Capillary Seals And Pore Throats Health Essay

Capillary Seals And Pore Throats Health Essay

The universe ‘s thirst for crude oil is quenched merely by the development of hydrocarbon reservoirs. However, our steel straws ” by and large penetrate into comparatively little accretions of hydrocarbons. Due to technological restraints in the past, crude oil geographic expedition had to concentrate on working conventional reservoirs in order to outdo satisfy demand. These reservoirs had traps that were by and large discontinuous and had comparatively high permeableness. Due to high permeableness, gravitative ( buoyancy driven ) mechanisms controlled the flow of fluids in the subsurface. Vertical wells by and large targeted distinct compartments with structural and/or stratigraphic traps ( that had low permeableness lithologic sealing mechanisms ) in order to maximise production. Capillary Seals And Pore Throats Health Essay.
As predicted by Hubbert ( 1956 ) – see image at right, the United States demand for crude oil has surpassed supply. The find of new ” accretions of crude oil has been in rapid diminution and production has badly depleted conventional reservoirs. However, with the coming of improved boring and completion engineerings, the geographic expedition for crude oil has expanded into unconventional reservoirs ; greatly increasing crude oil militias. Tight sand and shale petrologies that were antecedently merely considered to be of usage as seals are now being targeted as reservoirs. Unconventional reservoirs are easy to happen, but hard to work. Distinguishing between reservoir and seal is frequently hard. Exploration companies must use the best combination of location, boring, and completion techniques in order to maximise production. In order to make so, the mechanisms of crude oil migration in unconventional reservoirs must be good understood.
Unconventional reservoirs are by and large all right grained and have highly low permeableness ; enough so that capillary action would probably be the dominant control mechanism regulating unstable migration and entrapment. In order to understand these reservoirs, the deductions of ‘capillary control ‘ must be considered. This paper will turn to the mechanism of capillary waterproofing and its deductions sing the development of unconventional reservoirs.


Discussion sing compartments and seals
The work of Hunt ( 1990 ) and Bradley and Powley ( 1994 ) demoing the being of force per unit area compartments within basins have huge deductions on fluid migration and pin downing mechanism constructs. In short, they argue that hydrodynamic, boundaries separate the basin into different zones of hydrostatic force per unit area gradients ( mention image below ) . These compartments separate basins into multiple force per unit area governments. In some instances the compartments may be closed but in others it may be unfastened ( and therefore let the flight ” of fluids ) . Capillary Seals And Pore Throats Health Essay. Each distinct compartment has different fluid flow features. Furthermore, the Bradley and Powley ( 1994 ) paper contends that thin ( thickness a‰? a few 100 metres ) seals influence the migration and caparison of hydrocarbons. Their work and others has provided crude oil geographic expedition companies with an extra toolset to most efficaciously aim bring forthing intervals. However, the work leaves the nature of the seals that separate these force per unit area compartments slightly equivocal.
Lithologic sealing can non account for the ascertained architecture of force per unit area compartments. In many instances, the seals do non needfully follow lithologic, stratigraphic, or structural ( mistake ) boundaries ( Cathles, 2001 ) . Therefore alternate mechanisms for sealing must be ( and have been ) considered. There have been several hypotheses sing force per unit area compartment seals.
One such hypotheses argues that when multiple fluid stages are present in coarse-fine grained deposit beds, capillary seals can organize and that overpressuring and force per unit area compartmentation may be caused by these seals ( Cathles, 2001 ) . In all right grained, low permeableness deposits, gravitative stage separation of fluids may non happen ( or may be slow ” ) ; and capillary seals can organize when a non-wetting fluid stage ( CO2 or hydrocarbon ) is introduced to the deposit ( Cathles, 2001 ) . This brings forth the possibility of dynamic seals that can travel through the sediment column ; unlike inactive ( in a ‘human clip ‘ context ) structural or stratigraphic seals.
Lab experiments back up the hypothesis. The consequences show that the permeableness of a all right bed of vitreous silica grains can drop from ~7.4 millidarcies when merely H2O is present to less than 1.2 nanodarcies when gas is introduced to the bed. This permeableness value is really near to the needed degree in order to make the ascertained waterproofing in sedimentary basins. Temperature fluctuations observed in the samples during flow obstruction indicated capillary interactions as the blocking ( sealing ) mechanism ( Cathles, 2001 ) .
The reasoning deductions of the Cathles ( 2001 ) paper are as follows: The ( capillary waterproofing ) hypothesis links hydrocarbon coevals, fluid flow, and stage separation to capillary waterproofing. Contrast in grain size between beds is more of import ( sing the control of fluid flow ) than existent grain size or permeableness, because coarse-fine-coarse grained layering is required to set up capillary seals. The dynamic nature of capillary seals ( positional and temporal fluctuations ) is established ; seals may migrate and alter strength through clip. While capillary seals should be strong ; they may exhibit rupturing, though non for good – traps may therefore be for a long clip.Capillary Seals And Pore Throats Health Essay.  Thermal conduction of deposit beds, and hence thermic history of a basin, can be affected by the effects of capillary waterproofing. The paper besides discusses the possibility that capillary sealing mechanisms allow for a basin to be self-sealing ; exsolution/evolution of gas from sediments/organic affair would automatically ( and increasingly ) produce capillary seals as the basin formed. This is of peculiar involvement as is makes the history of a basin inherently more complex ; but supplies a tool with which to analyze the basin in greater item.
Discussion sing the Pore Throat connexion ”
It is apparent ( from the old treatments ) that the consideration of pore-throat size can hold deductions sing the fluid flow in powdered deposits, and therefore the development of unconventional reservoirs. It has even been shown that pore-throat informations can be efficaciously used in the calculation of net wage in reservoirs ; the undermentioned chart shows a strong correlativity between estimated ultimate primary recovery and calculated hydrocarbon pore thickness ( Kolodzie, 1980 ) .
Pore pharynx size and permeableness relationships have been used to specify the boundary conditions between hapless choice conventional reservoirs and unconventional tight-gas sandstones ( Nelson, 2009 ) . Rocks with similar porousness values but with differing pore pharynx sizes can hold huge differences in permeableness ; therefore understanding this relationship is of great value to the crude oil industry.
Pore pharynx size is normally determined by quicksilver injection or gas flow methods. As grain size lessenings, so do pores and pore pharynxs ( Nelson 2009 ) . The relationship between permeableness and pore size/porosity has antecedently ( for usage in conventional reservoirs ) been estimated by the equation
K a‰? 4.48dA?I†A?
Where K is permeableness in millidarcies, vitamin D is the pore size in microns and I† is porousness ( Katz and Thompson 1986 ) . However, Nelson ( 2009 ) finds this relationship slightly unsatisfactory for usage in unconventional reservoirs where the consideration of pore-throat size ( from quicksilver injection trials ) consequences in a better finding of permeableness. Capillary Seals And Pore Throats Health Essay. The Nelson ( 2009 ) paper besides indicates that the 1-um value for pore pharynx size defines the threshold between ( low quality ) conventional and unconventional reservoirs.
The ultimate determination of Nelson ( 2009 ) is that pore pharynxs have a important function in the finding of needed differential force per unit area in order to saturate the pore infinite. The following tabular array shows a sum-up of multiple grain size stones:
Of peculiar involvement are the relationships between the highlighted columns. Nelson ( 2009 ) shows that stones with similar porousness values may hold important fluctuations in permeableness ; arguably due to the differences in pore pharynx diameter. Porosity values for the Upper Cretaceous Lance Formation and the Upper Jurassic Bossier interval are equal at 7.5 % . However, their permeableness values are 17.7 Aµd and 12.2 Aµd severally. The overall significance of the Nelson paper is that relates pore size to the needed force per unit area derived function to saturate the pore infinite. The capillary waterproofing mechanisms discussed antecedently would apparently be influenced by such force per unit area derived functions.
Another paper addresses the pore pharynx – capillary relationship straight every bit good. In survey on pore microgeometry ; Cerepi ( 2002 ) concludes that the size of the pore pharynxs and the size relation to pores are commanding factors in capillary behaviour in ( low electric resistance, chlorite rich ) sandstone reservoirs. The survey performs quicksilver injection trials and petrographic image analysis ( PIA ) and finds a strong relationship with capillary force per unit area. The survey therefore contends that PIA can besides be used to analyse pore pharynxs and theoretical account fluctuations in capillary force per unit areas. The significance of this work is that it may offer a method by which scientists can execute a quality cheque with respect to mercury injection ; to be discussed further in the decision of this paper.Capillary Seals And Pore Throats Health Essay.
Discussion sing capillary waterproofing in the Anadarko Basin
There is a certain duty to understand the fluid kineticss of the Anadarko Basin ; as it is a critical resource. The basin has a huge sum of both conventional and unconventional reservoirs. The estimated ultimate recovery of natural gas has been shown to be over 3 trillion three-dimensional metres ( Dyman et al. , 1997 ) . It is besides known to hold overpressurized unstable compartments in the zone between ~2.3 km deepness and the Woodford Shale ( Al-Shaieb et al. , 1992 ) ; but the causes of this force per unit area government have non been good identified. Hypothesiss of differential compression and gas coevals causal mechanisms have been rejected by Lee and Deming ( 2002 ) . Both mechanisms occurred, but have halted about 250 Ma and 50 Ma severally. In either instance, the needed permeableness to continue the generated overpressures ( that is, to impute modern overpressure to those old mechanisms ) is significantly lower than any permeablenesss of all time measured ( Neuzil, 1994 ) . Besides, it would necessitate that the mechanisms be able to keep that force per unit area for 10s to 100s of 1000000s of old ages ; apparently improbable.
It has been proposed ( Cranganu, 2006 ) that the interactions of fluids ( gas and H2O ) between ( changing grain size ) clastic interfaces may ensue in capillary forces that create seals ( and therefore force per unit area compartments ) in the Anadarko Basin. This hypothesis is based in portion on the aforesaid work of ( Cathles, 2001 ) in which force per unit area compartmentalisation in sedimentary basins is attributed to the formation of capillary seals. Cranganu ( 2006 ) applies this hypothesis to the Anadarko Basin and contends that the greater part of ascertained overpressure in the basin can be attributed to the capillary waterproofing mechanism. The survey country covers much of the Anadarko Basin in western Oklahoma ; see figure 1 below.
In order to set up the cogency of the capillary seal hypotheses, Cranganu seeks two signifiers of grounds: The presence of gas-bearing beds ( in shales ) and gauging pore pharynxs. Porosity logs were used in order to place the presence of thin gas-bearing beds and quicksilver injection measurings were used to gauge pore pharynxs. Capillary Seals And Pore Throats Health Essay. It is slightly ill-defined, but it appears as though gas bearing beds are interpreted as gas-water interfaces and therefore demarcate seal locations. Consequences of the pore pharynx appraisals are in the tabular array below.
The mean pore pharynx radius is 2.5 x10-8 m. Calculating the entire possible force per unit area alteration across 20 seals, Cranganu ( 2006 ) finds a upper limit of 40 ten 106 Pa. Previous work ( Al-Shaieb et al. , 1994 ) shows that the maximal overpressure in western Roger Mills County ( denoted by the orange ellipse in the map ) reaches ~ 50 x 106 Pa. Cranganu ( 2006 ) so deduces that ~80 % of overpressure in the basin can therefore be ( potentially ) attributed to capillary waterproofing. The work concludes that gas can be pushed from a farinaceous deposit bed into and through a powdered deposit bed with the presence of presence of a force per unit area bead across gas/water interfaces as a consequence of a capillary waterproofing mechanism.
Discussion sing Capillary Modeling and Fluid Migration
Modeling is indispensable for effectual unconventional reservoir crude oil geographic expedition ventures. Models that can aim the most economically attractive parts of a reservoir are of important value. Burnie ( 2004 ) breaks down the development of low permeableness gas reservoirs into four phases: generation, migration, escape, and regional dewatering. Mention to figures below.
The paper uses force per unit area vs. lift informations and capillary theory as a footing for the patterned advance of this procedure. The sweet musca volitanss ” are sandstone beds with higher permeableness that are bound by low permeableness beginning stone. In the early phases, the reservoir has gas trapped up dip and due to buoyancy goaded migration and conventional ( structural and stratigraphic ) pin downing mechanisms.
Finally, the gas pockets become extended columns ( by and large 600-800 foots but may be 2000 foot ) and important capillary force per unit area is exerted on the seals. As capillary force per unit area additions, gas invades increasingly less permeable deposit beds ( Burnie, 2004 ) and gas becomes the uninterrupted stage throughout. Note that if gas generation/capillary force per unit area rate exceeds H2O drainage, an overpressured state of affairs exists. Generation and migration of gas is finally out paced by escape and force per unit area beads until H2O is allowed to ( easy ) flow back in. The force per unit area at the underside of the gas columns is lower than at the top, so H2O inflow is down dip. The interesting feature of the imbibition ” phase is that there now exists a gas-water contact below the gas filled part. Furthermore, it would look that H2O would make full the higher permeableness deposits foremost ; making a state of affairs in which the greatest hydrocarbon recovery potency would be in the lower permeableness parts. Capillary Seals And Pore Throats Health Essay.
The survey gives legion illustrations of research lab experiments that support the hypothesis. However, it is missing in back uping field informations. It is much excessively general of a theoretical account to be commercially applicable.
This paper has shown the importance of capillary sealing mechanisms with regard to petroleum reservoirs, and the demand of pore pharynx size finding in order to spot the features of such seals. It is apparent that pore pharynx size is therefore a important factor in the rating of unconventional reservoirs. Since pore pharynx size finding is accomplished by nucleus analysis, this brings existent stone ” survey to the head of such ratings. Core and cutting analysis has rather frequently fallen to the roadside in crude oil geographic expedition ventures. The limited declaration of, and the troubles in finding accurate permeableness values from unfastened hole logs inhibit the ability of the geoscientist to accurately measure unconventional reservoirs that have important compartmentalisation due to capillary waterproofing. The value of research lab analysis ( such as quicksilver injection trials ) on nucleus samples lies in the enhanced likeliness of an accurate finding of reservoir force per unit area governments. Therefore, oil and gas companies are encouraged to execute such trials.
The corporate organic structure of research in this field can apparently be utilized to make a theoretical account that would foretell the sweet musca volitanss ” in most, if non all, unconventional reservoirs. However, it is rather apparent that much more research needs to be done on pore pharynx size analysis. The highly little sample sets can non be considered robust plenty to establish a theoretical account upon. There are possibly some jobs with trusting entirely on quicksilver injection trials for pore-throat size analysis. In a doctorial thesis, Wu ( 2004 ) indicates that quicksilver injection can do microfracturing of nucleus samples, taking to erroneous consequences. Therefore excess methods ( such as PIA ) of verifying the informations are required. The thesis besides argues that air-water centrifugal trials ( see image below ) can be more dependable and accurate than quicksilver injection trials when finding irreducible H2O impregnation values ; a factor in the capillary force per unit area equations of Wu ( 2004 ) . Capillary Seals And Pore Throats Health Essay. The paper concludes with an equation ( non shown ) that can be used to measure the sealing capacity of capillary seals. While outside the range of this paper, the deductions of the Wu ( 2004 ) thesis on capillary waterproofing mechanisms are of great importance and must be investigated by the scientific community.


This paper calls for extra quicksilver injection nucleus ( and quality control by petrographic image analysis ) analyses in order to supply a more complete informations set on which theoretical accounts suitable for commercial application could be based. Further research on new thoughts ( i.e. Wu, 2004 ) , should besides be conducted so that the mathematical footing of theoretical accounts is robust every bit good. It would besides be interesting to see what the influence of hydraulic fracturing has on capillary mechanisms in unconventional reservoirs. The force per unit area spike may change or tear a seal. Whether or non there would be deductions relevant to the clip frame of the life of the well is unknown.
Sing the nature of most of the universe ‘s economic system, crude oil is so the life-blood of civilisation, and in the anatomy of unconventional reservoirs we find that capillaries are possibly the arterias that will prolong the pulsation of states. Capillary Seals And Pore Throats Health Essay.

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