Advanced Health Care Planning Essay Paper

Advanced Health Care Planning Essay Paper

Choose one of the following options; Power of Attorney, Durable Power of Attorney, HealthCare Proxy.

Durable power of attorney.

Explain the Health Care Option you have chosen.

Durable power of attorney that designates an agent to act on behalf of the principal. It includes a durable clause that allows the designated agent to maintain the power of attorney even after the principal becomes debilitated. This allows the power of attorney to remain in effect when the principal is unable to make health care decisions. With this documented, the designated individual will be legally permitted to make decisions on important matters that include directing the principal’s medical care, admission and discharge from a medical facility, access to medical records, and paying medical bills. A detailed document could also set the principal’s health care wishes in case he or she is too injured or ill to speak. Such a document legally binds the agent to follow the principal’s health care preferences to the extent that she/she knows about them (Cash & Glass, 2016). Overall, the durable power of attorney allows the designated individual to work with medical facilities and health care providers to ensure that the principal receives the desired care.

Explain the rationale for your choice.

A durable power of attorney for health care offers detailed instructions on the principal’s preferences. This makes it easier for medical personnel to comfortably honor the agent’s decisions. Every individual has a right to make health care decisions in terms what treatment preferences. The power of attorney is a legally binding document that helps in communicating these preferences thus ensuring that the wishes are honored when the principle is incapacitated or unable to make competent decisions (Touhy & Jett, 2020).  Advanced Health Care Planning Essay Paper


How will you prepare the person you have chosen to assume this role for you if needed?

Preparing an agent to execute a durable power of attorney is a process that takes two steps. Firstly, naming the agent and seeking his or her consent to act as a legal guardian. Secondly, stating the health care preferences in writing so that there are no ambiguities over the health care decisions to be made (Touhy & Jett, 2020).


Cash, J. & Glass, C. (Eds.) (2016). Adult-Gerontology Practice Guidelines. Springer Publishing Company, LLC.

Touhy, T., Jett, K., (2020). Ebersole and Hess’ Gerontolocial Nursing & Healthy Aging: Human Needs and Nursing Response (10th ed.). Elsevier, Inc.


Advanced Health Care Planning

Purpose of Assignment:

To improve knowledge of health care planning options and what influences the decisions made by older adults.



For the purpose of this assignment, consider you are aged 65, and you are working on advanced healthcare planning. You must determine who would speak for you if you become incapacitated and unable to manage your own affairs. You must also decide how involved this person will be. Will they manage your finances, your health care decisions, or both?

Answer the following questions:

  • Choose one of the following options; Power of Attorney, Durable Power of Attorney, HealthCare Proxy.
  • Explain the Health Care Option you have chosen.
  • Explain the rationale for your choice.
  • How will you prepare the person you have chosen to assume this role for you if needed?


  • Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
  • Logical, original and insightful
  • Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format
  • Submit document through Grammarly to correct errors before submission


APA Online Guide

Library Guide PRN1253


Touhy, T. (2018). Ebersole and Hess’ Gerontolocial Nursing & Healthy Aging. St. Louis: Elsevier.

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Advanced Health Care Planning Essay Paper



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