Evidence-Based Implementation Project at Kingston Healthcare in California Essay


Stakeholder Support for Covid-19 Evidence-Based Implementation Project at Kingston Healthcare in California 

The implementation of change initiatives in the form of evidence-based intervention projects requires both support and resources. At the Kingston Healthcare in California, the implementation plan for the clinical practice problem of surging Covid-19 infections includes (i) to educate the patients and the community on the importance of continuing to practice preventative measures (physical distancing, wearing of face masks, and regular handwashing), (ii) to educate the patients and the community about the need for vaccination, (iii) to vaccinate all those at risk with one of the two available and approved Covid-19 vaccines, (iv) to monitor those who have been vaccinated for any signs of adverse events following immunization or AEFIs. Evidence-Based Implementation Project at Kingston Healthcare in California Essay

In order to do all this, support is required from all the stakeholders of Kingston Healthcare. This support is not only financial and material in nature, but also moral. This discussion paper is about seeking the support of both internal and external stakeholders for the implementation of the evidence-based change project for Covid-19 at Kingston Healthcare. Evidence-Based Implementation Project at Kingston Healthcare in California Essay

Internal Stakeholders 

Internal stakeholders at Kingston Healthcare whose support is invaluable for the successful implementation of the evidence-based change project include the healthcare staff (especially nurses), the management of the facility, and the engineering and technical department. For the nurses, it is important to get their buy-in so that they may believe in the change project and implement it fully (Malik et al., 2020). This requires pre-preparation in terms of training and education on preventive measures, self and patient protection through proper use of PPEs, and information on the vaccines and their safety. Nurses are arguably the most important internal stakeholders of all. This is because they are the actual implementers of the evidence-based interventions. They educate, vaccinate, and address all patient and community concerns. The management of the facility are the second most important internal stakeholders. This is because they are the ones to provide material and financial support needed to successfully implement the proposed project. They allocate a budget for the project and a timeline for completion. They are also the ones who delegate and assign the nurses as the human resource on what to do, where, how, and when. Lastly but not least are the staff in the engineering and maintenance department. These stakeholders are very important when it comes to the handling and storage of the Covid-19 vaccines. They are the ones who must make sure that the cold storage for the vaccines is within the prescribed limits for the vaccines to remain viable.


External Stakeholders

External stakeholders of Kingston Healthcare in the context of the implementation of the Covid-19 infection mitigation project include the surrounding community, the local health authorities, suppliers, well-wishers, and philanthropists. These provide support in one form or another. Suppliers must make sure that PPEs and other required materials such as vaccination syringes are delivered on time. They must also bring sufficient quantities of the vaccines at the right time and temperature. The local community must have conviction that the project is for their benefit and take advantage of the facility’s initiative. The local health authorities are invaluable in their logistical and technical support with regard to the supply and handling of the vaccines (FDA, 2020). Lastly but not least, well-wishers and philanthropists can provide financial support to the facility that will go a long way in easing the implementation of the project.

The support of stakeholders is crucial for the success of any project. Without stakeholder support, no project can succeed. To secure stakeholder support, Kingston Healthcare facility in California will call for stakeholder meetings to discuss the implementation of the project, write emails soliciting for support, and conduct sensitization campaigns and training for both internal (nurses) and external (community) stakeholders.


Malik, A.A., McFadden, S.A.M., Elharake, J., & Omer, S.B. (2020). Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in the US. The Lancet, 26(100495). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eclinm.2020.100495

US Food and Drug Administration [FDA] (December 29, 2020). Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine

Stakeholder support is necessary for a successful project implementation. Consider your internal stakeholders, such as the facility, unit, or health care setting where the change proposal is being considered, and your external stakeholders, like an individual or group outside the health care setting. Why is their support necessary to the success of your change proposal, and how you will go about securing that support?

Technology is integral to successful implementation in many projects, through either support or integration or both. Name at least one technology that could improve the implementation process and the outcomes of your capstone project change proposal. Do you plan to use this technology? If not, what are the barriers that prevent its use?  Evidence-Based Implementation Project at Kingston Healthcare in California Essay


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