Care Planning for a Person with Mental Disabilities Essay

Care Planning for a Person with Mental Disabilities Essay

In this essay I will discourse a service user I encountered on recent pattern arrangement who was referred to the infirmary after she has been deteriorating in mental wellness and she has bipolar upset. I am traveling to discourse the appraisal and development of the attention program of the service user. The essay will besides dwell of a brief life of the patient’s lending factors towards her present mental wellness fortunes. The relevant culturally sensitive battle and appraisal accomplishments used by the nurse in their relationships with the service user will be discussed. I will besides research legislative and nursing models that influence and contribute to positive and hopeful service user’s attention. The assignment will besides research the multi-disciplinary nature of mental wellness attention bringing and treatment of the attention planning of the service user.

The Nursing and Midwifery Council ( NMC Code. 2008 ) states that it is the function of the nurse to keep confidentiality of the patients and in line with the Data Protection Act ( 1998 ) . in this essay I will alter the name of the patient by giving her a name Alice. I will discourse three of the 12 Roper. Tierney and Logan’s Activities of Living ( Roper et al. 1990 ) which are communicating. keeping a safe environment and mobilising. I will utilize the tidal theoretical account besides known as recovery theoretical account which is a theoretical account for the publicity of mental wellness and recovery developed by Professor Phil Barker.Care Planning for a Person with Mental Disabilities Essay.  Poppy Buchanan-Barker and their co-workers ( Barker. 2001 ) . Alice is an 80 two twelvemonth old British lady admitted informally at the mental wellness ward. She is a widow who lives by herself in a cottage and the hubby passed off in 2005. She has got a girl who immigrated to Australia. and she has a brother. nieces and nephews who live far off from her and they visit each other one time or twice a twelvemonth.


Alice is a Catholic and she enjoys traveling to church. She has a good societal web of friends and she likes traveling out for repasts and shopping with friends but late she has been insulating herself. Alice used to work in the constabulary force and after she retired she had been making a batch of charity plants. The lady is known to services with a history of bipolar upset. Alice has got a history of taking overdoses due to depressive unwellness. She had a autumn at place prolonging a cut approximately 10 centimeters on her caput and stitched and Alice’s mental wellness had been deteriorating over the last two hebdomads following a suspected fiscal maltreatment from one of her neighbors whom she had a close relationship with. These two incidents made Alice to be rather low in temper with decreased motive and besides an consequence on her assurance go forthing her confided to her house and non traveling out as she used to. She felt sad and baffled and she was brought to the ward by the community psychiatric nurse ( CPN ) and societal worker. Alice used to travel to the twenty-four hours center every Thursday and she had non been traveling for the past two months.

Alice attention is coordinated under a Care Programme Approach ( CPA ) and this is a peculiar manner of measuring. planning and reexamining someone’s mental wellness attention demands. and she should hold a written attention program. A attention program is a written papers that identifies the attention to be given and a record that shows who planned and gave that attention. It is a legal papers and it should steer the work of others and be a footing of continuity of attention. A attention program should besides demo a logical and systematic flow of thought through from the initial appraisal to the concluding rating. The CPA was introduced by the Department of Health in 1991 to supply a model for effectual mental wellness attention. It makes certain that people with mental wellness troubles receive the attention and support they need in a attention bundle tailored for persons ( CPA & A ; Care Standards. 2008 ) . Care Planning for a Person with Mental Disabilities Essay.

The Department of Health ( DOH ) formed The National Service Framework ( NSF ) for Mental Health ( 1999 ) which sets national criterions and defines service theoretical accounts for advancing mental wellness and handling mental unwellnesss in the five following countries: mental wellness publicity ; primary attention and entree to services ; effectual services for people with terrible mental unwellness ; caring about carers ; and forestalling self-destruction. The Department of Healthy formed a National Service Frame for Older Peoples ( 2001 ) which was established to look at the jobs for the aged people so they get the best quality of attention. This helps to understate age favoritism in aged people and it promotes independency and provides individual centred attention. The model has four underlying rules which are ; esteeming the person. intermediate attention. supplying grounds based specializer attention and advancing an active healthy life.

There is besides National Care Standards which aims to better the quality of life of the patients by the degree of attention and support provided. The models and statute laws help to steer Alice’s attention. Alice needed an appraisal of her demands and to hold a attention program that is on a regular basis reviewed by professionals. Appraisal is the determination devising procedure. based upon the aggregation of relevant information. utilizing a format set of ethical standards. that contributes to an overall appraisal of a individual and her fortunes ( Barker. 2004 ) . I was traveling to acquire most of the information from Alice. Barker ( 2009 ) suggests that wherever possible information should be obtained straight from the individual. either in the signifier of some sort of self study or via observation. Good communicating and a systematic attack to data aggregation are needed for a successful appraisal. It is necessary to organize an effectual curative relationship with a service user before transporting out an appraisal.

The phases of curative relationships are identified as developing. maintaining and stoping curative confederation ( Callaghan and Waldock. 2006 ) .Care Planning for a Person with Mental Disabilities Essay.  I was traveling to get down by transporting out a formal appraisal so I took Alice to one of the quite suites where I was traveling to interview her in the presence of a qualified nurse. We all sat on the chairs so that we would be on same degree and that would do Alice experience comfy and relax and offered Alice some drinks. Introductions were made to look into the service user’s name and how she would wish to be called. I introduced myself. the qualified nurse and our functions and the purpose of the interview so that Alice would experience welcome and comfy. I explained to Alice that the information she gave would be kept confidential and merely to be shared with other professionals like physicians. occupational healers. support workers and physical therapists. This is supported by the NMC Code ( 2008 ) which states that professionals should keep confidentiality and guarantee individuals’ right to privateness. regard and self-respect will be maintained at all times.

However confidentiality demands to be breached if there possibly injury to the service user or others. Alice indicated that she understood and agreed to be interviewed. During the interview Alice was asked about her past history every bit good as full inside informations of her current jobs and the ground why she was admitted. This information is taken to guarantee that the aid and support offered while in infirmary is appropriate. Alice said that her temper had been fluctuating from rather low and tearful to quite happy. She felt she was merely on the ward for reprieve and did non necessitate a batch of input. Alice was asked if there had been any history of mental wellness jobs in her household ( Schultz and Videbeck. 2005 ) and she replied there was none she was cognizant of. I asked Alice some inquiries that would give me ideas if there was any history or present hazard of harming herself. She denied holding any self-destructive feelings. ideas or ideation. She is prone to falls due to unsteady pace and had stitches on her caput when she arrived. As per trust policy I completed the 16 points testing tool which identifies hazard factors for falling in older people ( see appendix 3 ) . During the interview Alice denied to hold any hazard of injury from others. Care Planning for a Person with Mental Disabilities Essay.

Alice’s belongings was checked if she was transporting any arms that would be unsafe to her or other service users and medicine. She did non hold any arms but had her medicine which had been handed over by the CPN and the societal worker of which I recorded. During the interview there were juncture Alice looked really down and she was seting her custodies on the cheek and seize with teething her oral cavity which indicated that there was a batch traveling on in her head. May ( 2005 ) stated that after entering a figure of behavioral incidents. it frequently becomes possible to see that certain ancestors systematically trigger the behavior or peculiar effects appear to be keeping. Alice was besides asked what she expected from the infirmary and staff and she said she wanted to acquire better and her lesion on the caput to mend. I was prepared to listen to Alice by demoing concentration and supported her to air out her feelings as it is healthy. It was critical that Alice’s baseline physical observations were taken and recorded to look into if any observations were outside of normal parametric quantities so that the physician would be highlighted.

The other ground for baseline physical observations is to observe and place any physical wellness jobs. All the consequences were on the normal scope ( see appendix 4 ) . Alice stated that her appetency and fluid consumption had non been bad. I had besides to measure if Alice was at hazard of force per unit area sores by finishing a Waterlow Risk Assessment Tool ( see appendix 5 ) as it is a demand by the arrangement trust. and was non at hazard. Alice stated that she was able to help herself with simple activities of day-to-day life when asked and she did non hold any incontinency issues. Alice smokes on occasion and does non take any drugs or intoxicant. During the interview Alice was asked about her sleeping form and she said she sleeps good with the assistance of kiping medicine. The ground for appraisal was to happen and place the jobs and strengths so that there will be a program towards her intervention. Following an accurate appraisal the following phase in the attention procedure is care be aftering.

A attention program is a written history of how the service user’s demands are being met. and a good designed attention program should affect working together with service user so to hold the desired results ( Callaghan and Waldock. 2006 ) . The attention program includes the understandings or actions agreed with the service user and intercessions which are the tract to a certain end with the ultimate purpose to cut down the symptoms. hurt and/or disablement associated with the job ( NICE. 1999 ) . Following appraisal.Care Planning for a Person with Mental Disabilities Essay.  the chief demands identified were Alice being in variable temper fluctuating from rather low and tearful to quite happy. hold a medium hazard to falls and have a cut on her caput. Mental wellness attention plays a critical function in maintaining people safe and assisting them achieve recovery.

The construct of recovery is about remaining in control of life despite sing a mental wellness job and a foundation of recovery is a journey and does non intend acquiring back where you where ( Barker and Buchanan. 2005 ) . The professionals in the mental wellness sector frequently refer the recovery theoretical account to depict the manner of thought and the attention program is about the hereafter and what the patient is stating. Since one of the jobs identified on Alice was variable in temper. fluctuating from low and tearful to quite happy. The coveted result was to return Alice’s temper to a stable degree by utilizing the appropriate intercessions. Alice should go on taking her medicine to maintain her temper stable or to handle tempers which she found straitening. Staff should administrate the medicine as prescribed. proctor any side effects. educating her and speaking about the intended effects of the medicine. When a side consequence appears. the nurse should document the side consequence and advise the prescriber so that farther rating can be made ( Boyd. 2008 ) . A complete list of medicine should be maintained and evaluated for any possible drug interaction.

Alice should be offered regular hebdomadal reappraisals by the multi disciplinary squad ( MDT ) . the adviser and as and when required by ward physician. The following demand which was identified was Alice to fall in the occupational therapy groups. Occupational healers are responsible for supplying activities that help patients increase their attending span. better their motor accomplishments. and their ability to execute their day-to-day activities ( Fontaine. 2009 ) . Alice was to be offered regular one to one session to enable her talk about her feelings. Staff should promote Alice to be independent by allowing her do things for herself which she is capable of making. Alice was put on general observations and the degree of observations to be reviewed and amended if needed. Staff should supervise and enter her temper. behaviour. how she is showing herself and her whereabouts. Care Planning for a Person with Mental Disabilities Essay.

In line with Schultz and Videbeck ( 2009 ) . Alice should besides be provided with a safe environment and reassured that she is safe. Alice should be encouraged to go to ward meetings with other patients to speak about what she would wish to pass her clip making during the twenty-four hours so that she can take part in the groups traveling on that twenty-four hours. Harmonizing to James and Gilliland ( 2001 ) working with clients to explicate a program gives the patient control of their lives and liberty and the patient will experience that the nurses are non coercing their thoughts to the patient. By promoting Alice to fall in the groups would do her non to insulate herself. develop new accomplishments. and portion her feelings and ideas in an unfastened and honest mode. Alice will besides supply support to other service users and receive from them.

Another identified job was Alice is prone to falls due to unsteady pace and uses a stick. When Alice is walking staff should detect her and do certain she uses her stick at all times and promote usage of and conformity with hip defenders. For long distances a wheel chair should be used and when utilizing a wheel chair staff should do certain Alice’s pess are on the footplates. If any mistakes found on the wheel chair this should be reported and it should non be used. Nursing staff to attach to or be within range of Alice during high hazard activities like lavishing and bathing. Staff should intercede with physical therapists for safe mobility and should be encouraged to fall in exercising groups with the physical therapist. Staff should besides intercede with the territory nurse to go to to the cut on her caput. Any bleeding and concerns noticed on the caput should be monitored and reported. Good communicating accomplishments are required during the nursing procedure of Alice. this is supported by Callaghan and Waldock ( 2006 ) who stated that effectual communicating is an indispensable characteristic of the mental wellness attention of older people.

When speaking to Alice staff should listen actively and that encourages the service user to depict all the relevant facets of the job. You besides acquire and give accurate information and set up and keep relationship with service users and their households. In every conversation staff should besides look into if Alice has understood. inquiring one inquiry at a clip and leting her clip to react. When nearing Alice staff should do certain that they are non traveling weaponries into her familiarity circle and maintain their position relaxed. It’s besides nice to do certain that Alice is cognizant of your presence before touching her and non making makes her scared. Care Planning for a Person with Mental Disabilities Essay. Eye contact should be maintained whilst speaking to Alice and have their eyes at the same degree as hers when speaking to her. When speaking to service users you should maintain your voice degree. composure and even and guarantee that you are showing listening by caput nodding and responses ( Barker. 2009 ) .

Good communicating improves the service user’s satisfaction with the attention given and reduces negative emotion and fright. Another facet of Alice’s attention was to see hazard of maltreatment during her stay in the ward from anyone. Maltreatment can be taken in many signifiers but is normally defined as physical. sexual. fiscal or psychological/emotional. ‘No Secrets’ . published jointly by the Department of Health and the Home Office. set out a model for safeguarding – maintaining people safe from maltreatment and disregard. The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act ( 2006 ) was passed to beef up safeguarding agreements for persons in the workplace. One of its chief points is to better vetting processs so that people who may show a danger to service users are identified and prevented from working in societal attention professions.

Alice should non be discriminated because of her age or her mental unwellness. If person is in fright or experience unpatriotic to the administrations there are some administrations which can be notified like the societal services and the Care Quality Commission ( CQC ) . There is besides whistle blowing policy which protects staff from losing their occupation or be victimised by the employer after describing any incorrect making go oning in the work topographic point. Alice should hold picks. self-respect. regard. safety. gaining possible. equality and diverseness and should be treated separately. She should acquire the best quality of attention and as a nurse it is our duty to maintain it in pattern to Alice’s recovery and. a good appraisal and good attention be aftering lead to Alice’s recovery. I have learnt that good communicating between health care professionals and service users is indispensable.

Alice needs to be assessed on a regular basis and every bit and when required and care program to be amended during her attention to set up a good structured modus operandi. Although bipolar upset tends to be a womb-to-tomb. recurrent unwellness. there are many things Alice can make to assist herself. Besides the intervention Alice gets from her physician or healers. there are many things she can make to cut down her symptoms and remain on path. including educating herself about bipolar upset. environing herself with people she can number on. and taking a healthy “wellness” life style. She is non powerless when it comes to bipolar upset and with good get bying accomplishments and a solid support system. she can populate to the full and fruitfully and maintain the symptoms of bipolar upset in cheque. Care Planning for a Person with Mental Disabilities Essay.


Barker. P June 2001Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health NursingVolume 8. Issue 3. pages 233–240. University of Newcastle. Department of Psychiatry. Royal Victoria Infirmary. Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 4LP. United kingdom

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hypertext transfer protocol: //www. bbc. co. uk/health/emotional_health/mental_health/disorders_person. shtml hypertext transfer protocol: //www. cmft. New Hampshire. uk/directorates/mentor/documents/Assessingplanningimplementingandevaluatingcare_001. pdf hypertext transfer protocol: //www. nice. org. uk/nicemedia/live/10990/30194/30194. pdf

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