Promoting Nutrition in Older Adults Example Paper

Promoting Nutrition in Older Adults Example Paper

To Prepare.
• Review the Writing Resources and Program Success Tools.
• Review this week’s Writing Resources and Program Success Tools.
• Using the Nursing Databases in the Walden Library, seek out a professional article that was published within the past 5 years pertaining to one of the three Discussion options below. Some topics to look for might include:
o Nutrition and age groups
o Abdominal differences
o Reaching a higher level of care
o Health promotion and patient centered care
o Ethics
o Population health
• From the article, pick out three important key points or “take-a-ways.” Be sure to cite and reference the professional article selected along with other sources of evidence.

Post a substantive response (at least 350 words) to one of the following options. Be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations. Utilize essay-level writing practice and skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames. Use the writing resources and the Discussion Rubric to develop your post.

Option One:
• In the text, you read about the various types of nutritional assessments that can be utilized during the health history and assessment process. From a professional article you selected, describe one effective nutritional assessment that can be used specifically for an older individual in outpatient care clinics, hospitals, or long-term facilities.
Option Two:
• As older adults live longer, they may have more than one chronic disease. Or, they may have a health problem that can lead to another condition or injury if not properly managed. The older adult requires careful nutritional management to ensure proper care and improve or maintain quality of life. From the professional article you selected, describe the unique nutritional needs of this population.
Option Three:
• With the rapid population increase of older adults and the surge in online health information, efforts targeted at older adults and their health literacy are both relevant and crucial to promoting and supporting overall health. From the professional article you selected, describe effective nurse strategies aimed to improving the health literacy of this population. Promoting Nutrition in Older Adults Example Paper

Promoting nutrition in older adults


Option Three

Chesser et al. (2016) acknowledges that health literacy plays an important role in nutritional outcomes among adult populations. In fact, it notes that although cost and availability plays a significant role in nutritional outcomes, the significance of nutritional literacy cannot be overestimated. That is because health literacy is concerned with reading, comprehension, numeracy and the capacity to make appropriate decisions on what and when to eat. Cha et al. (2014) adds to the discussion by noting that adult populations with low health literacy levels will report correspondingly low nutritional awareness and outcomes with the reverse being equally true. This awareness highlights the need for nursing personnel to improve health literacy levels among adult populations. This is achieved through three strategies. The first strategy is the use of low literacy intervention strategy that focus on simplifying the health education material in a less threatening manner to improve comprehension among adult population. Simplifying the education material makes it easier to understand while presenting it in a less threatening manner makes them more receptive (Cha et al., 2014). The second strategy entails raising awareness about the significance of food label use, especially among adult populations who consume packaged foods. This strategy focuses on changing their perception about reading food labels and encourages them to evaluate nutritive values as presented in labels for pre-packaged foods. The final strategy is to create nutritional discussion forums that are moderated by nursing personnel. The discussion forums should be in settings that are affordable and easily accessible to adult populations. The three strategies advocate for the use of pictorial images, teach-back method and plain language that allow for better learning recollection. The strategies are applied with the expectation that the targeted population will use the acquired information to better self-manage their nutrition (Resnick, 2016). In this respect, improving health literacy among adult populations predicts better nutrition quality that improves health behaviors and outcomes through effectively increasing skills and knowledge for informed decision-making concerning healthy food choices.


Cha, E S., Kim, K. H., Lerner, H. M., Dawkins, C. R., Bello, M. K., Umpierrez, G. & Dunbar, S. B. (2014). Health literacy, self-efficacy, food label use, and diet in young adults. Am J Health Behav., 38(3), 331–339. doi: 10.5993/AJHB.38.3.2

Chesser, A. K., Woods, N. K., Smothers, K. & Rogers, N. (2016). Health literacy and older adults: a systematic review. Gerontol Geriatr Med. 2, 2333721416630492. doi: 10.1177/2333721416630492

Resnick, B. (Ed.). (2016). Geriatric nursing review syllabus: a core curriculum in advanced practice geriatric nursing (5th ed.). New York, NY: American Geriatrics Society.  Promoting Nutrition in Older Adults Example Paper

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