Acetaminophen Intravenously (IV) Affect Blood Pressure

Acetaminophen Intravenously (IV) Affect Blood Pressure

In patients with congenital heart disease, how does acetaminophen intravenously (IV) affect blood pressure?

Responses to classmates must consist of at least 350 words (not including the greeting and the references), do NOT repeat the same thing your classmate is saying, try to add something of value like a resource, educational information to give to patients, possible bad outcomes associated with the medicines discussed in the case, try to include a sample case you’ve seen at work and discuss how you feel about how that case was handled. Try to use supportive information such as current Tx guidelines, current research related to the treatment, anything that will enhance learning in the online classroom. PICOT There are various uses for different types of Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time (PICOT) questions. The population is the subjects that will be involved in the study. The intervention is representative of the treatment that would be provided to the subjects. The comparison is what will be used as a reference. Acetaminophen Intravenously (IV) Affect Blood Pressure .The outcome is reflective of the result that is measured. Time is reflective to the length of time for data to be collected (Riva et al, 2012). Here are some examples of PICOT questions: Research Question: “In adults with chronic neck pain, what is the minimum dose of manipulation necessary to produce a clinically important improvement in neck pain compared to supervised exercise at 6 weeks?” The population for the study is 18 – 60 years old that has a diagnosis of chronic mechanical neck pain with no cervical spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) within a year. Exclusions were placed for non-mechanical neck pain or contraindications to cervical manipulation. The intervention is for the subjects to be randomized and some have manipulation (standard rotary or lateral break diversified technique 1-3 times a week for 2-6 weeks). Subjects also received the same exercises given to the control group to eliminate exercise as a second variable affecting outcomes. The comparison is that a standardized supervised exercise regimen would be utilized as an active control group. Over the span of six weeks, all subjects in every group would perform a standardized exercise regime at each session over a period of six weeks.


This would lead to minimizing the non-specific effects of going to the clinic. The outcome changes in neck pain measured using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS). The time is reflective of a six week period. There is also a variation that includes a D at the end that is representative of data used for the study (Elias et al, 2015). The PICOT question for my Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) project is as follows: In patients with congenital heart disease, how does acetaminophen intravenously (IV) affect blood pressure? P: Patients with congenital heart disease I: IV acetaminophen (Ofirmev) C: Patients with other forms of pain control O: Decrease in blood pressure noted T: within a year D: Blood pressure reading that is less than pre-administration of (Ofirmev) (Fineout-Overholt, 2006). References Elias, B. L., Polancich, S., Jones, C., & Colvin, S. (2015). Evolving the PICOT Method for the Digital Age: The PICOT-D. Journal of Nursing Education, 54(10), 594-599. Fineout-Overholt, E. (2006). Template for Asking PICOT Questions. Acetaminophen Intravenously (IV) Affect Blood Pressure . Riva, J. J., Malik, K. M., Burnie, S. J., Endicott, A. R., & Busse, J. W. (2012). What is your research question? An introduction to the PICOT format for clinicians. The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 56(3), 167–171. Acetaminophen Intravenously (IV) Affect Blood Pressure.

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