Calista Roy’s Adapation Theory of Nursing Essay
RAM IN RELATION TO PATIENT CARE 3stimuli… through one or more of four adaptive modes which are: (a) physiological mode, (b) self-concept mode, (c) role function mode, and (d) interdependence mode” (Naga; Al-Atiyyat, 2009). Through these four modes, “responses to and interaction with the client’s environment are carried out and adaptation can be observed” (McEwen; Wills, 2014). RAM recognizes health as being “a state and process of being and becoming integrated and whole” and believes that the goal of nursing is to promote adaptation in each of these four modes (McEwen; Wills, 2014). Theregulator and the cognator coping subsystems “allow clients to adapt and make changes when stressed” (McEwen; Wills, 2014). These concepts all contribute to Sister Callista’s dedication to and promotion of “health, quality of life, and dying with dignity Calista Roy’s Adapation Theory of Nursing Essay
Theories and models despite not being synonymous are used interchangeably in nursing. In general a theory is considered to be a speculative statement that is concerned with some elements of reality that are not yet proven. There are a number of theories in the field of nursing also which are used to support practice and decision making. In this regard, Viki Burges writes, “The application of individual nursing practice is based on a combination of scientific, medical, philosophical, psychological, sociological, and nursing theories. There is no one theory that fits every situation, area of practice or practitioner” (Burges, 2009). There are a number of grand theories in nursing of which one is the Roy adaptation model. This model was developed by Sister Callista Roy as a framework for theory, practice, and research in nursing. An important fundamental assumption in the Roy Adaptation model is that the person is a bio-psycho-social being who is in constant interaction with a changing environment. Despite being considered a complex model, it has been used widely and several research studies have highlighted its importance and effectiveness in health care settings.
Basic Assumptions of the Roy Adaptation Model:Calista Roy’s Adapation Theory of Nursing Essay
The basic assumptions of the Roy Adaptation model have been discussed below:
The person is a bio-psycho-social being who interacts constantly with a changing environment (MJC, 2012).
A person uses both innate and acquired mechanisms that are biological, psychological and social in origin to adapt to a changing world.
A person should adapt to respond positively to the environmental changes.
Integration of human and environment meanings results in adaptation (BC, 2013).
Major Concepts:
The major concepts in the Roy Adaptation model are as follows:
Adaptation: It is the process and outcome by which persons as individuals or as groups use awareness and choice for human and environmental integration (MJC, 2012). In an individual the adaptive mechanisms help him adapt mentally, physically, socially, spiritually and emotionally. Adaptation in general means responding positively to environmental changes. The regulator and cognitive subsystems are processes that apply to the individuals in the Roy Adaptation model. The stabilizer and innovative subsystems apply to the groups.Calista Roy’s Adapation Theory of Nursing Essay
Person: It is another important concept in the Roy Adaptation model. He is defined as the Bio-psycho-social being in constant interaction with a changing environment (MJC, 2012). He uses innate as well as the acquired mechanism to adapt. It also includes individuals or groups like Family, community and the entire society. Humans have been defined as holistic adaptive systems by the Roy adaption model. Person being the recipient of the nursing care is also the main focus. Environment: If we see the humans as adaptive systems, it is the world within and around the humans. The environment is constantly changing and it stimulates the person to make the adaptive processes. Environment includes all conditions, circumstances and influences surrounding and affecting the development and behaviour of persons and groups. An important point to note is that any environmental change of any kind requires increasing energy for adapting to the situation. The environmental factors affecting the person have been categorized as focal, contextual and residual stimuli.
Health: It is viewed as a reflection of adaptation. It is a state and process of being and becoming integrated and whole that reflects person and environment and mutuality.
Nursing: Nursing according to Roy is a healthcare profession focussed upon the human life processes and patterns of people with a commitment to promotion of health and full life potential for individuals, groups and the global society.Calista Roy’s Adapation Theory of Nursing Essay
Roy began work on her theory in the 1960s. She drew from existing work of a physiological psychologist, and behavioral, systems and role theorists. She was keenly interested in the psycho/social aspects of the person from the start and concentrated her education on this aspect of Person. Thus, the language/thinking of psychology and sociology became second nature to her. The need for intense study of the language and ideas behind Roy’s Adaptation Model is its biggest drawback in applying it to many clinical areas. The confusion in the physiological mode’s categories could be explained by her concentrating on the psych social during her education. In 1980 Calista Roy’s Adapation Theory of Nursing Essay
Of the Cognator, there are three modes described by Roy. Self concept is the need for psychic integrity and perception of worth. Role function is the need for social integrity, and interaction with others. Interdependence is the balance of dependence/ independence with others. I like the concept of person as open systems and the concept of dividing ‘stimuli’ into focal, contextual and residual categories. There is definitely a need for more emphasis and understanding of the person’s: cognitive coping mechanisms. Again, Roy tends to imply that the person/adaptive system is reacting to and trying to ‘fit’ into his surroundings – another manifestation of the Roman Catholic fatalistic view of mankind. Persons, family, communities are capable of affecting their environment and letting it affect and expand their capabilities at the same time. It does not have to be ‘God’s Will’. For example a person does not have to accept that he and his will be struck down by bowel CA, or heart disease. A change in diet, exercise, decreasing stress and not smoking will allow them to alter their future. Because the medical model is so dependent and fixated on treating pathologies, the public has gradually neglected or given up their ability to protect themselves against disease. Think of the health care system or the prevailing medical model as the oppressor and the public Calista Roy’s Adapation Theory of Nursing Essay
The Roy Adaptation Model for Nursing had it’s beginning with Sister Callista Roy entered the masters program in pediatric nursing at the University of California in Los Angeles in 1964. Dorothy E. Johnson, Roy’s advisor and seminar faculty, was speaking at the time on the need to define the goal of nursing as a way of focusing the development of knowledge for practice. During Roy’s first seminar in pediatric nursing, she proposed that the goal of nursing was promoting patient adaptation. Johnson encouraged her to develop her concept of adaptation as a framework for nursing, throughout the course of her master’s program. Von Vertalanffy’s use of systems theory was a key component in the early…show more content…
She related spirituality and science to present a new definition of adaptation and related scientific and philosophical assumptions. Roy’s stance on the philosophy emphasizes that nurses see persons as co-extensive with their physical and social environments. Roy has used the term cosmic unity to describe that persons and the earth have common patterns and mutuality of relations and meaning and that persons through thinking and feeling capacities, rooted in consciousness and meaning, are accountable for deriving , sustaining, and transforming the universe. These ideas were explained in a 1997 publication and included in the 1999 revision of the theorist’s textbook on the model. Other major developments of the model in the 1999 textbook include: expanding the adaptive modes to include relational persons as well as individual persons and describing adaptation on three levels of integrated life processes, compensatory processes, and compromised processes. Roy has also outlined a structure for nursing knowledge development based on the Roy Adaptation Model and provided examples of research within this structure. Roy remains committed to developing knowledge for nursing practice and continually updating the Roy Model as a basis for this knowledge development. Person Roy defines the person as an adaptive open system. The systems’ input is: A) Calista Roy’s Adapation Theory of Nursing Essay