How to Writing an Imaginative Essay

How to Writing an Imaginative Essay

Essay became a part of your daily dealings when you join a college. There are a number of essays and an imaginative essay is among those that you are required to write as part of the course fulfillment. An imaginative essay sounds like a walk-in-the-park essay yet a little bit tricky.

Mixing up ideas or settling on a topic that is not either relatable are among the tasks that come with this factitious essay. Our team has compiled some nuggets on how to write an outstanding imaginative essay.

What is an imaginative essay?

In the simple description of the word imagery and imagination, this means that they could be something that has not been established, it is fiction or it exists only in the imagination. This gives us a direct definition of an imaginative essay to be an essay based on imaginative ideas that only exist in the minds.

How to start writing imaginative essays

Writing an imaginative essay may sound fun but if you do not take enough time to prepare adequately, you might miss the whole idea. Who wants to lose marks on a simple assignment like writing an imaginative essay? Definitely not you.

Before penning down your imaginary thoughts on the essay people. There are a number of guidelines that should guide your writing. Below are some of the guidelines that we thought would come in handy as far as your imaginative essay.

  1. Choice of a topic

This is the most crucial part of your essay writing. A poorly chosen topic, a poorly written essay, and vice versa. Your choice of topic determines your content and its richness. It is important to choose a topic close to your heart or one of your fantasies. This will fuel your content and the creativity that will come with it. Settle a topic that inspires you.

  1. Research

After settling on a topic of your choice, do an imaginative reenact to create a coherent story in your mind.

  1. Be authentic

Creating your own story is important. Ensure that your story is not copy pasted from any platform. This is why it is important to research. Create your own imaginative story, it’s fiction, right? Come up with an idea that is authentic for you.

  1. Draft the story

Drafting your story will help you in piecing all the ideas together. Make the story seamless so that a reader can dive into your world and understand the story. The most important aspect is to keep the drafted content in the essay format. Try as many ideas as you can within your choice of topic till you are satisfied with the outcome.

  1. Be mindful if parts of speech

This is a kind of narrative, while incorporating the characters in your story remember not to use indirect speeches. This will help in shortening your story while maintaining the plot.

  1. Stick to the same idea

Veering off from an idea is something that is very common in imaginative writing. Be sure to stick to the same idea. This will help you create a thesis statement and communicate the original idea. Your ideas should be flawless.

  1. Ready set go

With the guidelines, you are now set to write your imaginative essay. Stay on course. After writing seek other friend’s opinions. Read out loud to understand the idea of your essay and to help with the grammatical corrections.

Characteristics of imaginative writing

In as much as imaginative writing is free and depends on your creativity as a writer, there are some aspects that must be considered during writing. To have good and quality writing, your essay must be:

  1. Correct and relatable – Pick a topic that is relatable. This will trigger the reader to find out more.
  2. Flow – There should be a seamless flow in your story.
  3. Present some emotions – Presenting some emotions in the writing makes it relatable to the reader.
  4. Message – Your creativity must have a particular focus. A story you are trying to portray.

Introduction to an imaginative essay

Your introduction can either sell you out or can mislead you. This is your entry point and so you want it to not only capture your reader’s attention but also make her want to read more of the story. Remember this is your imaginative story and you want to introduce the reader to your imagination. Do not forget about the background of your imaginative essay.

We have a checklist that we thought must feature in your introduction:

  1. Introduce your imagination topic – you need to bring the reader to attention what you are about to write.
  2. Make the introduction formal – this is imaginative writing and so your creativity is at stake here. Be creative as you can.
  3. Define your stand – What is your opinion on the essay or the topic you are writing? Make your stand and opinion known.
  4. Create a hooky thesis statement. Keep the reader gazing at the next experience.

With the above knowledge, we hope you are able to write an outstanding introduction that will earn your essay the distinction mark. If you need a hand do not hesitate to reach out.

Body for an imaginative essay

This is the part that contains the main story. It is important to know that the academic structure of the essay must still be kept in play. Every paragraph should not only present a new story within the topic but should also establish your opinion.

The body structure of the story should be able to lead the reader to the final part of the paper which is the conclusion. At the beginning of every paragraph in the body, the first sentence should be the thesis statement. Below are some of the important parts that should be included in the body:

  1. There should be a seamless flow of the content
  2. Each paragraph should support your side of the argument
  3. Each paragraph should be linked to the other.
  4. Give enough proof and evidence to your arguments if any.

Conclusion for an imaginative essay?

This is the last part of your imaginative essay writing. Restate the topic statement. Establish your opinion so strongly. Here is not the place to introduce another idea that was not discussed initially. After the summary, be sure to leave the reader in want to read more about your submission. Provoke the reader with a question.

Imaginative Essay topics

  1. Does magic exist? Why do you believe so?
  2. What are pencils made of?
  3. What is your belief in aliens?
  4. The trip to Pluto
  5. A Letter to Barrack Obama
  6. A stay at the top of Mount Everest
  7. Rename your city. Why would you settle on that name
  8. One week stay with the sharks

Above are some of the essay topics. Our team of writers is at your beck and call in case you need to explore more on the imaginative essay topics examples and help you in writing an outstanding essay.

Take home

A creative or imaginative essay is among the essay you will b required to write a student. It takes the normal format of an essay with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. This essay tests your creativity, the coherence of your creativity, the flow, and the message presentation of the essay. It is evident that the choice of topic is also important in imaginative writing.

Do you have an imaginative essay assignment and would like a helping hand? Reach out to a team who will not only write your essay but will ensure its authenticity is validated, with free proofreading and editing, a free anti-plagiarism checker, and at an affordable price.

Would you like to see some of our work? Well, click on the sample imaginative essay to see some of our writer’s works. Reach out to to our 24/7 available team.

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