Adolescents Essay Paper

Adolescents Essay Paper

What did you notice about how the group leaders began and ended the group? How did the group respond?

There are noticeable features in the way in which the group leaders began and ended the group session. The group session began with personal introductions in which the group leaders introduced themselves and the purpose of the group session. The group members were also offered an opportunity to introduce themselves. The introduction acts as an ‘ice breakers to improve familiarity so that the group members feel closer to each other, are inclined to open up and share why they are in the group. Through the introduction and addressing each person by name, the relationship between the group members is improved. The group session ended with a conclusion on the main discussion for the session, with the members identifying as either roses or tulips. The conclusion ensures that the group members leave the session with a resolution and will be able to attend the next session without a pending issue from a previous session (Wheeler, 2014).

How much did the group leaders remain \”centralized\”( directive, talking) and how much did they work to be \”decentralized \” (encouraging the group to share with the group, discuss among themselves, etc.).

The group leaders applied both centralized and decentralized approaches. They applied centralized approaches to direct the discussion and introduce what the group would be addressing at the session. Adolescents Essay Paper  They applied decentralized approaches when encouraging the group members to present their opinions on whether they were roses or tulips, and justifying their selections (Thompson, 2016).


How well did the two group leaders work together? What specifically did you notice?

The group leaders had a synergistic relationship. They supported each other to achieve the objectives of the group session. In addition, they appeared to consult each other when making group directives and talking with the members. For instance, Segrist appears to look towards Delucia-Waack when making group directives, an indication of seeking opinion (Thompson, 2016).

What specific strategies did you observer the group leaders use to lead the group?

The group leaders used unique strategies to lead the group. Firstly, the group was not centered on the leaders thus allowing the power of the whole group to be used in the discussion. Secondly, confrontation was used to challenge defenses and incite the group members into expressing their opinions. Confrontation was particularly used to address resistance when the members expressed defense against self-examination. Thirdly, conversation was used to express opinions and reduce opportunities for disruptions (Wheeler, 2014).

What issues emerged in the group that might be common to those with substance use and/or mental health disorder?

Resistance emerged as an issue in the group session. In this case, the group members present defenses to protect themselves from self-examination. This was particularly so when they impeded the open expression of their feelings and thoughts thereby threatening to block the group progress. Resistance typically occurs among persons with substance use and/or mental health disorder. The resistance arises as an unconscious defense to protect the individual from the pain of self-examination. The resistance makes it difficult for the group members to express themselves, thereby impeding open expression of feelings and thoughts, while also blocking the progress of the group and individuals (Wheeler, 2014).

What strategies did they use that you could adopt to work with adolescents in a group?

The group session used two strategies that are suitable for working with adolescents. The two strategies are creating dialogue and communication. These strategies can help in getting adolescents to open up during therapy and participate in talk therapy with a focus on collecting information that helps in directing treatment. The strategies also help in addressing resistance when the group members seek to protect themselves against the pain of self-examination. Creating dialogue and communication addresses the resistance through getting them to open up (Wheeler, 2014).


Thompson, R. (2016). Counseling techniques: improving relationships with others, ourselves, our families, and our environments (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Wheeler, K. (Eds.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.  Adolescents Essay Paper

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