Slowing Down Global Warming Essay Paper

Slowing Down Global Warming Essay Paper

Slowing Down Global Warming

Reputable scientific studies continue to show that the Earth is warming at an unsustainable rate because of a rise in the release of CO2 and methane gases. Reflect on your daily life. How may the rise of these gases influence how you live your life? What steps can you take to cut down the amount of these gases released into the atmosphere?


Slowing down global warming

Defined as the steady increase in global temperatures over the long term, the notion of global warming is worrying. In fact, the earth has experienced the largest increase in global temperatures over the last century, with forecasting models showing that the temperature will increase by 10oF over the next century. While global warming is worrying, scientific studies show that it is caused by air pollutants (such as methane, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses) that aggregate in the atmosphere and trap solar radiation that that is reflected off the earth’s surface. The trapped radiation would have otherwise escaped outside the earth’s atmosphere. Once trapped, the radiation has a cumulative effect that results in a global rise in temperature (Casper, 2010).

As earlier indicated, global warming is caused by greenhouse gases that trap solar radiation in the atmosphere. It is not surprising that global warming has become a concern following the high dependence on fossil fuels as an energy source. In this case, running machinery through burning fossil fuels releases approximately eight billion tons of carbon dioxide in the USA alone. This includes two billion tons of carbon dioxide from electricity generation, and 1.7 tons from the transport sector. The implication is that the issue of global warming is best addressed through controlling the use of energy sources that rely on fossil fuels. This means minimizing the use of coal and petroleum generated electricity (such as switching off lights and equipment when not in use at home). In addition, using petroleum driven vehicles should be minimized by sharing rides, cycling, and walking so that vehicles are only used when absolutely necessary. In addition, it would be preferable to use alternative energy sources such as solar and wind power that do not produce greenhouse gases (Ward, 2016). In this respect, global warming is a concern that is caused by human activity that produces greenhouse gases and is best addressed through deliberate activities that minimize the amount of gases that are emitted.


Casper, J. K. (2010). Greenhouse gases: worldwide impacts. New York, NY: Infobase Publishing.

Ward, P. L. (2016). What really causes global warming? greenhouse gases or ozone depletion? New York, NY: Morgan James Publishing.    Slowing Down Global Warming Essay Paper

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