Philosophy Of Nursing Essay

As a nurse, your philosophy of nursing is the cornerstone upon which you build your practice. The guiding principle informs every choice, from your care to your relationships with your patients. But what precisely is a nursing philosophy, and how can you create one that accurately reflects your principles and convictions?

What is philosophy of nursing essay

A philosophy of nursing essay is a piece of writing that discusses a nurse’s beliefs and values about their role as a healthcare provider. It allows nurses to consider their past experiences, question their presumptions, and state their core values.

Nurses could share their opinions on the nature of health and illness, the function of the nurse-patient relationship, the value of compassion and empathy, and the moral and ethical nursing duties in the philosophy of nursing essay. They might refer to their own experiences, nursing theory, and study to bolster their claims.

A strong philosophy of nursing essay can be used for introspection and career advancement. Sharing a nurse’s values and principles with coworkers, patients, and other healthcare stakeholders can also be helpful. By outlining their nursing philosophy, nurses can give their practice a sense of direction and purpose and support the ongoing advancement of the nursing profession.

Different types of nursing philosophy

Nursing philosophy comes in various forms, each with its distinctive viewpoint on the nature of nursing and the nurse’s role. Here are a few examples:


This school of thought strongly emphasizes the value of using the scientific method and evidence-based practice in nursing. Nurses who follow an empirical philosophy think basing interventions on the most recent research and data is the best way to deliver high-quality care.


The nurse-patient relationship is highly valued in the humanistic nursing philosophy. According to nurses who adhere to this philosophy, providing clinical interventions and treating patients with respect, empathy, and compassion are equally crucial.


The pragmatic nursing philosophy prioritizes practical, in-the-real-world solutions to healthcare challenges. Those nurses who adhere to this philosophy concentrate on identifying new ways to deliver care that will improve patient outcomes.


The philosophy of existential nursing strongly emphasizes the value of personal experience and the creation of meaning in the nursing field. Nurses who adhere to this philosophy respect each patient’s viewpoints and values and work to enable patients to discover their sense of purpose and meaning in life.

These are only a few of the numerous varieties of nursing philosophy. Each philosophy has its advantages and disadvantages, and nurses may decide to incorporate parts of several philosophies into their work. Any nursing philosophy should aim to direct nurses to give their patients the best care possible.

Four components of nursing philosophy

The four components of nursing philosophy are:


The patient or the person getting care is called the “person” in nursing philosophy. Nurses see patients as individuals with ideas, sentiments, and life experiences. Patient-centered care, which necessitates attending to the patient’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, is given priority by nurses.


The environment component of nursing philosophy refers to the physical and social context in which care is provided. Nurses work to provide a safe, encouraging, and healing environment for their patients because they know that the environment can significantly impact a patient’s wellbeing.


The patient’s total wellbeing is referred to in the nursing philosophy’s section on health. Nurses see health as a comprehensive concept that includes mental, emotional, and spiritual components. They aim to promote health and prevent illness through education, prevention, and early intervention.


The nurse’s role in providing care is discussed in the nursing portion of the nursing philosophy. Nursing professionals see themselves as advocates, caregivers, educators, and leaders. They try to offer high-quality, scientifically sound care that respects the patient’s autonomy and is patient-centered and culturally sensitive.

Nurses can better understand their role in delivering care and be better prepared to meet the needs of their patients by taking into account these four components of nursing philosophy.


Nursing philosophy paper outline

Here is a possible outline for a philosophy of nursing essay:

1) Introduction

  • Background information on the paper’s goal should be provided.
  • Explain nursing philosophy and its significance in nursing practice.
  • List briefly the key points that will be covered in the paper.

11) Person component

  • Explain the nursing philosophy’s human element.
  • Talk about the value of patient-centred care.
  • Illustrate how nurses can attend to patients’ physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

III. Environment component

  • Explain the environmental part of nursing philosophy.
  • Explain the significance of providing patients with a secure and encouraging environment.
  • Provide examples of how nurses can encourage healing through their surroundings.

IV) Health component

  • Describe the nursing philosophy’s focus on health.
  • Talk about the holistic approach to health and wellness.
  • Provide instances of how nurses may encourage wellness and ward off disease through education, prevention, and early intervention.

V) Nursing component

What do you mean by the nursing part of nursing philosophy?

Provide examples of how nurses can deliver high-quality, evidence-based care that is patient-centered, culturally aware, and respectful of patient autonomy. Explain the nurse’s role as an advocate, caregiver, educator, and leader.

VI) Conclusion

  • Describe the paper’s main ideas in brief.
  • Describe how nursing philosophy influences nursing practice.
  • Final comments on the subject

This outline can be modified to meet the specific requirements of the nursing philosophy paper. It gives the paper’s core ideas and supplementary information a coherent structure.

How to write philosophy of nursing essay

Writing a philosophy of nursing essay involves reflecting on your beliefs and values as they relate to nursing. Here are some guidelines for writing an essay about nursing philosophy:

1) Start by generating ideas

Consider your professional experiences and the components of nursing that, in your opinion, are most crucial. Think about how the four pillars of nursing philosophy—person, environment, health, and nursing—relate to your personal principles.

2) Write a thesis statement

Your essay’s thesis statement should concisely summarize your general nursing philosophy and give it a clear focus. It ought to be clear, concise, and targeted.

3) Provide some background

Define nursing philosophy and explain its significance to nursing. Provide some background to your personal philosophy by outlining the influences on your beliefs.

4) Describe your philosophy

Compare and contrast your personal beliefs with each of the four pillars of nursing philosophy. To bolster your arguments, include precise examples from your professional experience as a nurse.

5) Handle potential issues

Recognize any issues or conflicts arising from putting your ideology into reality. Talk about how you would overcome these obstacles, remain true to your ideals, and still deliver excellent treatment.

6) Conclusion

Describe your nursing philosophy and how it influences your practice. Give the reader one last idea or call to action.

Always remember to write in plain, simple English and avoid jargon or other technical phrases that the reader could find confusing. Be sincere and genuine in your writing, and back up your points with concrete examples. These guidelines will help you create an insightful and persuading essay on my philosophy of nursing that reflects your values and ideas.

Philosophy of nursing essay writing services

Our philosophy of nursing essay writing services is intended to assist nursing professionals and students create engaging essays that capture their unique values and ideas. Our staff of seasoned writers and editors has an in-depth understanding of the nursing field. It can offer professional advice on how to write a strong philosophy of nursing essay.

You can expect the following when you use our philosophy of nursing essay writing services:

1) Bespoke essays: Our writers will collaborate with you to comprehend your individual nursing philosophy and create an essay that reflects your values and opinions.

2) Professional writing: Since our writers’ extensive experience in academic writing, you can trust that your essay will be well-written, short, and clear.

3) Editing and proofreading: Our editors will check your essay to ensure no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation mistakes.

4) Delivery on time: We know that meeting deadlines is crucial. Thus, we will cooperate with you to finish your essay on time.

5) Confidentiality: We respect your right to privacy and will keep the content of your essay and your personal information private.

We take great satisfaction in offering high-quality philosophy of nursing ppt services tailored to each client’s needs. Our philosophy of nursing essay writing services can help you develop a fascinating and successful essay that expresses your beliefs and values, regardless of whether you are a nursing student or a professional.

Final word

We understand the significance of a well-developed personal philosophy of nursing college essay. We know that nurses can give their patients great care when they are committed to their values and clear about their purpose. We have put together this guide to help you develop a nursing philosophy that will set you apart from the competition.

Our philosophy of nursing essay writing services is to assist nursing professionals and students in creating excellent essays representing their unique values and beliefs. Our services are available to help you make an engaging and successful philosophy of nursing essay.

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