The overall purpose of the assessment is to develop a new policy or update an existing policy, from your workplace or the public domain, which impacts on the potential for older people to engage actively and meaningfully in theircommunity.
An accompanying report is required to support the development to the new or updated policy.
The report should include:
• clear statement explaining the background the health policy for review;
• brief overview of the policy and how it impacts on the health of older people;
• consultation with consumers and colleagues to develop the new or updated policy;
• review of the evidence base to inform the content of the new or updated policy;
• review of the evidence base focused on guidance for successfully implementing policy in practice;
• recommendations about how to measure successful implementation of new or updated policy;
Ideally, fall as well as injury has no doubt continued to be a rather considerable challenge across the healthcare continuum. In Australia, unintentional falls are considered as common nonfatal injuries for people who are at least older than 65 years. Research suggests that there has been an increasing trend in the number of old people who fall victim of fall injuries in various communities. Notably, this is what designed the existing policy to reduce this trend. However, due to the demand to increase the number of an old adult in the active aging process in the society, the newly updated policy focuses in not only improving the physical conditions of the old people in the Australian community but also engage them actively in various work (El-Abbadi, Dao, & Meydani, 2014). While the updated policy critiques the existing policy of patients fall in particular the mature adult to make it all inclusive and accommodate this individual in cooperative work as well as increasing the pension given to them. The paper will achieve this by crafting an updated policy that mainly looks at what should be done to improve the overall opportunities of the active aging system in the Australian community. Active Aging Policy For The Australian Community Example Paper
In essence, it is no doubt that social workers are placed in a unique position of creating, implementing as well as advocating for various policies, programmers, services, and research that is aimed at benefiting the old population in the Australian society (Kalache, 2016). In this regards, by recognizing that the existing community affects or cuts through all sectors in the organization is an important attribute to consider since it encourages the consideration of older people with the aim of promoting the well-being of the old adult in a particular community. Some of the policy statements in this regards include,
With the mentioned policy statements position, old people are therefore able to be granted a chance in participating the in the communal work or somewhat active areas in the society where there are allowed to earn remuneration and thus adding value to the Australian economy. However, to achieve this, there is a need to make sure that old people in the society are accorded affordable health care services that strengthen them not only emotionally but also physically.
The main aim of this policy is to identify the gap the arise with patient falls and adjust it to improve the physical condition of the old patient in a somewhat active aging process in Australian society
As a result of these challenges, there was a proposed commissioning of the four main goals with the aim of increasing the number of old people who actively participate in community development. For instance, the policy seeks to increase the overall employment rate across Europe and Australia through the promotion of rather lifelong learning, more flexible working arrangements while still improving the available working incentives (Mehrotra & Wagner, 2018). Moreover, the policy seeks to better the overall social protection policies through reverse early retirement trends, to make sure it supports the researches that are related to the health policies as well as old age care system. To achieve this, the administration seeks to develop a strategy that does not tolerate workplace discrimination as well as social exclusion.
Primarily, active aging means creating opportunities where an old adult is given a chance of staying longer in the labor market, therefore, aiming at improving the overall contribution to the society through unpaid work in the Australian community as a volunteer or passing on their skills to the younger generation. In essence, these may include as well as families of the older people to live autonomously for as much and as long as possible. The policy at hand mostly concentrates at in identifying the reasons and challenges that come along with eh declining working-age population across Australian society. In short, this policy tends to discourses on a somewhat active aging process for the last couple of decades.
Creating a workable active aging policy can be challenging at times. However, through frequent meetings with targeted consumers as well as colleagues can help improve the implementation process that is involved (Lin & Huang, 2015). This can be achieved through the use of a slightly interactive system framework (ISF) as a potential lens through which consultation is placed within extensive systematic occurrences of any possible dissemination and implementation effort. According to recent researches, putting discussion within a broad frame is beneficial as the overall consolation is focused on a single innovation which is likely to be a sustainable strategy on its own. This framework is based on the implementation of yet another framework called the heuristic framework that is considered to be a community-cantered, in that it commences with what a particular community needs, in this case, being the overall increase of the involvement of the aging population on active participation in the communal activities. In essence, this means that for a successful implementation of a particular policy be it new or updating the existing ones there must be an all-inclusive participation to learn what others think about the system and most of all be acquainted with the overall needs of the society which is the consumer in this case regarding the active aging population.
In essence, the issues regarding active aging system have been debated topic in contemporary society for the last couple of decades particularly in the Australian community. In this light, there has been considerable evidence that outlines an increased engagement in leisure activities has the overall potential of improving the health as well as the overall wellbeing of the aging adult in a particular society (Kalache, 2013). For this reason, there is the need to look closely at the available policy surrounding the aging populace to make sure that they are actively involved in the working population in any society and in particular the Australian community. In essence, this focus may prove valuable as well as beneficial to many older women and men who are known to fulfill critical unpaid roles in any community alignment. Some of these activities may include caring responsibilities which are in many cases excluded from productivity definition of an active aging system. When the existing policy is updated, it with therefore allow the older adult to stop work so that they can care for their grandchildren and thus enhancing the overall workability of the intermediate generation.
Primarily, a successful, as well as active aging policy, tend to challenge the overall dominance that tends to exist in a deficit model or instead a model that is not all inclusive in as far as working is concerned. In this light, there is an apparent need to implement a successful policy that caters on involving the aged adult in the communal work. In this light, there are undoubtedly various procedures that one can decide to follow with the aim of implementing a police practice for an active aging population in Australia. Active Aging Policy For The Australian Community Example Paper Some of the guidelines for this include,
Although the Australian government has played a significant role in the coming up with a somewhat active aging a fully comprehensive policy approach has not yet been achieved across the Australian populace. To make sure that there is full comprehension of the available scope as well as the prospective effect of the active aging adult, it is necessary to come up with an outline that briefly elaborates what a general technique should constitute as well as its entire underlying principle. In this sense the policy should be aimed at building, expanding, and enhancing the overall definition of the proposed WHO (2002) definition that famously offered seven important principles that would act as the basis of the rather comprehensive strategy on successful active aging (International Longevity Centre Brazil., 2015). Consequently, the first active policy has to include all the necessary meaningful pursuit that would contribute to personal well-being. In this light, activities such as volunteering should be taken seriously and as valued as the paid employment in the society. In this case, removal of the age barrier would be fundamental towards the achievement of the policy against which the legal protection does exist in many countries Australia being one of them (Walker, 2016). Adjusting the current administration will, therefore, make sure that the older adult is given an opportunity of taking care of the grandchildren, accordingly, increasing the workability of the intermediate generation.
Furthermore, the policy should be designed in a way that it is mostly preventative aspect, therefore, cutting across all age groups in the process of aging actively across an individual life course. Within this line, there would be the promotion of somewhat preventative health interventions that are aimed at tackling the lifestyle, diet, as well as the consumption patterns that are deemed influential in determining the ill-health of a person in older age (Fernández-Ballesteros et al., 2013). Thirdly, the policy surrounding active aging has to encompass all another individual in the society including those that are considered frail and dependent. In this sense, a dynamic aging process including the young generation is likely to exclude older adults in the community. Notably, this has substantially increased the probability of experiencing sizable loses in a rather cognitive as well as potential physical increases.
On the other hand, international solidarity should be kept as a critical feature of active aging people involving fairness between generations. This concept should include both the rights for the individual as well as obligations therefore including the social protection; a rather long-life education as well as training that is accompanied by commitments with the aim of making older people active in the society.
Lastly, with the diversity surrounding the Australian society, there is a need of designing a model of the active old adult that respect the cultural as well as the national difference of the country. Essentially, this is because there are no doubt large variations across Europe in and in particular Australia both activities patterns as well as norms concerning activities (Serrat, Villar, & Celdrán, 2015). In most cases, these structures are confined in economic resources that are interpreted as a rather determinants of active aging given that a person’s financial situation affects their entire ability to afford elements of dynamic aging system.
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