Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay

Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay

Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture
Topic Overview
Depression is a real disorder creating a global problem. The WHO identifies approximately 264 million people worldwide who suffer from this disorder (Depression 1, n.d.). Major depression, also known as major depressive disorder (MDD), is defined as a single episode or recurrent episodes of unipolar depression that results in a significant change in a client’s normal functioning (Halter, 2018). For a diagnosis of major depression to be made, five or more specific clinical findings must have been present during the same 2-week period (Halter, 2018). These clinical findings are a persistent feeling of sadness or a lack of interest or pleasure in external stimuli, accompanied by depressed mood, difficulties sleeping, or sleeping too much. They may experience conflicting feelings of failure and inadequacy, decreased ability to concentrate, indecisiveness, overtiredness, or suicidal ideation.  Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay Additionally, a change of more than 5% of body weight in a month or increase or decrease in motor activity can be another possible identifying symptom (Halter, 2018). For diagnosis, these symptoms must be experienced most of the day nearly every day, being the source of noteworthy and substantial deterioration in critical components of the patient’s life and be independent of any other ailments or substance abuse (Halter, 2018).


Research has shown that depression can be caused by more than just psychological factors. Depression is additionally affected by biological, genetic, and environmental factors (Armour et al., 2019). Etiologically, it is believed to be the result of changes in the reception of the neurotransmitters: serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine (Varcarolis & Varcarolis, 2015). These changes affect numerous parts of the brain, including the hippocampus, amygdala, and limbic systems (Varcarolis & Varcarolis, 2015). While these changes have been found to have some genetic association, much research, including biochemical markers and brain scans, are still underway (Varcarolis & Varcarolis, 2015)
Discussion of patient/population of intereAdolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay st: Adolescents experiencing symptoms of depression
In the US, the National Institute of Mental Health reports approximately An estimated 17.3 million or 7% of adults and 13.3% of adolescents who have had at least one major depressive episode with the prevalence leaning more towards females (Major Depression, n.d.). Among the adolescent population, as much as 70% of those who suffered the ordeal of a depressive episode experienced severe impairment associated with that episode (Major Depression, n.d.). It is scary to think that the youth of America are so affected by this disorder as suicide is a genuine concern for those who battle with depression. Adolescent depression is linked to substance abuse, early parenthood, higher medical expenses, and increased suicide risk (Lewandowski et al., 2013). Depression beginning before the age of 12 is further associated with increased risk for depressive episodes throughout their lifetime, reduced function, and psychiatric comorbidities (Lewandowski et al., 2013). Sadly, as of 2017, 60% of adolescents with this disorder did not receive treatment (Major Depression, n.d.). This, in part, maybe due to the dependence on pediatricians, almost singularly, to detect and diagnose adolescent depression. Pediatricians may be ill-prepared and or too pressed for time to collect and adequately interpret psychiatric findings, especially in the absence of clear guidelines for the treatment of adolescent depression (Major Depression, n.d.).
Intervention of Interest
Acupuncture is an ancient and traditional form of Chinese medicine that has gained popularity and respect in the medical community. The premise that acupuncture is built on is far removed from the views of modern western medicine. According to this approach, a steady flow of energy flows throughout the body called “qi.” This energy follows specific pathways or meridians that can become blocked, resulting in ailments. Acupuncture is the insertion of small needles in specific points along meridian lines. This technique is thought to stimulate these meridians to restore the free flow of energy, bringing the body back to a state of balance and wellness. Western medicine still struggles to explain the phenomenon as these points do not seemingly correspond to any anatomical structures.Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay
One thought is that meridian lines are instead responsive liquid collagen crystals in connective tissue that support express cellular conduction (Dossey et al., 2016). Regardless of how it works, considerable research has been conducted regarding this form of complementary therapy that has shown it to be an effective modality for several ailments, including depression (Dossey et al., 2016). For children and adolescents, the use of antidepressants can cause significant adverse effects, most notably an increased risk of suicide. In comparison, the most common hazards related to acupuncture include itching, bleeding, or bruising at the site (Holland, 2018). The most significant risks, such as infection, are attributed to improper technique by unskilled technicians or practitioners (Holland, 2018).
Comparative Intervention
Treating depression is very patient-specific and generally the result of trial and error. Depression is usually treated with psychotherapy and psychiatric medications (Depression 2, n.d.). In regard to adolescents, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends simply active monitoring of mild depression. Concurrently, psychotherapy, and medication are recommended for moderate to severe depression in youth (Cheung et al., 2018). They also recommend close observation for side effects and ongoing monitoring of results. Collaboration between primary care providers and mental health specialists is recommended for the co-management of those with moderate to severe symptoms, especially if they appear resistant to treatment (Cheung et al., 2018).
2011–2014 Surveys reported that of those 12 years of age and older, 12.7% had taken an antidepressant in the last 30 days (Antidepressant Use Among, n.d.). Antidepressants are among the most commonly used drug classes in America (Antidepressant Use Among, n.d.). 19.6% of adolescents were singularly relying on counseling or psychotherapy care by a health professional (Major Depression, n.d.). There are many types of evidence-backed psychotherapy options such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy, shown to be effective in the treatment of depression (Depression 2, n.d.). 17.9% of patients, however, are being treated with a combination approach of medicinal and psychotherapy (Major Depression, n.d.). Only 2.4 % of adolescents rely simply on medication for the treatment of their depression (Major Depression, n.d.). Antidepressants, while shown to be effective, generally take 2-4 weeks to achieve a therapeutic level and can have harmful side effects related to sleep, concentration, appetite, and sexual function (Depression 2, n.d.). In children and adolescents with depression, there is an increased risk of suicide (Depression 2, n.d.). The FDA even requires manufacturers of antidepressants to include warning labels that alert of this increased risk, additionally providing the results of pediatric studies (Suicidality in Children, n.d.). Prozac is the only antidepressant approved for the treatment of depression in pediatric patients by the FDA (Suicidality in Children, n.d.).Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay
Outcome of Interest
A meta-analysis of 29 studies between 1980 and 2018 found acupuncture to be positively correlated to a reduction in depression severity compared to mock acupuncture application, combination treatment, and a strictly medicinal approach consisting of SSRI/SNRIs (Armour et al., 2019). The studies that compared properly applied acupuncture and mock application showed a significant difference with real application besting the competition, implying that patient reactions to acupuncture are not merely a placebo effect (Armour et al., 2019). SSRI’s, when used in conjunction with acupuncture, consistently showed greater effectiveness at reducing depression symptoms than SSRI/SNRIs when used by themselves (Armour et al., 2019). Still, more studies need to be conducted. The reality remains that approximately 30% of those treated with psychotherapy and pharmacological options will remain unresponsive to treatment on some level (Armour et al., 2019). Alternative and complementary medicine provides another avenue to help patients.Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay
Conclusion and PICO Question
Especially in a population where medication should be the last option such as adolescents, a complementary medicine modality such as acupuncture should be considered. The National Health Interview Survey conducted in 2007 reported 12 % of children 17 and younger had used some form of CAM within the last year (Dossey et al., 2016). CAM use is becoming more widely sought out; however, when polled, 67% admitted to not having discussed CAM with any of their providers. For those who did discuss the option, only 26% of the time was the subject broached by the providers (Dossey et al., 2016). Providers need to be actively researching CAMs such as acupuncture and offering it as an opportunity to augment already provided care. When it comes to adolescent depression, the question I crafted asks Does acupuncture reduce or eradicate signs and symptoms of depression in adolescents when added to psychotherapy?Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay

Protecting Clients
Respect for Persons
All research involving human beings as participants must be conducted under the four ethical principles, including the respect of persons, justice, beneficence, and respect for the community. The principle of “respect for persons” is an essential element in any research that involves human subjects. It includes the recognition that human participants are autonomous, free, and unique individuals and demonstrating respect (Barrow & Khandhar, 2019). The principle also means that the researcher should recognize that each individual has a specific capacity and the rights to make their decision independently. Therefore, respecting people during the research ensures that the dignity of the participant is upheld. This is significant since one of my obligations as a nurse is to protect the clients while conducting research and ensure their dignity is upheld. The principle requires that individuals who can responsibly make individual decisions are accorded serious considerations (Ye et al. 2018). The same principle requires that people lacking autonomy, such as adults with advanced dementia or young children, are entitled to personal protection during the research. The principle of respect of a person is considered the source of the moral rule of confidentiality and informed consent. With this in mind, I will ensure that young adolescents, whether healthy or battling with depression or other mental challenges, are fully protected. I am generally obligated to obtain prior agreement from the participants, or their proxy decision maker to enroll them in the study.Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay
Ensuring Implementation
For the agreement concerning the moral rule of informed consent to be considered valid, the participant or their proxy decision-makers must be in a cognitive capacity to make individual decisions and choose freely. The participant must also have adequate information and clearly understand what might be at stake when making specific decisions concerning the research. I will also take the necessary steps to protect the participant’s confidentiality by eliminating information that might personally identify them. There are various ways to keep the participant’s identity confidential (Barrow & Khandhar, 2019). Foremost, I will keep their record secure through the use of strong password protected files. I will also encrypt the files when sharing them. Additionally, making the data anonymous will guarantee that no one can know the contributing person.Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay
The principle of beneficence is another ethical principle that I will focus on during this research. This principle can roughly be described as a situation where the researcher has the best interest of the participants in their mind. Therefore, this principle is behind the efforts that a researcher undertakes to minimize any risk that the participants may face. The principle also focuses on maximizing the benefits of the research to society (Ye et al. 2018). This is an important principle that is vital in my study since it involves adolescent participants who need to be protected. The principle means that I should implement measures during the research that generally benefit the participants. As a researcher, I have an obligation to appropriately care for the adolescent participants while promoting their mental health. The impairment of cognitive and emotional functions of the participants may result in abnormal behaviors, and I will have to address them effectively.


Ensuring Implementation
The primary aim of this principle is to act in a way that benefits others while promoting their safety and wellbeing (Ye et al. 2018). To ensure the effective implementation of this principle in my Evidence-based Practice (EBP) research, I will first analyze all the potential risks and benefits to the participants. Loss of privacy is one of the most common risks to the participants. Emotional distress, embracement, or physical discomforts are also the other risks to participants. Since I will have established techniques to deal with such risks, the study will be beneficial to the participants. Potential benefits to the society are the development of an effective intervention plan, access to more understanding of the overall topic of adolescent depression and acupuncture. Most importantly, the study will eventually bring satisfaction associated with helping others who may have similar conditions.Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay
Concerning the principle of justice in any research involving human participants, the researcher should address the issue of distributing the burden and the benefit of the study. Therefore, it should not be a case where one group of society has to bear all the cost of the benefit while the other group realized the benefits (Ye et al. 2018). The issue of justice often arises during the selection of participants. This is a vital principle for me to conduct the (EBP) project successfully. It means that I will have to use justice when selecting the adolescent participants in the study. Therefore, there will be an ideal distribution of risk and benefits to society when recruiting the participants. The principle will help me implement the moral obligation to act based on fair adjudication between different competing claims in the study.
Ensuring Implementation
Ensuring justice in any research involving human begins in selecting the participants. Therefore, I will ensure I use adjudication to ensure an equal and fair distribution of risk and benefits to the participants and society in general. In this case, I will ensure that participant selection is primarily based on the research needs and convenience or availability (Ye et al. 2018). In order to achieve this aim, the inclusion or exclusion criteria will be explicit within the study protocols that should be strictly followed to ensure equal chances. Application of justice principle results in the appropriate selection of subjects.Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay
Quantitative Research
Descriptive research is one of the quantitative studies that seek to designate the present rank of an recognized variable (Millner, Robinaugh, & Nock, 2020). Mainly the examination is usually intended to offer orderly as well as data about a spectacle. The researcher, however, does not begin with a theory but starts by collecting data in order to get enough details about the research that he is doing. The analysis, as well as the fusion of the data, does provide the test about a hypothesis. The orderly gathering of the data does require a cautious assortment of what has been considered and also requires careful quantity of all the variables.
Validity is the extent to which a measure measures the thing that it is intended to measure (Lechien et al. 2020). There are some threats to internal validity. One of the risks is telling about the truthfulness of the measures. Since there was a lot of research that was in order to come up with the case study, it then becomes difficult to tell whether what was said is true. Knowing the number of children who are being depressed, it’s complicated. The percentages that are given one cannot tell whether it is accurate or not accurate.Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay
The methods that are used to carry out research can sometimes reach only a few individuals and not dig deep to get to all people. The other threat to internal validity is history. Occasionally results, for example, in depression, can be affected by something that happened in the recent past (Lindner, 2020). For example, when a parent dies to a teenager, he or she will have a lot of od stress, and this might lead to depression. During the time that research is taking place, and such a child is amongst the people being researched on, such information might not be accurate. The child might look depressed, but the reason is because of what he or she is going through.
The other threat is maturation. Sometimes the outcomes of the study do vary because of a natural result of time. Some tests, when done they might show a difference since some of those that are being tested in the pretest might not prove very severe complications, but as a result of time, the same people will show that there are several complications that they have gone through. This will not favor research as such since there will be a difference in the post and pretests.Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay
There are some threats to external validity, and they include sampling bias. This is where the sample that has been taking is not representative of the population (Matthay, & Glymour, 2020). A good example is teenagers, and also, the people who live with depression do have characteristics like, for instance, negative. However, patterns and this might make them very different from the other clinical populations, and a good example is the people that are living with personality disorders. When research is being done, this might be a problem, and this might create more problems in the study about depression.
The situation effect can be the other threat to external validity. There are some factors, such as the setting where the research is taking place. The time of the day is the other thing that can affect research. Many of the depressed people, mainly their thoughts come at night, and in the morning, they seem to be okay. If the asking of questions takes place during the day time, then it will not bring the best results like when it was done during the night.
The other threat is the Hawthorne effect. This is the tendency where the participants do change their behaviors because they know that they are being studied. During the time of the study, some of the participants in research might show that they are okay, and they might indicate that they have no problem. Because of such reasons, it will not be possible to tell better on the issue of depression. Some of the participants will avoid showing any indications of depression because they know that they are being studied. Aptitude treatment is the other threat to external validity. Through some interactions between some particular characteristics of the people with depression might improve their anxiety levels, and this is going to affect the results of the research. It might show negative, and it is supposed to be positive.Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay
This study will apply to the population. Many of the young people can show and tell the truth more than adults. Most of the adults, since they don’t want to be known about their problems, might hind what they are going through. Many of the adolescents and teenagers will fear that their future will be in question. Due to this reason, they are likely to react positively to any kind of research. Since many are in the age of school-going children, it will be easy to convince them and ask them to tell the truth. It will work better since they will convey the truth about what they are going through.

The entire medical professional body is always working on ensuring that there is saving of human life and improving it to make it at least better. Professional nurses, for instance, are some of the key pillars in this sector that play vital roles in saving lives and improving the health status of their patients. In this regard, the use of evidence-based practices by the nurses has often yielded positive results as they use such practices to ensure that they improve the lives of the patients they serve. This paper analyses two articles that entails the use of qualitative studies in the medical profession in the quest to help improve the performance of the nurses.Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay
Qualitative Studies
The article entitled Increasing cultural awareness: qualitative study of nurses’ perceptions about cultural competence training. BMC nursing by (Kaihlanen, Hietapakka & Heponiemi, 2019) addresses the issues on cultural differences that nurses face in the process of discharging their duties. Nurses are usually tasked with duties of handling patients from different backgrounds and for them to be successful in discharging of their duties they must be able to understand the cultural background of their patients, their values and practices so that they can be an effective creation of a good environment to discharge their duties. This source emphasizes the importance of cultural competence, the nurses must relate well with their patients to ensure that there is the quality provision of the medical services as expected of them.
The authors used a qualitative type of study in which they employed the use of ethnography study to collect professional views and perceptions about cultural differences among their patients. The study thus entails analysis of the perceptions that these professionals have on people from different cultural groups. The training which was conducted at one of the primary healthcare units in Finland divided the understanding of the cultural differences into three. This was done to ensure that the training was perfectly done and each of the targeted groups is effectively impacted. The perceptions were also divided into three distinct categories in which qualitative analysis of the data was done to help in improving the current practices among the nurses in the provision of their services.
Additionally, the authors established a trustworthy environment among the professionals and the patients that receive their services through the creation of a communication network. The emphasis on cultural competence and awareness was based on the need to make nurses understand their culture and thus ease to discharge of their duties. Besides, the authors also emphasized on the future e-training of the nurses to improve on their transparency and service delivery when in line of duty, this is because of the need to ensure that there is quality service provision to the patients.Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay
On the other hand, the study was done by Cohen & Gooberman-Hill, (2019) in their article entitled, Staff experiences of enhanced recovery after surgery: systematic review of qualitative studies emphasized on the analysis of the staff experience on the management of the enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS). ERAS is a critical time for any patient that requires professional service care for effective service delivery for the patients. Eight studies were conducted in this analysis in which 6 nations participated in the study with four surgical specialized groups taking part in the study to ensure that the results collected reflected the exact picture of what takes place in the management of the ERAS cases. These studies focused on the health professional experiences on issues related to ERAS that take place before, after, and during the process.
In their studies, Cohen & Gooberman-Hill, (2019) emphasized on five main themes of study aimed at improving service delivery to the ERAS patients. These were improving communication and collaboration among nurses and the patients, the issue of resistance to change among professionals was also highlighted and the need to ensure that the changes are made effective despite the resistance. Highlighting of the roles and significance of the protocols in the process of discharging services to the patients; finally knowledge and the expectations of the patients from the nurses and entire medical team are also some crucial factors that any medical officer should always consider when discharging duties to ensure that they don’t breach the trust and expectations that patients have over them.Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay
Additionally, the study done in this case used ethnography type of qualitative study in which there was an effective analysis of the professionals on their understanding and experience on ERAS cases. Albeit the study not including numerous study nations and specialists, it was at least able to engage six nations in which various surgical specialists were involved in the study. The collected results were at least able to reflect the desired goals and a clear picture of the professional perceptions and understanding of the matter. This was aimed at creating trustworthiness, and conformability of how the professionals and the ERAS patients have always related and how the medical professionals discharge their duties in this line to ensure that these patients have an appropriate healing session.
The authors also indicated that the study was also transferable through their ability to engage various nations in their study. The study involved different professionals from 6 different nations who came into a common concision on the matter. This is an indicator that the study was successful and transferable. Therefore, despite the process being complex and challenging its worth it to be implemented in the quest to manage ERAS cases and ensure that these patients get quality service care.
Finally, I think that these studies will be applicable in my population because it entailed research from various quarters. The authors have also indicated that their articles are trustworthy making it possible to be acceptable in my population. Therefore, these studies would be easily accepted by the nurses.Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay

Types of depression
Symptoms caused by major depression can vary from person to person. To clarify the type of depression your teen has, the doctor may use one or more specifiers, which means depression with specific features. Here are a few examples:

Anxious distress — depression with unusual restlessness or worry about possible events or loss of control
Melancholic features — severe depression with lack of response to something that used to bring pleasure and associated with early morning awakening, worsened mood in the morning, major changes in appetite, and feelings of guilt, agitation or sluggishness
Atypical features — depression that includes the ability to be temporarily cheered by happy events, increased appetite, excessive need for sleep, sensitivity to rejection, and a heavy feeling in arms or legs
Other disorders that cause depression symptoms
Several other disorders include depression as a symptom. An accurate diagnosis is the key to getting appropriate treatment. The doctor or mental health professional’s evaluation will help determine if the symptoms of depression are caused by one of these conditions:Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay


Bipolar I and II disorders. These mood disorders include mood swings that range from major highs to major lows. It’s sometimes difficult to distinguish between bipolar disorder and depression.
Cyclothymic disorder. Cyclothymic (sy-kloe-THIE-mik) disorder involves highs and lows that are milder than those of bipolar disorder.
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. This mood disorder in children includes chronic and severe irritability and anger with frequent extreme temper outbursts. This disorder typically develops into depressive disorder or anxiety disorder during the teen years or adulthood.
Persistent depressive disorder. Sometimes called dysthymia (dis-THIE-me-uh), this is a less severe but more chronic form of depression. While it’s usually not disabling, persistent depressive disorder can prevent functioning normally in daily routines and from living life to its fullest.Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder. This involves depression symptoms associated with hormone changes that begin a week before and improve within a few days after the onset of a menstrual period. The symptoms are minimal or gone after the period ends.
Other causes of depression. This includes depression that’s caused by the use of recreational or illegal drugs, certain prescribed medications, or a medical condition.
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Treatment depends on the type and severity of your teenager’s depression symptoms. A combination of talk therapy (psychotherapy) and medication can be very effective for most teens with depression.Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay

If your teen has severe depression or is in danger of self-harm, he or she may need a hospital stay or may need to participate in an outpatient treatment program until symptoms improve.

Here’s a closer look at depression treatment options.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two medications for teen depression — fluoxetine (Prozac) and escitalopram (Lexapro). Talk with your teen’s doctor about medication options and possible side effects, weighing the benefits and risks.

FDA alert
Most antidepressants are generally safe, but the FDA requires all antidepressants to carry a black box warning, the strictest warning for prescriptions. In some cases, children, teens and young adults under 25 may have an increase in suicidal thoughts or behavior when taking antidepressants, especially in the first few weeks after starting or when the dose is changed.Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay

Anyone taking an antidepressant should be watched closely for worsening depression or unusual behavior, especially when first beginning a new medication or with a change in dosage. If your teen has suicidal thoughts while taking an antidepressant, immediately contact your doctor or get emergency help.

For most teens, the benefits of taking an antidepressant likely outweigh any risks. Keep in mind that antidepressants are more likely to reduce suicide risk in the long run by improving mood.

Finding the right medication
Everyone’s different, so finding the right medication or dose for your teen may take some trial and error. This requires patience, as some medications need several weeks or longer to take full effect and for side effects to ease as the body adjusts. Encourage your teen not to give up.Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay

Inherited traits play a role in how antidepressants affect different people. In some cases, where available, results of genetic tests (done by blood test or cheek swab) may offer clues about how the body may respond to a particular antidepressant. However, other variables besides genetics can affect response to medication.

Managing medications
Carefully monitor your teen’s use of medications. To work properly, antidepressants need to be taken consistently at the prescribed dose. Because overdose can be a risk for teens with depression, the doctor may prescribe only small supplies of pills at a time, or recommend that you dole out medication so that your teen does not have a large amount of pills available at once.Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay

If your teen has bothersome side effects, he or she shouldn’t stop taking an antidepressant without talking to the doctor first. Some antidepressants can cause withdrawal symptoms unless the dose is slowly tapered off — quitting suddenly may cause a sudden worsening of depression.

Antidepressants and pregnancy
If your teen is pregnant or breast-feeding, some antidepressants may pose an increased health risk to the unborn or nursing child. If your teen becomes pregnant or plans to become pregnant, make certain your teen talks to the doctor about antidepressant medications and managing depression during pregnancy.

Psychotherapy, also called psychological counseling or talk therapy, is a general term for treating depression by talking about depression and related issues with a mental health professional. Different types of psychotherapy can be effective for depression, such as cognitive behavioral therapy or interpersonal therapy.Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay

Psychotherapy may be done one-on-one, with family members or in a group. Through regular sessions, your teen can:

Learn about the causes of depression
Learn how to identify and make changes in unhealthy behaviors or thoughts
Explore relationships and experiences
Find better ways to cope and solve problems
Set realistic goals
Regain a sense of happiness and control
Help ease depression symptoms such as hopelessness and anger
Adjust to a crisis or other current difficulty
Hospitalization and other treatment programs
In some teens, depression is so severe that a hospital stay is needed, especially if your teen is in danger of self-harm or hurting someone else. Getting psychiatric treatment at a hospital can help keep your teen calm and safe until symptoms are better managed.

Day treatment programs also may help. These programs provide the support and counseling needed while your teen gets depression symptoms under control.Adolescent Depression and Acupuncture Essay

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