Heath Information Management Essay Paper

Heath Information Management Essay Paper

Analyze these survey results and summarize what a healthcare administrator can learn from these results?

The survey results report important trends about information needs of customers across the healthcare continuum. Firstly, they show that the patient portal is only moderately used because of difficulties navigating the portal, lack of internet access, and personal preference. Heath Information Management Essay Paper  Secondly, they show that although most patients are satisfied with the information provided, some of them are unsatisfied. Finally, they show that patients are unsatisfied with the speed with which some of the health information is provided.

What needs improvement?

The analysis reveals four areas that need improvement. Firstly, patients should have access to their login information. Secondly, training on how to use the patient portal should be more comprehensive. Thirdly, access to health information should be improved. Finally, speed at which health information is available should be improved with a focus on laboratory results, appointment information, discharge instructions, medical information/side effects, and disease prevention.


What seems to be the biggest needs of these healthcare consumers?

The biggest need of the health care consumers is training on how to use the patient portal. That is because only 50% of them rate the training as unsatisfactory while there remaining 50% consider it unsatisfactory. Further analysis reveals that 16% of them consider the training excellent, meaning that it does not require any improvement. The implication is that the remaining 84% of consumers think that the training could do with some improvement. As such, there is a greater need (at 84%) for the patient portal training to be improved.

What would you do first to improve some of the areas that seem to be unsatisfactory to customers?

The first area of improvement should be patient portal training. This is based on three reasons. Firstly, this would result in material improvement as more patients’ will become familiar with the portals thereby allowing the facility to leverage them for better care delivery. Making the improvement will achieve actual results. Secondly, the improvement does not attract a considerable cost since training is already being provided and the improvement would only focus on making the training material more comprehensive. Thirdly, consumers will be able to tell if the training is improved thus increasing their satisfaction levels. Finally, the improvement can be successfully executed since it is not complicated, the process can be reasonably systemized, and there are personnel who deeply understand how to improve the training (Murray, 2017; Voehl & Harrington, 2016). In this respect, improving training should be prioritized.


Murray, E. (2017). Nursing Leadership and Management: For Patient Safety and Quality Care. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company.

Voehl, F. & Harrington, J. (2016). Change management: manage the change or it will manage you. Boca Raton, CRC Press.  Heath Information Management Essay Paper

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