Aspiring To Work In The Nursing Industry In Australia Discussion Paper

Aspiring To Work In The Nursing Industry In Australia

This task involves looking objectively at the aspirations you have for your future career, by analysing an industry you may want to enter after you graduate or that you are already part of and intend to continue in. Depending on your situation you might:

  1. a) have a very clear idea of your intended industry or field, and can use this task to learn more about that industry or clarify assumptions you may have about it;
  1. b) or, if you are not sure yet about your exact direction, you can briefly investigate several potential industries and then use this task as a focus to examine one possible choice in greater detail.

This task should be written in an essay style using full sentences and appropriate citation and referencing style for academic writing at university. In your essay you should address each of the following 4 sections, and you may use sub-headings if you choose. Several guiding questions have been included below for each section to help prompt your thinking. You do not need to address every single question – they are intended to give you a sense of what kind of information and engagement your markers will be looking for. Remember to look at the rubric itself to see how you will be assessed.  Aspiring To Work In The Nursing Industry In Australia Discussion Paper

  1. The Industry (~500 words) – Present an analysis of an industry you may work in when you graduate (or in which you currently work and intend to continue in), giving a clear sense of its place in society and some significant influences that act on and shape that industry. For example:
  • Which industry do you aspire to work in after you graduate?
  • What does this industry do? What kind of contribution does it make to society? Does it have specific aims involving the inclusion of Indigenous communities?
  • What associations or peak bodies represent or oversee this industry? How is it viewed by the broader public?
  • How many people are involved in the industry? What kinds of roles or professions do they have? How has this industry grown or changed since it was first established?
  1. Professional Skills (~400 words) – Focus on a specific profession within the industry, and describe the skills, qualities, attitudes or knowledge that are valued in that profession and are required to be successful in it.
  • What area or role might you aspire towards within this industry? (Or alternatively, what area or role do you currently hold and intend to continue in within your industry?)
  • Are there requirements for professionals within this industry? (eg.) Competency standards, Code of Conduct/Code of Ethics, or Registration standards (see readings). What education or qualifications are necessary to enter this profession?


  • What do professionals within the field say are valued or necessary to be successful? Interviews with a variety of professionals have been recorded for this unit and are available on Canvas.
  • You might find it useful to look at current job advertisements for the field you aspire to, looking at the skills and qualifications that are desirable.

Personal Skills – Reflect briefly on both your strengths and weaknesses in relation to those you have identified as valued in your profession.

  • You might like to consider your personality and learning style, as well as transferable skills gained through work experience, and co-curricular activities. Avoid focussing just on generic skills (eg. ‘teamwork’) – be specific, provide evidence, and overtly identify linkages with the profession and industry you’ve discussed.
  • How do you know these are your strengths/weaknesses? What prior experiences have led you to think so?
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