Personal Philosophy of Nursing Discussion Paper

The values that are important to me are safety, respect and honesty.
I have been a labor and delivery nurse for over 20 years. I sm enrolled in an FNP course and my long term goal is to be a provider for people with special needs. Please see the following instructions:

Your Personal Philosophy of Nursing

The purpose of this section is for you to describe YOUR perspective and beliefs of nursing. You should spend some time pondering what your philosophy is prior to attempting to write this section.

Here are some questions to guide your pondering:

What are the values you believe to be important in society?
How do these values relate to your nursing practice? (Note: Practice may be defined in any form such as clinical, education, leadership, etc.)
This section should include:

An introduction.
A description of your values and how they are related to nursing.
An explanation of how your philosophy drives your practice or influences the decisions you make in practice.
If and how you see your personal nursing philosophy changing in the future.
A brief summary and any final thoughts.
This section should be 1 page (1.5 pages is the absolute max). This does not include the title page or references. References are NOT required, but as in any scholarly work, you should cite if appropriate.  Personal Philosophy of Nursing Discussion Paper

Although it is not generally recommended to write a paper in first person, for this paper, it is acceptable.

Personal Philosophy of Nursing

My perception of nursing is that it is a calling to serve. No individual would effectively serve others as a nurse unless service to others is the overriding motivation. The nursing profession has been perennially plagued with staffing shortages and service restrictions on what nurses can and cannot do in the practice environment. For those who do not feel the calling, it would be easy to change/leave the profession (Finkelman, 2019).


Personal values related to nursing

As a nurse, I have practiced for more than 20 years. During that time, I have experienced many highs and lows in my profession. There were times when I would consider leaving the profession, but I would speedily leave such thoughts behind upon thinking of the many patients who need my professional help. As an individual who has witnessed and experienced many changes in the nursing profession over the last two decades, I believe that my personal values allowed me to remain steadfast in the profession. I consider myself a honest and respectful individual concerned with safety. These values have enabled me to have meaningful interactions with patients with the result being improved care delivery and outcomes.

Philosophy driving practice

My philosophy of service to others is resultant from my perception of God’s purpose for my life. I consider myself a religious individual who is keen on fulfilling the purpose for which God created me. The overarching message in my religion is that ‘love’ comes first. Within the nursing profession, I interpret love as serving others fairly and judiciously. This philosophy has enabled me to steadfastly practice as a nurse, and pursue the present education program in order to improving my professional knowledge, competence, skills and capacity as a nurse. I do not see my philosophy changing as I am determined to fulfil God’s purpose for my life. Besides that, patients constitute a vulnerable group and having a caring nurse would be important for ensuring that their nursing care needs are identified and met.


Being a nurse is a challenge if we consider the existing staffing shortages and service restrictions. But even with these challenges, nursing can still be considered as an opportunity to serve others. This is especially important when it is considered that patients are a vulnerable group who need nurses to identify and meet their care needs. Still, it is important to improve the capacity to serve others by undergoing training to improve professional knowledge, competence and skills.


Finkelman, A. (2019). Professional Nursing Concepts: Competencies for Quality Leadership (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.          Personal Philosophy of Nursing Discussion Paper

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