Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

Cyber-bullying refers to the use of the Internet and/or mobile technology to harass, intimidate, or cause harm to another person. Despite the fact that bullying is hardly a new social issue; thanks to technology advancements it has gradually evolved from the school environment and moved to social platforms. According to a report by the African Women and Children Feature Service, Kenyan schools report a much higher rate of bullying than the world average. As a social enterprise concerned with the provision of family based digital solutions, cyber-bullying is a topic we at Eveminet deal with regularly. We offer our expert insight on the face of this issue in our country and how we can combat it.Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay


Popular Platforms Kenyans Use to Bully People Online
Many Kenyans today are either victims or perpetrators of cyber-bullying, knowingly or unknowingly. Thanks to increased digital penetration, more and more Kenyans are using digital social platforms to communicate and interact than ever before. Our world famous twitter community, commonly referred to as K.O.T. ( Kenyans On Twitter ) is one great example of how active we are online. Other famous platforms that have gained notoriety include Facebook Groups such as Kilimani Mums and Dads and Buyers Beware.

Some Famous Kenyan Victims of Cyber Bullying
Just recently, the Chief Justice of The Supreme Court of Kenya, David Maraga shared his frustrations over bloggers. He used the example of a viral meme to show how he has being harassed by bloggers and Kenyans online. His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta responded to him by saying,Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

Bwana CJ we tried passing some law to help us restrain these people (bloggers) but the court told us it was unconstitutional. Like the rest of us, get used to it .

H.E. President Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, during the Anti-Corruption Conference
He is just one among many public figures who has come to accept cyber-bullying as a way of life. Last year, gospel musician Jimmy Gait shared his personal experience on the issue. He says he almost quit music and killed himself because of it. Quite often, when a celebrities make mistakes, online audiences are quick to judge. Challenges and memes trend almost instantly and add salt to injury. Some of the issues raised are genuine and are meant to raise awareness but the message is often lost. The masses often deviate from the problem and end up causing more harm. A good example is the “KobiCat”Challenge. Kenyans exposed media personality Kobi Kihara for stealing content and faking her online image. She became the subject of multiple jokes and blogs in a twisted form of online revenge.Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

Recently, some negative comments on Willy Paul’s Instagram profile turned a moment of thanks into one of sadness. He had just survived a horrifying terror attack at the Dusit Hotel, that claimed many lives and injured many more. A large number of Kenyans took to the comment section of his posts to express their disappointment over his survival. The situation got worse when Kenyans took it a step further by sharing insensitive memes that went viral.

The Legal Impact of Cyber-Bullying in Kenya
In Kenya, freedom of expression is enshrined in our constitution under Article 33 and is a universal human right. According to the ICCPR, of which we are signatories; these rights come along with great “special duties and responsibilities” that may result in some limitations, such as respect of the rights or reputation of others.

The worst part about cyber-bullying is that many people gain confidence and hide behind their online personas because there are largely unaware that cyber-bullying laws exist. The Computer Misuse and Cyber Crimes Bill 2018 came into effect last year May. Article 27 addresses what the issue of cyber harassment and under what grounds one may seek legal aid.Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

(2) A person who commits an offence under subsection (1) is liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding twenty million shillings or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years, or to both.

Workplace bullying is increasingly being recognised as a serious problem in society. Reports from the general media and professional press suggest that there is increasing evidence that the scale of bullying, harassment and violence amongst health care staff is widespread (UNISON, 2003). Chaboyer, Najman, and Dunn (2001) explain that although nursing in Australia is now considered a profession, the use of horizontal violence, bullying and aggression in nursing interactions has been identified as a serious problem. Levett-Jones (as cited in Clare, White, Edwards, & van Loon, 2002) explains that the recipients or victims of bullying within the nursing profession are often graduate nurses, with 25% of graduates reporting negative…show more content…
Workplace bullying often involves the abuse or misuse of power and authority within an organisation. Olender-Russo (2009) explains that due to power imbalances and the hierarchal structure of nursing, the bullying victim is often the graduate nurse. Research suggests that graduate nurses may be predominantly targeted as they are viewed as representing a traditional subordinate role within the medical model of healthcare (Simone, 2008). This view is supported by the commonly used expression “nurses eat their young”. Victims of workplace bullying often experience negative physical and psychological reactions to bullying, including sleeplessness, anxiety, stress, self- hatred, powerlessness, decrease in confidence and anger (Randle, 2006). Johnson (2009) explains that workplace bullying can also impact the organisation through decreased productivity, increased sick leave and employee attrition. Bullying within the nursing profession is a complex phenomenon and needs to be understood through an examination of the historical, social, political and economic factors that contribute to its proliferation. Nursing has existed in various forms in every culture, although the definition of the term and the practice of nursing has changed greatly over time. Donohue (1996) further explains this concept, describing Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

Workplace bullying is increasingly being recognised as a serious problem in society. Reports from the general media and professional press suggest that there is increasing evidence that the scale of bullying, harassment and violence amongst health care staff is widespread (UNISON, 2003). Chaboyer, Najman, and Dunn (2001) explain that although nursing in Australia is now considered a profession, the use of horizontal violence, bullying and aggression in nursing interactions has been identified as a serious problem. Levett-Jones (as cited in Clare, White, Edwards, & van Loon, 2002) explains that the recipients or victims of bullying within the nursing profession are often graduate nurses, with 25% of graduates reporting negative experiences. Bullying behaviour often renders the workplace a harmful, fearful and abusive environment and has a devastating effect on the nurse, healthcare team and patient. This essay will discuss the issue of bullying within the nursing profession, with a particular focus on the experiences of graduate nurses. The contributing historical, social, political and economic factors will be explored in order to better understand the origins of this trend. The subsequent impact of bullying on nursing practice will be analysed and recommendations for practice, supported by current literature, will be provided.Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

Workplace bullying is defined as any as any type of repetitive abuse in which the victim of the bullying behaviour suffers verbal abuse, threats, humiliating or intimidating behaviours, or behaviours that interfere with his or her job performance and are meant to place at risk the health and safety of the victim (Murray, 2009). Bullying can take many forms, some blatant, others more subtle.

Workplace violence has surfaced as an area of huge interest to both small and large business recently. Some employers are denying that their business is influenced by this issue but the idea that workplace violence has reach all businesses like the health sector. Workplace violence is a multifaceted problem that it’s so pervasive that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have classified it as a nationwide epidemic.

Healthcare workers are ornamented by an array of occupational risks including but not limited to back again injuries, needle stick injuries, contact with contagious, stress and assault. (Sullivan, E. & Decker, P. 2005)Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

Workplace assault includes both physical and non physical violence it could vary from physical assault, homicide to non-physical assault, like verbal misuse, intimate or racial harassment or making risks.


Non-physical kind of violence is rarely discussed. It is harassment however, not recognized as such because there is no discernible discrimination. When the harasser and targeted person are both customers of protected position groups, there is no prohibition, no protection. The offensive, intimidating, intimidating work environment is obviously hostile, not illegally hostile. (Namie, 2005)

The term work place bullying has been described as an umbrella term that incorporates harassment, intimidation and extreme or violent behaviors (Hadikin & O’Driscoll, 2000). Einarsen (2000) defines workplace bullying as:

“When a number of individuals, repeatedly over a period, face negative serves (whether it be intimate harassment, tormenting, social exclusion, offensive remarks, physical misuse or the like) conducted by one or more other individuals. In addition, there should be an imbalance in the power-relationships between gatherings. The individual confronted has to have difficulties defending himself/herself in this example”. (pp. 383-384). Obviously, a person would not allow themselves to be bullied if indeed they had the capability to defend themselves (Niedl as cited in Einarsen, 2000).Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

Workplace bullying evolves in harmful effects on professional medical providers, patients the business and the health system all together. It includes particular importance to the medical profession, in view of the growing concern over the poor professional practice environment of nurses in many countries. Such environment brings about problems in retaining and recruiting nurses, contributing to the overall medical shortage, and eventually resulting in drop in quality patient health care. (ICN) The trend of office bullying is quite new and has only been analyzed for just a little over 2 decades. (Rayner, Hoel, & Cooper, 2002)

“Violence in the workplace is a significant way to obtain inequality, discrimination, stigmatization and discord at the workplace. Increasingly it is now a central man rights concern” (WHO). At exactly the same time, workplace assault is increasingly appearing as a significant, sometimes lethal risk to the efficiency and success of organizations. Assault causes immediate and frequently long-term disruption to social relationships, the organization of work and the entire working environment (ILO, 2002).

Despite the occurrence of workplace violence, studies claim that most happenings in clinics and health care facilities go unreported. Based on the U. S. Team of Justice, Federal Bureau of Exploration, “of great concern is the likely under-reporting of violence and persistent notion within the medical industry that assaults are part of the job. Under-reporting may indicate too little institutional reporting policies, employee opinion that reporting will not gain them, or employee doubts that employers may consider assaults the result of employee neglectfulness or poor job performance”. (www. massnurses. org)Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

Many nurses do not discover the multiplicity and the wide-ranging definition of work area violence. Understanding the sort and rate of recurrence of violent conducts experienced in the healthcare setting will provide the foundation for early recognition and avoidance of violence. Creating a host that does not acknowledge nor tolerate acts of violence will increase staff satisfaction, reduce medical error and improve professional medical outcomes. In this particular study, work area bullying will be outlined as major moral problem, experienced by medical personnel but together overlooked.

Project aim
To determine the prevalence, impact, context, results of workplace bullying among nursing personnel, to be able to assist in expanding legal and programmatic response to boost nurses’ basic safety and satisfaction.

Specific purpose for the analysis:
In order to motivated the incidence, prevalence, impact, framework, consequences and reduction strategies of workplace bullying against nursing personnel.

To analyze patients’ reaction to violence and the results of workplace violence.Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

To help out with growing legal and programmatic response to boost providers’ security, satisfaction and retention.

Problem assertion:
Violence and physical assault are named significant occupational hazards for the medical care providers worldwide. Assault in societies rises and become another leading cause of death in a few societies (Mayer et al 1999). Bulling is on form of violence that has a devastating effect on employee’s life, family and career. To find the scope and the prevalence of place of work bullying, to increase staff awareness of violence with the aim of identifying the perpetrator characteristics, this review will be conducted. To make sure safe working environment in Salmaniya Medical Organic, managers should provide training for professional medical providers with regards to prevention and giving an answer to bullying and aggression. Healthcare providers should understand that violence result from a number of parameters, like stress, pain, concern with unknown, extended longing time to be seen and cured and unpleasant environment Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

Research questions:
What is the incidence of bullying of medical personnel during the past six months?

Did the variables of age, gender and experience as alter the nurse’s connection with bullying?

Dose nurses job satisfaction afflicted by bullying patterns?

The conceptual framework:
The Psychological Harassment Model will be utilized. Psychological harassment is a heterogeneous phenomenon. Each bullying action shows another type of occurrence, has different determinant motivations (e. g. remove someone from the company, competition for tasks, status, improvement, gain a supervisor’s favor, or play a tale on someone), a number of effects, and the happening occurs in different circumstances. From this paper’s standpoint, mental harassment is first a energetic linear process with four phases, which is illustrated in Figure 1. The connection of three types of antecedents (period 1) can develop psychological harassment habit (period 2), which creates response from the sufferer and the organization (phase 3), and produces three types of effects (stage 4). But, additionally it is a uni-linear process. For example, the antecedents (period 1) can straight influence the responses (phase 3) of an individual (e. g. personality) or a business (e. g. , culture). For example, the personality of the victim can influence the nature of the average person response, or the culture of the company can influence the attribute of the organizational response. Just as, the antecedents (stage 1) can directly influence the effects (stage 4). For example, the personality of the victim can influence the mental health harassment health results.Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

Figure 1 The Emotional harassment process phase. (Adapted from Polipot-Rocaboy, G. 2006)

Definition of terminology:
Workplace: Any health care facility, no matter the size, location (urban or rural) and the type of service(s) pro-vided, including major recommendation private hospitals of large towns, regional and region hospitals, health care centers, clinics, community health content, rehabilitation centers, long-term care and attention facilities, general practitioners offices, other indie health care experts. In the case of services performed beyond your health care service, such as ambulance services or home attention, anyplace where such services are performed will certainly be a work environment. (ILO et al 2002)Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

Satisfaction: is generally thought as a person’s emotive or affective response, either in a positive or in a poor direction, to some experience or situation. There is some question regarding whether satisfaction is a uni-dimensional theory or a multidimensional one. Some useful reviews of the books in this interconnection have been proposed by Prichard (1960), Vroom (1964), and Napior (1969).

Workplace violence: occurrences where personnel are abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances related to their work, including commuting to and from work, concerning an explicit or implicit challenge to their safe practices, well-being or health. (Modified from European Percentage, ICN 2007)Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

Bullying is a sub-lethal, non-physical form of assault mental health in both its execution and effect on targeted individuals, bullying is some sort of long-term hostile patterns detected in employees at workplaces. It entails hostile and unethical communication which is directed in a organized manner by a number of individuals, mainly toward one person, who, credited to mobbing, is pressed into a helpless and defenseless position and organised there by means of carrying on mobbing activities. These actions occur on a regular basis (at least one time weekly) and over an extended period of time (at least six calendar months’ duration). (Angeles, M. et al 2006)Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

Literature review
Through their nationwide work environmental functions Sweden, Finland and Norway support the privileges of workers to remain both physically and mentally healthy at work. Yet, in recent years, a work environment problem has been determined, the lifestyle and extent of which was not known previously. This phenomena has been called “mobbing, ” “ganging up on someone” or psychic terror. It occurs as schisms, where the victim is subjected to a systematic stigmatizing through, inter alia, injustices (violation of someone’s rights), which after a few years often means that the individual in question is unable to find work in his/her specific trade. Those accountable for this tragic future can either be co-worker or management. (Leymann, 1990)

Women and men are bullies. Women comprise 58% of the perpetrator pool regarding to a research done at the Office Bullying Institute (WBI). One half of all bullying is woman-on-woman. Overall, women comprise the majority of bullied people (80%). Without regulations and none exist in the U. S. , employers are reluctant to recognize, let alone correct or prevent detrimental behavior, preferring to dismiss bullying as “personality clashes. ” (Namie, 2005)Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

Because of the predominance of ladies in the nursing career, subsequent makes an attempt to make clear intimidation in nursing centered on gender-based ideas of the patterns of oppressed organizations. More recently it has been suggested that intimidation may be the consequence of nurses who feel a lack of control attempting to gain control through bullying others. External pressures are often held responsible, such as health care staff’ need to discover a scapegoat for mistakes. The impact of the reform of medical good care industry on staff is another reason cited for the living of this behavior. The funding and downsizing of hospitals for example, leads to greater levels of acuity in a healthcare facility patient population and hence increased workloads for nurses. Increased stress is often the result, and this is thought to contribute to an elevated inclination for bullying in the medical workforce. (Stevens, 2002)Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

According to ILO/ICN/WHO/PSI they identified workplace assault “Incidents where personnel are abused, threatened, or assaulted in circumstances related to their work, including commuting to and from work relating explicit or implicit obstacles to their safe practices, wellness or health”. The Californian Occupational Basic safety and Health Supervision (Cal/OSHA), categorized work place assault into three types

Type I: the aggressor has no legitimate employment romance to the staff member or the place of work and, usually, the primary thing of the assault is obtaining cash or valuable prosperity or demonstrating ability. Examples are robbery, mugging, and road rage.

Type II: the aggressor is someone who is the receiver of a service provided by the influenced work place or by the worker. Examples are assault or verbal threats by patients, carers or family of the individual.Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

Type III: the aggressor is another staff, a supervisor or director. Examples are bullying and harassment.

Type I is referred to as “external assault”, Type II as “client initiated” violence and Type III as “internal” violence. The internal violence will be tackled in this study.Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

Bullying is a sub-lethal, non-physical form of violence mental health in both its execution and effect on targeted individuals, bullying is some sort of long-term hostile action recognized in employees at workplaces. It involves hostile and unethical communication which is directed in a systematic manner by one or more individuals, mainly toward one individual, who, due to mobbing, is pressed into a helpless and defenseless position and organised there by means of carrying on mobbing activities. These activities occur over a consistent basis (at least one time a week) and over an extended period of time (at least six months’ period). Due to the high frequency and long length of time of hostile tendencies, this maltreatment leads to considerable mental, psychosomatic and sociable misery”. These hostile actions include verbal aggressions, rumors, humiliations, etc. Three types of bullying can be considered with regards to the electric power of victims and aggressors: horizontal, up-down and down-up bullying. Up-down bullying occurs whenever a superior harasses one of her subordinates. Down-up bullying occurs when a worker or a group or staff harasses his/their superior. When bullying occurs between co-workers at the same hierarchical level it is called horizontal bullying.Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

Workplace violence is often considered area of the job in medical sector and for that reason been more often overlooked than in another industries until just lately.

Workplace violence comes with an impact on the providers’ health, productivity and dignity. The impact of assault is not just on specific level but stretch to organizational and communal levels.

The outcomes of violence at work are serious for both an organization and the employee. Victims of work place violence have an increased risk of long-term psychological problems and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a problem which is common in combat veterans and victims of terrorism, criminal offenses, rape and other violent incidents. Symptoms experienced by victims include self doubt, depression, sleep disturbances, irritability, decreased capability to function at work, increased absenteeism, and disturbances in relationships with family, friends and co-workers (American Federation of Point out, Region and Municipal Employees, n. d). Organizations are significantly affected financially credited to low staff member morale, increased job stress and turnover, reduced trust of management and coworkers, and hostile work conditions (NIOSH, 2002).Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay


A survey from the ILO (1998) figured workplace violence is becoming progressively more global and crosses boarders; additionally it also reported that ladies are especially vulnerable to assault as they work in risky occupations.

Healthcare staff especially nurses are at risky of workplace violence. Half of all claims of aggression in the workplace come from the health sectors (bureau of Justice Information, 1992-1996). Healthcare staff face 16 times the risk of violence from patient/clients than other service staff (Elliot, P. 1997. Nursing Management, 28, 12, 38-41). The Joint Commission’s survey found that more than 50 percent of nurses have been the prospective of some form of abuse at the job and even more than 90 percent report having witnessed abusive behavior. Furthermore, 75 percent of nurses who responded thought that this type of behavior can reduce patient satisfaction and disrupt health care.Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

Despite the severity of the problem, neither the management nor the coworkers will probably interfere or take action to aid the sufferer. On contrary if the sufferer complains they often faces disbelief and questioning their own role. (Einarsen, S. et al. 2003)

Workplace assault is thought to be heavily underreported, because of this of lack of consensus on taxonomy of violence; cultural acceptance of violence; insufficient an appropriate reporting system; lack of career interest; and fear of blame or reprisal (Daniels C. & Marlow P. 2005).

Although a bullying culture in medical is seldom specifically referred to in large-scale studies of nursing homes’ medical dissatisfaction and retention strategies, it is clear that tackling this problem may be critical. The books indicates that this sort of medical culture may be more prevalent than the job may caution to acknowledge.Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

Organization of the analysis:
A popular nonprofit secondary treatment service in the Kingdom of Bahrain will be preferred to conduct this research.

The primary offers health care in Kingdome of Bahrain is the general public health sector; Salmaniya Medical complicated (SMC) is the main clinic in the kingdom, meets the extra and tertiary health care needs of the whole citizens and residents. The majority of the healthcare providers are working in SMC.

Study population:
From the total number of staff nurses working in SMC 300 staff will be decided on randomly.

All major self-control in a healthcare facility will be covered (medicine, surgical, crisis, pediatrics etc. )

Study Design:
Quantitative study design will be utilized to explore the partnership between the place of work bullying and job satisfaction.

Data collection methods:
To assess work environment bullying, the Negative Serves Questionnaire (NAQ) produced by Einarsen and Raknes (1997), will be utilized.Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

The Negative Serves Questionnaire comprises 22 items referring to particular behaviors in the workplace that may be regarded as bullying as well as a self-report item on victimization. The manners or negative acts are descriptive without labeling the actions as bullying. The conducts include; being shouted at, being humiliated, having viewpoints disregarded, being excluded, repeated reminders of problems, intimidating behavior, increased monitoring of work, and persistent criticism of work and effort.

Participants will be requested to complete a 5-point Likert level about how often that they had been put through these behaviors during the last six months, with response categories which range from never (1), occasionally (2), monthly (3), each week (4) and daily (5). To calculate the regularity of exposure to bullying patterns, Leymann’s operational meaning of work environment bullying of 1 incident per week over an interval of at least 6 months was used. The questionnaire is devided into three parts section A. demographic data, section B. the Negative Function Questionnaire and section C. is about the nurses job satisfaction. Bullying Within Nursing Workplace Essay

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