse Buff, 2015; Eroglu et al., 2014). In a code situation, I would feel bewildered especially if I were a new nurse and had not experienced such a situation before. However, if I were an experienced nurse, I would feel an adrenaline rush that would spur me into action to go and attend to the code as a responder.


Presently, I think I have what may describe as functional knowledge that can help me handle a code situation. So yes, I think I have knowledge that can help me handle a code from my basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) classes. However, I am aware that I still need further training in advanced life support or ALS to be more competent and knowledgeable at handling a code in the hospital setup.    Code Blue Scenario Essay Example


Yes, my answer to part one matched what the code team did in this scenario. Clearly, there was evidence from the video that each of the responders knew their roles, just as outlined in the clinical practice guidelines by the American Heart Association (Montgomery College, 2014). I could identify the first responders because they called for help, flattened the bed (head down), removed pillows, checked for the pulse, and started chest compressions. I could also identify from the video the second responder because she brought the e-cart and other emergency equipment. She also managed the airway with an ambu bag. From the video, also, the third responder turns on the defibrillator and shocks the pulseless patient. Earlier, another of the responders gently leads the patient’s relative out of the room and remains with her while offering psychosocial support. The fourth responder prepares IV fluids and emergency medications under the direction of the physician while a fifth responder enters documentation as the action unfolds (Montgomery College, 2014; Nurse Buff, 2015). In all, my answer to part 1 of the assignment matched what the Code Team did in the scenario in the video by Montgomery College.


The actions of the Code Team in this Montgomery College video did not differ from the answer I gave to part 1 of the assignment.


Everything in this scenario was done well. There is nothing that could have been done better than what the Code Team did. They followed the American Heart Association (AHA) protocols to the letter and everybody stuck to their role as is required. The evidence for this is that they were able to resuscitate the patient successfully and he got his pulse back (Montgomery College, 2014). Since my answers also reflect what was done in this scenario, it remains that they are indeed pertinent and require no change.


In the video scenario, the group did everything well. For now the only improvement needed is that maybe the next-of-kin should be removed from the scene faster than was done in this case. This is to prevent them from seeing the frenetic pace of resuscitation at the start that would leave them bewildered and shocked as to what could be happening to their loved one.  Code Blue Scenario Essay Example


In the video scenario, the key assessments and interventions were (i) assessment of the patent’s pulse, and (ii) commencement of chest compressions. These two are the deciding factors as to whether the patent lives or dies (Nurse Buff, 2015).



In the video scenario, I think there was effective delegation. This is because it appeared that each and every one of the Code Team members knew exactly what they were supposed to do. There did not seem to be any confusion at all. For instance, the female clinician standing next to the male responder giving chest compressions can be heard shouting out the emergency medications that the registered nurse needed to prepare.


In the video scenario, every person in the Code Team handled themselves well and I am of the opinion that the simulation could not have been handled differently or any better.


What I learnt from this simulation is that training is important in order to be able to handle emergency code situations appropriately. I have also learnt that constant practice and simulations or drills makes it easier for Code Team members and first responders to correctly handle emergency code situations.


Eroglu, S.E., Onur, O., Urgan, O., Denizbasi, A., & Akoglu, H. (2014). Blue code: Is it a real emergency? World Journal of Emergency Medicine, 5(1), 20-23. wjem.j.issn.1920–8642.2014.01.003

Montgomery College (2014, November 11). Nursing simulation scenario: Code blue [Video file]. YouTube.

Nurse Buff (2015). Code blue in hospital – What to do when it’s code blue.

PART 2 – CODE BLUE SCENARIO – due Feb. 22; no late assignments accepted.
In this part you will answer all questions presented.
First, have your submission to the first part handy. Now watch the short video:

Pay close attention to what is going on and then look at your answers to what happens in a code from Part I of this assignment.
Answer the following questions in paragraph form after each number. Please do not just answer with one word.
1. How would you feel in a code situation?
2. Do you think you have enough knowledge to handle a code?
3. Did your answer to part 1 of the assignment match what the Code Team did in this scenario?
4. If not, how did they differ?
5. What could have been done better in either your answers or in this scenario?
6. In the video scenario, what did the group do well? Any improvements?
7. In the video scenario, what were the key assessments and interventions?
8. In the video scenario, do you think there was effective use of delegation? Why or why not?
9. In the video scenario, could any person on the Code Team have handled any aspects of the simulation differently?
10. What did you learn from this simulation?

The answer to Part 1 of this SIM was that the patient exhibited FES or fat embolism syndrome. Fat particles can lead to an intense inflammatory response that is indistinguishable from ARDS. Fat embolization occurs following orthopedic trauma especially in long-bone, closed fractures. Presenting signs include tachypnea, tachycardia, fever and petechial rash. Risk factors are male, obesity, smoker, hypertension, previous fractures but not always. As a practicing nurse, I have had patients with FES on many occasions including a 14-year male who died sadly. Be familiar with this syndrome especially if you have a patient with a long-bone fracture—know the signs and symptoms. Early detection may help save a life.
Here is a good scholarly article on FES:  Code Blue Scenario Essay Example




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