Assess the Individual in a Health and Social Care Setting Essay
Unit 518 Assess the individual in a health and social care setting (SS 5.1) (COMPETENCE MANDATORY)
Write an account:
Compare and contrast the range and purpose of different forms of assessment. Explain how partnership work can positively support assessment processes
518/SS 5.1 1.1, 1.2
Written questions
518/SS 5.1 2.4,
The single purpose relating to an assessment will be determined by the individual’s surroundings.
On the other hand, according to Whittington 2007, an assessment must echo the counterpart between necessity and accessibility of resources that takes into account an appraisal of the risk posed and the determination of the condition. Assess the Individual in a Health and Social Care Setting Essay.
Assessment has the potency to be in reaction to a specific policy initiative.
Policies might, for instance target to:
safeguard vulnerable children and adults;
to integrate socially excluded people back into mainstream society;
to prolong or improve independence;
to encourage people back to work.
For each of these policies will be required an assessment of the requirement, which is reflected in the resources made available to meet the specific need. Assessment similarly takes place within a legal perspective.
The safety of service users is a mutual feature of assessment systems, as is the use of human rights legislation.
Particular laws in England {e.g.: the National Service Framework for Older People} directed to work on a Single Assessment Process {Department of Health, 2001}.
Assessment may be held of as something you do to gain a representation of how an individual is and also the means you can support that individual while bearing in mind the goals and boundaries of the care setting in which you work. However, an assessment may be perceived as a variety of actions that have precise forms. Assess the Individual in a Health and Social Care Setting Essay.
User-led assessment (person-centered method)
This type of assessment will require that the individuals opinions are given dominant status in the assessment, and accountability for decisions made are a mutual concern with the individual. This has been summarized in the following phrase: ‘No decisions about me, without me’ {Coulter and Collins, 2011}. The individual must take the lead in assessing their requirements and how they can be seen. This fact can contain organizing care meetings, determining who should be involved and establishing the recording and reporting on the assessment conclusions.
Needs-led assessment
This type is founded on a judgment of the circumstances that individuals might find themselves in. It is not determined by what is accessible, but by what the person requires in terms of support and care. Needs-led assessment does not have to concentrate on an individual’s insufficiencies or what they cannot do but can consider the individuals fortes and what they can focus on.
Resource-led assessment
This is a means by which care is delivered; it uses the assessment process to share resources or mask their nonappearance.
A service will propose a specific involvement or variety of care interventions, and individuals consent the care even though it does not encounter their needs.
Risk assessment
This kind of assessment takes into account an evaluation of the potential risk and the perseverance of the circumstances {Whittington, 2007}.
It will also define the probability of accident or threat in relation to a assumed situation or any existing recognized risk {Social Care Services, 2008b}. Assess the Individual in a Health and Social Care Setting Essay.
On the other hand, if the only effort was to keep individuals safe then it would not be possible to carry out person-centered care work. The Key Lines of Regulatory Assessment {KLORA} specify that risk assessments should not be concentrated simply on keeping people safe at all costs, but that they must be person-centered and encourage the independence, choice and self-sufficiency.
Single assessment process (SAP)
This is representing an assessment tool that has as a purpose to make sure that elderly are treated as individuals and they will be given the type of care that encounters their needs; it was planned to ensure that specialists operated together instead of carrying out their own individual assessments with conversation with other involved parties {Department of Health, 2001}.
By itself, it takes away from individuals the capability to lead on their own assessment, but handovers the accountability back to professional care workers. Individual need can still be evaluated, however, but the process can be time consuming and has the prospective to overcome people in need and disappoint their complete contribution in the process.Assess the Individual in a Health and Social Care Setting Essay. All elderly who need access to social services need to have a summary single assessment. This will be agreed in unity with a government table of risk and need, the Fair Access to Care Services {FACS} framework, which has four eligibility stages: Low, Moderate, Substantial and Critical.
Local councils are indebted to deliver service for any person whose needs or risks to health and safety are evaluated as Substantial or Critical. Persons whose requirements are assessed as Low or Moderate are observed by means of an annual assessment {Social Care Services, 2008a}.
In the document ‘A Vision for Adult Social Care’ (Department of Health, 2010), the government head off how they required to see services delivered for individuals. One of the seven principles supporting their vision it’s representing the partnership. Care and support must be carried in partnership amongst individuals, communities, private and third area agencies also as statutory organizations.
Working in partnership may have a constructive impact on the assessment procedure. Care workers ought to work in partnership with the individuals in their care and when suitable, with their family and other informal carers. The advantage of working in partnership with these vital characters in the care setting (which can be the individual’s home too) is that they can make a real and individual involvement to the care development.
The individual at the center of the care is frequently the person who knows best how their situation marks them. Partnership working decreases replication and overlap of assessment and service delivery, however also carries a variety of professional views, information and abilities to the assessment process. Assess the Individual in a Health and Social Care Setting Essay.
By working in partnership with GP, relatives, friends and other care professionals (social workers/ advocates)will offer a healthier view of what type of care the person require and if these are met. Obtaining a lot of info about the individual the company will be capable to shape a better representation of the service user. This will highpoint the principles which define decent practice as well as the following: choice; rights; respect and dignity; individuality; privacy; confidentiality; emotional needs and empathy; independence; valuing people.
The purpose of assessment is to define and assess an individual’s presented needs and how he is to be helped to live a full and independent life. The influence of a person’s needs on his/ her independence daily running and value of life is appraised so that suitable action can be scheduled.
Assessment includes both, the person with requirements and also professionals descriptions about how diverse needs relate. Functioning in partnership with other professionals organizations confirms service users using services are promoted. On the other hand, elementary personal and holistic info is collected from family, relatives or people whom the service user was well-known and earlier life happenings/ background. This info will support to carry out assessment and develop a care plan in a way and also to be appropriately clear, in order for the individuals to gain an enhanced understanding of their circumstances. Assess the Individual in a Health and Social Care Setting Essay.
The key parts for assessments for requirements and preferences would be the following: Emotional; Physical; Social; Leisure;
Beforehand an individual is recognized as requiring specialist care and support; they must go through a succession of assessments.
These assessments might not identify a learning disability, but they do decide whether the individual will have social care. This thing will clarify the categories of assessment an individual may go through, as well as the following:
Clinical assessments
DOLS assessments
Behavioural assessments
Holistic assessments
Person Centres Planning (PCP)
Comprehensive assessments and care plans. Assess the Individual in a Health and Social Care Setting Essay.