Articles Critique Essay Paper

Articles Critique Essay Paper

-Retrieve two peer-reviewed articles from an authentic online source pertaining to organizational research and your proposed project method (quasi experimental method).
-Topic is: Effects of Exercise and diet adherence in African American Males with heart failure.
-Critique each article, highlighting the strengths and the weaknesses of each article. Interpret the statistical analysis and significance of results.
-Lastly, analyze the feasibility of applying these methods to capstone project in your current practicum setting(Cardiology clinic)
-Both articles should support nursing standards and patient safety within your chosen topic


Articles critique

The present study intends to evaluate the position that exercise and diet adherence can play in influencing heart failure incidence among African American males. To further inform the research topic, two articles were identified. Wegrzynowska-Teodorczyk et al. (2013) reports on the correlation between the distances covered during a regularly scheduled exercise program and incidence of hospitalization and mortality for cardiovascular complications among men diagnosed with heart failure. The study recruited 243 participants. Over the three years study period, the researchers noted that 44% of the participants died for other reasons while 69% were either hospitalized or died as a result of cardiovascular complications. The study noted that shorter distances covered when walking were associated with greater risk and incidence of hospitalization as well as mortality. Covering a distance equal to or less than 468 meters was associated with a mortality hazard ratio of 3.22 (95% CI 1.17 to 8.86) in the first year and 2.18 (95% CI 1.18 to 4.03) in the third year.  Articles Critique Essay Paper A multivariate analysis reduced the figure to 2.77 (95% CI 1.30 to 5.88) in the first year and 1.71 (95% CI 1.08 to 2.72) in the third year. The analysis reveals that engaging in regular walking exercises can act as an independent predictor of mortality and hospitalization of men diagnosed with heart failure (Wegrzynowska-Teodorczyk et al., 2013). This article is useful to the current study since it offers information on how a regularly scheduled exercise program can influence the risk of heart failure among men. Although the article offers information on the influence of exercises, this is only one aspect that is of interest to the current study. Collecting additional information will identify the effects of diet adherence on heart failure incidence among African American men. Another shortcoming is that the article does not focus on African American men as the population of interest. This shortcoming will be addressed in the present study by focusing on African American men.

Del Gobbo et al. (2015) evaluated the effects of lifestyle on heart failure incidences among adult populations. The study evaluated 1,380 incidences of heart failure among a sample of 4,490 participants over 21.5 years. It focused on physical activity metrics and dietary patterns. The study reported that dietary patters are not linked to heart failure incidences (p>0.05). The results noted that leisure activities and walking pace reduced the incidences of heart failure by 22% and 26% respectively (hazard ratio 0.74, 95% CI 0.69 to 0.87). They also mentioned that none smoking, BMI less than 30 kg/m3 and modest alcohol intake reported reduced risk of heart failure. In addition, it noted that a healthy lifestyle reduced the risk of heart failure by 45% (hazard ratio 0.55, 95% CI 0.42 to 0.74). The study concluded that none smoking, healthy weight, modest alcohol intake and physical activity significantly reduced the risk of heart failure when compared to dietary patterns (Del Gobbo et al., 2015). This article is useful to the current study since it offers information on how diet and exercise influence risk of heart failure. However, the study relies on retrospective information that is collected over 21.5 year that reducing the value of the results since current information is required to inform medical practice with certainty. The present study will address this shortcoming by collecting current information that can inform the research topic. Also, the article does not focus on African American men as the population of interest. This shortcoming will be addressed by focusing on African American men as the population of interest.


Del Gobbo, L. C., Kalantarian, S., Imamura, F., Lemaitre, R., Siscovick, D., Psaty, B. M. & Mozaffarian, D. (2015). Contribution of major lifestyle risk factors for incident heart failure in older adults. JACC: Heart Failure, 3(7), DOI: 10.1016/j.jchf.2015.02.009. Retrieved from

Wegrzynowska-Teodorczyk, K., Rudzinska, E., Lazorczyk, M., Nowakowska, K., Banasiak, W., Ponikowski, P., Wozniewski, M. & Jankowska, A. (2013). Distance covered during a six-minute walk test predicts long-term cardiovascular mortality and hospitalisation rates in men with systolic heart failure: an observational study. Journal of Physiotherapy, 59(3), 177-187. Retrieved from  .Articles Critique Essay Paper

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