Literature Review Discussion Paper

Literature Review

What challenges are experienced when preparing your literature review? What information, help or resources would be helpful for you at this point in the process?

Preparation of the literature review presented some challenges. The first challenge is that it is no easy to concentrate on the text details. The attention span is not perfect and it is increasingly difficult to continue concentrating on extended literature. The loss of concentration over time results in some of the important details being left out. Literature Review Discussion Paper This challenge is addressed by analyzing the state of concentration and using triggers to improve concentration and eliminate annoying factors. The second challenge is that some of the databases searched do not show relevant results. This is especially the case for Google search that is not particularly accurate as it presents excessive information amounts that make it difficult to point out the worthy references and relevant results. This challenge is addressed by conducting searches in multiple databases, and refining the search using Boolean operators. Addressing this challenge makes extensive use of library resources (Harvey & Land, 2017). Literature Review Discussion Paper


The third challenge was how to sort the information. Even with the most refined and advanced search techniques, there are still a lot of redundant results that must be sorted out. This challenge is addressed by ensuring that the search identifies fundamental sources that provide peer reviewed evidence on the selected topic. The sources should move from a general direction towards a particular, more specific direction. Also, the authors should have significant scientific authority on the topic with their qualifications well enumerated. The final challenge is how to balance between fundamental, provocative and modern information sources. There is a need to maintain the proper balance between past and current evidence that contribute to the topic. This challenge is addressed by maintaining an equal balanced ratio of fundamental, provocative and modern works (Schmidt & Brown, 2019).


Harvey, M., & Land, L. (2017). Research methods for nurses and midwives: theory and practice. SAGE Publications, Inc.

Schmidt, N., & Brown, J. (2019). Evidence-based practice for nurses: appraisal and application of research (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.

Literature Review Discussion Paper

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