A Challenge Facing Healthcare System In The UAE Essay

A Challenge Facing Healthcare System In The UAE Essay

Mental disorders affect around 450 million individuals around the world placing it on one of the most common reasons of illness in the modern time (World Health Organization, 2001). Studies show that treatments to such disorders are available but about two-thirds of patients do not seek help or treatments from doctors due to fear of stigma, discrimination or being neglected (World Health Organisation,2001).A Challenge Facing Healthcare System In The UAE Essay.

Mental disorders are considered disorders that affect the way an individual thinks, behaves, feels or a combination of these three factors (Parekh,2018). They are caused by physical, physiological, social and environmental causes. Physical causes include misuse of drugs, excessive alcohol consumption, vitamins deficiency or a form of physical injury that builds up to contribute to a mental disorder (Link, Phelan, Bresnahan, Stueve &Pescosolido,1999). Physiological reasons include enduring traumatic events that are current or in the past such as forms of abuse or a life changing events that effect the patient’s emotional state of mind, such as divorce or losing a loved one (Link, Phelan, Bresnahan, Stueve &Pescosolido,1999).

The factors around the individual such as family, social status, employment status are also one of the reasons that may lead to mental illness. For example, high expectations from the society that are above the tolerance of the patient can make them feel pressured to the point of exhaustion and mind instability. Difficulties in such aspects or imbalance in them may pressure the individual’s mental health and cause mental illnesses (Link, Phelan, Bresnahan, Stueve &Pescosolido,1999). The field of mental health services has been introduced in the UAE by the mid 1970’s, and since then it has spread and developed within the seven Emirates (Sayed,2015). (Haque & Kindi, 2015) state that the health field within the UAE is developing by time but the development rate is limited due to the misconception locals and people from the middle-east have towards seeking help from professionals on their mental health problems.

Many reasons that are social and religious prevent people in the UAE from going to a psychiatrist. People who are considered mentally ill have to live with social stigma as it is seen as a factor that makes the individual devalued and be treated like an outcast (Azhar et Al. , 2015). A Challenge Facing Healthcare System In The UAE Essay.People that are mentally ill are more likely to be discriminated when seeking for employment opportunities as employers think that they might be dangerous or can act unpredictably. They also have less chances in managing social relationships due to the perspective the society has towards them (Azhar et Al. , 2015). There is a common paradigm in the gulf or between Arabs in general that an individual that is mentally ill does not have strong faith and that leads people to go to a “Mattawa” which is a religious man that uses nonmedical techniques using the Quran or traditional medicine to cure patients by driving the “evil eye” or “evil spirits” away (Sayed,2015). Such phenomena are traditionally believed to take over a person’s life or body and lead them to become mentally ill (Sayed, 2015). Traditional ways of treating patients have limited research.

To the majority of the society, admitting to being mentally ill is a weakness. The United Arab Emirates is a Muslim country and its people follow their religion closely, but there is no specific instructions in the Quran that state anything about mental health, but it is stated ‘There is no blame on the blind, nor is there blame on the lame, nor is there blame on the sick’ (Al-Fath 48: 17). Mattawas and traditional healers in general do not have any interaction with psychiatrists, so getting them involved in the treatment may reduce the stigma in the society (Sweilam, Watson, Kassem, Clifton, McDonald, Lipski, Deshpande, Mansour, Nimgaonkar, 2014). A Challenge Facing Healthcare System In The UAE Essay.

Mattawas are the first solution people see when their mental illness symptoms appear. They can be used an effective solution by raising awareness about the importance of seeking help from professionals and send the society the message that there is no shame in getting treated. Another way stigma towards mental illness can be reduced is by showing families how important their support is and can have an effect on the trip to treatment. A survey made in Egypt, which is an Arab country that shares many similarities in tradition and belief with the United Arab Emirates, about a study in the area of psychiatric stigma towards mental illnesses and alcohol abuse and in one of the surveys the Egyptian gave responses that considered that social and environmental support is the most efficient way to overcome these illnesses (Coker, 2005).

In conclusion, the healthcare system is facing many factors that impede development in many ways in the treatment of the mentally ill in the UAE, and the most common factors are stigma, social environment and religious beliefs. Nowadays, many people are aware about what mental health is and what it can do when it is not stable therefore the demands for mental health services has increased enormously according to the number of people that have attended the UAE University counseling asking for therapeutical help compared to the number of people 4 years ago (Sayed, 2015).


Challenges Facing UAE Health Care System UAE Health Care System Strategy Achievement is not coming easily. Achievements require energy as well as a good plan and strategy to can achieve it successfully that is what United Arab Emirates (UAE) health care system did.A Challenge Facing Healthcare System In The UAE Essay.  The ambition of the UAE health care system to become one of the favorite destinations for local patients and a center for international medical tourists need high quality and cost-effective procedure and treatment, that is what makes UAE put long-term strategy to achieve this aspiration (WHO, 2009). In order to support the health care system, the UAE government increasingly focused its effort to attract unique high-level health care providers to the UAE. However, despite the strong support of the UAE government, health care providers, still facing major challenges to grow and operate in the UAE (Eid. n.d). There are many challenges faced UAE health care system, but the government and the health care system reject Surrender and still confront challenges without fatigue or boredom from its side. Standardization Across Country One of the great challenges was facing health care development is the lack of standardization of instructions and regulations across the country, also the various stages of health care development in each emirate (Deloitte & Touche, 2011). These challenges formed a huge obstacle in front the development of the health care system. Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC), Dubai Health Authority (DHA), Authority of Abu Dhabi (HADD), and The Ministry of Health are examples of the various regulatory bodies that regulate and supervise the UAE healthcare provision in both public and private sectors (Deloitte & Touche, 2011).A Challenge Facing Healthcare System In The UAE Essay.  Health Care Professionals Despite the go… … middle of paper … … Cardiovascular Diseases Number One Killer in UAE. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.godubai.com/citylife/hf2.asp?article_id=2002/GTY#212 Challenges Facing the UAE HSC. (2008). Retrieved November, 23rd, 2013 from http://www.ukessays.com/essays/health/challenges-facing-the-uae-hcs.php Deloitte & Touche (2011, December). Opportunities and Challenges for Private Providers. Retrieved from https://www.deloitte.com/assets/Dcom-Lebanon/Local Assets/Documents/Consulting/Consulting Healthcare publication FV2.pdf Eid, F. (n.d.). Opportunities and Challenges Facing UAE Healthcare. Retrieved from http://www.emrconsultant.com/forum/topic/1556-opportunities-and-challenges-facing-uae-healthcare/ World Health Organization. (2009). Country Cooperation Strategy for Who and the United Arab Emirates. Retrieved from http://www.Who.int/countryfocus/cooperation_strategy/ccs_are_en.pdf
The healthcare system in the UAE has started its long and fascinating journey to reach the point where it is today amongst the best destination for treatment in the world due to the highly advanced technology that is used in our facilities, speaking of facilities the UAE has 40 hospitals now in comparison to the horrific state it was before it started its journey. But of course it is not the best because there are obstacles in our way and we intend on overcoming them.A Challenge Facing Healthcare System In The UAE Essay. This essays aim is to talk about these obstacles like chronic dieses and lack of local doctors. Chronic dieses are one of the main obstacles in the UAE’s health care system’s way to becoming the most sufficient in the world. Many dieses have spread around for the past few years first of all is cardiovascular dieses which is 20% of the causes of death in the UAE , then we have in second place obesity which is of course due to the laziness and inappropriate life styles and diets and of course eventually will lead to diabetes and that would lead to kidney failure , heart problems and sometime blindness , then breast cancer which had caused a stir in the society in the past two or three years with all the awareness campaigns and free screening and last but not least respiratory related dieses like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. There are other dieses of course but those were our main concerns. A Challenge Facing Healthcare System In The UAE Essay.
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