Case Study Pre Eclampsia Health Essay

Case Study Pre Eclampsia Health Essay

This essay is based on a instance survey and will discourse the implicit in pathophysiology, direction and psychosocial facets a patient faces when diagnosed with preeclampsia. Information was obtained through the patient and from their medical notes.
Section A: Case History
JB is a 38-year-old, gravida 4, parity 0, Caucasic female who presented in infirmary at 36 hebdomads plus 5 yearss gestation with sudden development of hydrops in the face and upper and lower appendages along with a terrible concern.
On scrutiny her blood force per unit area ( BP ) was elevated at 171/107 mmHg. Her pulse 81 beats per minute ( beats per minute ) , respiratory rate 15 breaths per proceedingss, and temperature was 36.4 & A ; deg ; C. Her piss sample showed ++ 2 albuminuria. There was grounds of hydrops in her face and upper and lower appendages and her lower deep sinew physiological reactions were alert but without any clonus. JB denied any ocular perturbations and epigastric hurting. On palpitation of the venters, the symphysio-fundal tallness was 38cm. The foetal prevarication was longitudinal and the back appeared to be on the right. The presentation appeared to be cephalic and the caput was 3/5 engaged. Case Study Pre Eclampsia Health Essay.
Electronic fetal monitoring showed foetal bosom rate at 135 beats per minute, with reassuring variableness. There was no slowing and acceleration was normal. It was besides noted that contractions were absent.
Her prenatal attention had been shared between the infirmary and her general practician and was uneventful until she was admitted to hospital on this juncture.
On briefly reexamining JB ‘s past medical history she has seasonal allergic reactions every bit good as long standing asthma in which she uses salbutamol inhalator to alleviate her symptoms. JB besides has a history of depression. In her household history her male parent suffers from high blood pressure every bit good as cirrhosis and her female parent has a singular medical history of extended medical conditions such as high blood pressure, angina, and transeunt ischaemic accidents. Both her maternal grandparents had a history of type 2 diabetes.
With respects to her societal history, JB works as a client helper and lives with her spouse. JB has ne’er smoked, and has non taken intoxicant since happening out she was pregnant.
Her past obstetric history is singular for recurrent abortions. She had two abortions at 6-8 hebdomads and one ectopic gestation a twelvemonth and a half ago which miscarried of course at 10 hebdomads.


The initial probes showed ; a normal full blood count, liver enzymes and creatinine. However urate ( 0.37 mmol/l ) and the protein: creatinine ratio ( 44 mg/mmol ) degrees were elevated. JB is showing cardinal central symptoms of pre-eclampsia including high blood pressure, albuminuria, hydrops, and increased reflexes.1
A diagnosing of terrible pre-eclamptic toxemia of pregnancy was made, JB was admitted and intervention was commenced with 10mg Procardia.
With JB being admitted onto the ward, there was uninterrupted monitoring of BP and foetal monitoring utilizing cardiotocography ( CTG ) . The following forenoon JB ‘s BP stabilised to 128/74 millimeters Hg and she reported experiencing better. Case Study Pre Eclampsia Health Essay. With the BP stable and a reassuring CTG a determination to bring on bringing was made and she was given Prostaglandin E2 ( PGE2 ) over three yearss. However there was hapless response and the neck remained stubbornly unchanged and so it was decided the babe would necessitate to be delivered via cesarean subdivision.
Section B: Pathophysiology
Preeclampsia is portion of a scope of conditions known as the hypertensive upsets of pregnancy.2 It is defined as a multisystem upset characterised by the new oncoming of raised BP ( ?140/90 mm Hg ) and albuminuria ( at least 1 + on dipstick or ?0.3 g/24 hours ) after 20 hebdomads of gestation.3-5 Although the triping event originating the syndrome is unknown, a two phase theoretical account of preeclampsia has been proposed ( figure 1 ) .1,6-9 The primary symptomless phase, characterised by unequal remodelling of the placental vasculature during the first trimester consequences in decreased placental perfusion taking to placental ischaemia and release of placental merchandises into the maternal circulation.1,6,7 Consequently this initiates the 2nd diagnostic phase, the maternal syndrome in which endothelial disfunction precedes the clinical manifestations of the disease including characteristic high blood pressure, albuminuria, and glomerular endotheliosis.1,6,7 There is besides hazard for developing the HELLP syndrome ( hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low thrombocytes ) , patterned advance to eclampsia, and end-organ damage.1,6,7
Phase 1
In normal gestation, following nidation, the surface trophoblast cells of the adhering blastodermic vessicle differentiate into an interior cellular bed, the cytotrophoblast, and an outer syncytiotrophoblast.10,11 The uniform cytotrophoblasts found in the interior bed can develop into hormonally active villous syncytiotrophoblasts, extravillous grounding trophoblastic cell columns, and invasive intermediate trophoblasts.10 The extravillous trophoblastic cells proliferate from the tips of grounding chorionic villi to organize the cytotrophoblast shell which line the uterine cavity.10,11 Cytotrophoblasts continue to migrate through the uterine endometrium until they reach the coiling arterias, by which clip they have differentiated into an endothelial-like cell type.10,11 Endovascular trophoblast cells begin to reconstruct the coiling arterias by replacing the endothelium and smooth musculus cells ensuing in the ‘destruction of median elastic, muscular and nervous tissue’.10-12
These physiological alterations result in an increased vas diameter taking to the creative activity of a low-resistance arteriolar system with the absence of maternal vasomotor control, and hence leting a noteworthy addition in blood supply to the development fetus.7,10
In preeclampsia this physiological distension does non happen adequately therefore ensuing in placental hypoperfusion and ischemia.1,8,10 The ischaemic placenta may take to the production of cytokines and growing factors every bit good as simulate placental programmed cell death or mortification, ensuing in release of humoral or particulate stuffs into maternal systemic circulation that promote generalised maternal vascular endothelium disfunction, climaxing in the clinical manifestations of pre-eclampsia.1,8,10
The invasion of trophoblast cells is regulated by factors expressed by the decidual barrier.7,10 These factors include cell adhesion molecules, extracellular matrix, proteases, growing factors and cytokines.7,10 Malfunctions in any these factors may take to hapless trophoblast invasion and later pre-eclampsia.7,10 Immunological factors play a chief factor in pre-eclampsia.7,10,11 Abnormal placentation may be the consequence of maternal immune rejection of paternal antigens expressed by the foetus. Normally HLA-G, a category 1B MHC antigen, expressed by the extravillous trophoblasts protects from natural slayer cell lysis.11-13 Women who develop preeclampsias do non look to show this HLA-G and hence are non protected.7,10
Phase 2
The clinical manifestations of preeclampsia can be linked to the pathophysiological alterations that occur including vasoconstriction, activation of curdling cascade and decreased plasma volume.14
Development of high blood pressure is a cardinal characteristic of pre-eclampsia.1,8,14 During normal gestation, although through maternal physiological versions there is a 30-50 % addition in cardiac end product, the lessening in peripheral vascular opposition consequences in reduced arterial BP.14 However, those who develop pre-eclampsia experience widespread vasoconstriction, increased peripheral vascular opposition, and decreased cardiac output.1,13 Evidence shows at that place to be an overdone sensitiveness of the vasculature of adult females with pre-eclampsia to all vasopressors endocrines, best known is the increased reactivity to angiotensin II.1,13 This addition in vascular responsiveness is thought to be due to an change in the balance of prostaglandins as a consequence to the harm to vascular endothelial damage.1 JB ‘s BP when she presented was 171/107 mm Hg. Case Study Pre Eclampsia Health Essay. This is a well elevated and can be defined as terrible preeclampsia ( ?160 / ?110 mm Hg ) .2-4
Although unstable keeping and hydrops occurs in patients with pre-eclampsia they are besides a characteristic of normal pregnancy.1 Plasma volume additions by about 50 % in unsophisticated gestations and normal gravidas sometimes experience oedema.1 However in pre-eclampsia plasma volume is decreased by 15-20 % and in these instances adult females experience rapid weight addition and generalized hydrops as a consequence of an unnatural displacement of extracellular fluid ( ECF ) from the vascular to the extravascular compartment hence keeping a low plasma volume and an increased interstitial fluid volume.1,14,17 With inordinate accretion of interstitial ECF, the presence of peripheral hydropss peculiarly in the face and custodies is seen. JB haemoglobulin was 130g/l, reflecting the haemoconcentration seen in preeclampsia as a effect of the decreased intravascular volume.1
Womans with preeclampsia besides have perceptibly reduced nephritic plasma flow ( RPF ) and glomerular filtration rate ( GFR ) .1 The diminution in RPF is attributed to vasoconstriction, whereas the autumn in GFR is related both to the diminution in RPF every bit good as to the morphological alterations in the kidney.1 These characteristic pathological alterations of preeclampsia are known as glomerular endotheliosis and comprise chiefly of diffuse glomerular endothelial cell swelling, plenty to blockade the capillary lumen.1,7,8,13,15 The structural lesion is accompanied by functional alterations in nephritic hemodynamics which correlates best with the magnitude of hyperuricemia and proteinuria.1,5 Early to middle gestation serum uric acid normally falls good below 0.24 mmol/l, in patients with pre-eclampsia degrees frequently rise & amp ; gt ; 0.27 mmol/l as seen in the instance of JB ( 0.37 mmol/l ) .14 A figure of surveies have correlated the rise in serum uric acid with the badness of preeclampsia and with the extent of glomerular injury.5,8 JB ‘s PCR degrees was besides measured to gauge the extent of albuminuria. The consequence recorded 44 mg/mmol predicts important albuminurias, the threshold being & A ; gt ; 30mg/mmol.17
Left untreated, pre-eclampsia can continue to life endangering paroxysms termed eclampsia.18 Another specific complication that can originate from preeclampsia is the HELLP syndrome, which is illustrated by the sudden visual aspect of a microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, lift of liver enzymes and a quickly falling thrombocyte count.18 In these instances rapid break of gestation is required to avoid hepatic or nephritic failure, sepsis, or even death.1,6,7,15,18
Section C: Management
Treatment for high blood pressure in gestation raises a series of challenges to the health care team.17 An in-depth cognition of the adaptative physiological, psychological and societal procedures is required in order to take the optimum direction for the female parent and her fetus.17,19
Incomplete apprehension of the aetiology in preeclampsia has hindered efforts at prevention.12,17 However effectual and equal prenatal attention direction of preeclampsia has led to the reduced mortality related to this disorder.15,16 This includes early sensing and referral of adult females at high hazard, careful monitoring with bar and intervention of complications, and a determination sing seasonably delivery.Case Study Pre Eclampsia Health Essay. 15,16 Delivery remains the unequivocal intervention for pre-eclampsia even though the disease patterned advance may non decide immediately.8
Following diagnosing of preeclampsia, direction relies on the initial observations recorded of both female parent and fetus.4,16 The cardinal end of direction of preeclampsia is finally to protect the well-being of the female parent and prevent patterned advance to eclampsia and so the bringing of a healthy newborn.4,16 While bringing is ever suited for the female parent, it might non be appropriate for a premature fetus.4,16 Therefore the determination to present is influenced by the female parents status, gestational age and position of foetus at the clip of assessment.4,16
JB ‘s direction was given in conformity to guidelines from Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.5,17 Based on JB diagnosing at 36.5 hebdomads she was admitted to hospital with the determination to bring on labor and let a vaginal bringing.
Observations of critical marks including BP, bosom rate, O impregnations, and respiratory rate were recorded every 15 proceedingss along with uninterrupted CTG monitoring.5,15 A 10 milligram dosage of unwritten anti-hypertensive Procardia was given to stabilise her BP before she could be induced. The exclusive demand to handle is to forestall the haemorrhagic squeal of high blood pressure, in peculiar intellectual bleeding, instead than change the patterned advance of the disease process.2 Antihypertensive drug therapy is advised for pregnant adult females with systolic BP of ? 160 or diastolic BP ? 110 millimeter Hg.2,5,17 The end of intervention is to take down systolic force per unit area to 130-150 mmHg and diastolic force per unit area to 80-100 mmHg.5,17 It is besides of import that BP is lowered bit by bit to forestall hypotension as placental perfusion can be adversely affected and compromise the fetus15. With a conservative direction program in topographic point and JB stable, the BP was measured every four hours during the twenty-four hours. Full blood count, nephritic and liver map trials, were all carried out daily.5,17
There are many possible picks of antihypertensives that are appropriate in pregnancy.8 Methyldopa and Trandate are first line antihypertensive drugs used in intervention of pre-eclampsia.4,5 Methyldopa is a centrally moving alpha2 agonist that reduces sympathetic outflow activity.15,20 Although it has a long path safety record, due to the common drug side effects of depression, in the instance of JB with a history of depression it was agreed an option should be used.14,15 The usage of Trandate was besides contraindicated in JB instance as she is asthmatic.5 Labetalol is a non selective beta blocker and a selective alpha blocker.15,21
As both of these were contraindicated in JB instance, Procardia was prescribed alternatively.  Case Study Pre Eclampsia Health Essay.Nifedipine is a type 2 Ca channel blocker which is normally used as a 2nd line agent in instances where BP is defiant to intervention with alpha methyl dopa and beta blockers.15,20,21 It acts by suppressing the inward transportation of Ca ions from extracellular infinite and by the suppression of uptake by smooth musculus cells.15,20,21 Its primary consequence is to do smooth musculuss relaxation.15,20,21 Nifedipine has become a widely used antihypertensive, owing to its ability to vasodilate the vasculature with rapid oncoming and its full reversibility on stoping the drug.15,20,21 With regard to utilize of drugs in gestation, Procardia has been rated as a Category C drug.21 This means that its usage is recommended merely when likely maternal benefits are seen to outweigh possible foetal effects, as the teratogenic consequence of the drug on the foetus is uncertain.21
Once the BP was stabilized, initiation of labor commenced. It is recommended that adult females in presence of terrible preeclampsia at or beyond 34 hebdomads ‘ gestation to be induced to forestall the patterned advance of the disease to eclampsia.5 Induction of labor was stimulated via PGE2, which contains dinoprostone. Its mechanisms of action are similar to the natural cervical maturation process.22,23 It is administered intravaginally to bring on cervical maturation by straight softening the neck, loosen uping the cervical smooth musculus, and bring forthing uterine contractions.22,23 There has been some argument of the usage of dinoprostone in adult females with a history of asthma ; nevertheless PGE2 is a bronchodilator, therefore non contraindicated to utilize, in JB instance. 23
For adult females whom there is a concern about the hazard of eclampsia, it is recommended they receive Mg sulfate as a contraceptive to protect against ictuss, nevertheless in JBs instance it was held off. The MAGPIE survey demonstrates that the hazard of eclampsia is more than halved in these women.5,8,24 However, it is besides deserving observing that merely 1-2 % of pre-eclamptic adult females in the UK had fitted in the absence of anticonvulsant treatment.24 After Mg sulfate is administered, excess cautiousness is needed due to the authority of the drug which can take to respiratory depression particularly where Procardia has antecedently been taken.21 When Mg sulfate has been prescribed, it should be continued at least 24 hours station partum, as the hazard of eclampsia does non decide instantly after bringing. 5,14,15,24
The bulk of adult females following deliver with terrible preeclampsia will necessitate inmate attention for four yearss or more.5 JB was discharged on the Forth twenty-four hours after careful reappraisal of her clinical marks. She was continued on her anti hypertensive intervention, and was to be reviewed as an outpatient. Case Study Pre Eclampsia Health Essay. JB was besides offered a postnatal follow up to discourse the events of the gestation every bit good as prepossession counselling.5
Section D: Psychological and Social Aspects
Pre-eclampsia complicates about 2-8 % of gestations and may hold serious effects on the female parent and kid, which makes it of import menace to pubic wellness in both developed and developing states. 2,24,25 Worldwide maternal mortality and morbidity from preeclampsia and eclampsia remains high, it is estimated to be responsible for about 12 % of maternal deceases per twelvemonth. 24 It is estimated that preeclampsia is accountable for ’67 % of the referrals to twenty-four hours care assessment units, 20 % of prenatal admittance and 25 % of obstetric admittances to intensive attention units ‘ in the UK.26
The cost of handling pre-eclampsia varies between & A ; lb ; 500- & A ; lb ; 10000 including the amount of infirmary stay, initiation costs, manner of birth, and pre-admission costs.17
Due to betterments in prenatal attention in the UK, syndrome of eclampsia and development of HELLP syndrome is now rare.17 Eclampsia is reported in 1 in 2000 pregnancies.8,15,25 Besides perinatal mortality rates are bit by bit bettering, due to progresss in prenatal attention, early sensing, improved anesthesia, early bringing and adept neonatal paediatric care.15
Factors associated with an addition hazard of pre-eclampsia include nullparity, Afro-american cultural background, multiple gestations, fleshiness, chronic high blood pressure, molar gestation, household history of preeclampsia and a old history of pre-eclampsia.4,8
Womans who experience preeclampsia are exposed to important sum of psychological and societal stress.27 These emphasis perturbations in bend may hold a important impact on the female parent and babe during the of import early months following delivery.27,28 Pre-eclampsia is a disease which develops without warning hence as JB reported, she found herself holding to cover with the unexpected and dramatic alterations in foetal wellness hazard every bit good as her ain all of a sudden. The diagnosing of pre-eclampsia novices feelings of fright, daze, and sometimes even disbelief peculiarly to those sing it good before term. Shock comes from the fact that they were being hospitalised and felt unprepared for delivery.27,28 JB was really nervous after being admitted to hospital as she and her babe were on a regular basis monitored and the realization of the serious effects the disease possess.28,29


There was besides a sense of defeat every bit good every bit disempowerment as JB felt she had no control over the state of affairs, and it was no longer merely a personal duty.Case Study Pre Eclampsia Health Essay.  These feelings were amplified through the deficiency of sufficient information given on the disease, non wholly informed about her existent state of affairs, and on the medical determinations being made.27,28
JB was really emotional as she felt responsible for developing pre-eclampsia and disquieted about the hazards she may hold propelled on her kid. Other psychological emphasiss were demand of bed remainder, ennui and being separated from her spouse during hospitalisation.28
For those adult females who are diagnosed good before term, there is a greater hazard of prematurity.28 These adult females being unprepared for the experience of presenting a premature babe can be a major constituent of daze and fright experienced. When patterned advance of disease leads to complications, an exigency cesarean delivery subdivision which is normally performed can be really traumatic experience and life can all of a sudden be thrown into pandemonium. 27,28 These adult females normally have less early contact with there babe and are less likely to breast provender as they are retrieving from surgery.27,28
For those who unluckily loose their babe, they will be faced with the complex and traumatic events of sorrowing. This sorrowing procedure can be coupled to relationship jobs as spouses normally grieve differently.28
Womans with preeclampsia are at increased hazard of reoccurrence with subsequent gestations ; therefore it is of import they are advised of this if they wish to gestate again.28,30
The experience of terrible preeclampsia may be overpoweringly nerve-racking. There is small clip to set to new worlds. Womans may fault themselves adding the load of guilt to the acute emotional pandemonium that follows diagnosing.
In decision, preeclampsia remains a planetary job and a clinical challenge. It is a important cause of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. As the triping factors remain unknown, bar of the disease becomes hard. At present, the lone intervention option for preeclampsia is bringing, but this is non ever simple and normally involves a risk-benefit balance between wellness of female parent and the adulthood of the foetus. Case Study Pre Eclampsia Health Essay.

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