CBD Oil For Sleep Issues And Tinnitus Symptoms Essay

CBD Oil For Sleep Issues And Tinnitus Symptoms Essay

Cannabis or marijuana is nature’s gift that keeps on giving. The naturally occurring substance has multiple positive health benefits on the health and it can be used to cure or alleviate symptoms. CBD, which is one of the 104 compounds that can be found within the plan is a non-psychoactive compound favored by those who do not want to get high but seek the same effects they would get if they were using cannabis. CBD Oil For Sleep Issues And Tinnitus Symptoms Essay. Today, CBD is made into several products from edibles to hair products to oil and it is used to treat and alleviate a lot of medical conditions and symptoms. CBD oil, in particular, is preferred over the rest because it can be easily added to daily activities, meals and so on. This article reviews sleep issues, tinnitus and a rundown on the ideal kind of CBD oil needed to treat the symptoms.

Sleep Disorders: A Fact File

Suffering from at least one form of the many sleeping disorders out there has become a very common thing for Americans. At the moment, about 50 – 70 million Americans have one form of sleeping disorder or the other with 48% of the general population subject to snoring when they fall asleep. 39. 9% of the applicants studied by the people at the sleep association reported unintentionally falling asleep at least once during the day, with 4. 7% of the applicants admitting to falling asleep whilst driving. The bad news goes on as insomnia was identified as the most common sleep disorder out of the lot with sleep apnea coming next at second.


Over 25 million Americans suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, 9 – 21% of them being women, 24 – 31% of them are men. Of the millions of Americans suffering from obesity, 3 – 5% of them became obese due to lack of sleep. Today, the average American is getting at least 17 minutes worth of sleep more than he was last year. This was according to Dr. Mathias Basner, associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s sleep and chronobiology division. This is good news because the appropriate amount of sleep the body needs in order to function adequately is seven hours and lack of it could prove calamitous to the body. Simply put, a sleeping disorder is defined as a condition that prevents an individual from having perfect sleep. In simpler terms, they are sleep problems and they are a lot of them. Some of them include snoring, sleep apnea, insomnia, sleep deprivation, and restless legs syndrome.CBD Oil For Sleep Issues And Tinnitus Symptoms Essay.  It is important everyone gets a bout of good sleep because it is essential for sound health and can affect multiple parts of the body like the hormone levels, mood, and weight. Lack of sleep can also lead to obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and a possible decline in mental capacity.

With a healthy amount of sleep, the benefits accrued to the body are endless. Here are a few benefits:

  • Great sleep helps with weight watching
  • Great sleep helps with appetite
  • Great sleep improves performance and productivity
  • Great sleep maximizes physical performance
  • Great sleep minimizes the risk of having a stroke or heart conditions.

For the millions of people living with sleep disorders, dealing with sleeping disorders is usually really difficult and depending on the type of disorder you are diagnosed with, you could end up spending hundreds of dollars on traditional medicine.


Tinnitus is a medical condition where individuals suffer from a perceived repeated ringing or noise in their ears. It is a very common and recurrent condition currently affecting 1 in 5 people around the world. Tinnitus is usually a symptom of many other chronic medical conditions like hearing loss, all forms of ear injuries or a circulatory system-related malfunction.

In some people, the ringing gets worse as they get older but they can manage that with treatment.CBD Oil For Sleep Issues And Tinnitus Symptoms Essay.  And treating Tinnitus is not always the problem, the problem usually lies in identifying the underlying condition triggering tinnitus as a symptom. There are two categories of tinnitus:

  1. Subjective tinnitus: This type of Tinnitus refers to the type that can only be heard. It is also the most common type of tinnitus, found in the vast majority of people who suffer from it. Caused by a wide variety of reasons, the most prominent ones include problems in your ear (inner, middle or outer), problems with the auditory nerves, which is the part of your brain that receives the nerve signals as sounds.
  2. Objective tinnitus: The second category of tinnitus can be heard by your doctor or physician upon examination. A very rare type of tinnitus, it can be caused by a middle ear bone condition, blood vessel problem or muscle contractions.

There currently several traditional medicines capable of treating or alleviating the discomfort brought on by tinnitus. But usually they are very expensive and it could end up leaving a massive hole in your pocket after treatment has been done. CBD Oil For Sleep Issues And Tinnitus Symptoms Essay.

Cannabidiol Oils

Today, there are multiple companies and individuals producing CBD oils touting it to solve all sorts of problem. The best CBD oils are those that have the CBD extracted properly, content verified, have been lab tested and are not too pricey.

In the end, CBD oil should be regarded for what it is. A new type of medicine that is still undergoing a battery of tests and research. Hence, using CBD oils does not mean traditional medicine should be disqualified altogether. This is why all patients who are using or thinking about using CBD need to discuss their choice with a qualified medical doctor before using the substance. Also, it is important to bear in mind that CBD is not a clinically verified form of treatment for sleep issues or tinnitus so it is best to manage your expectations before you begin treatment. CBD Oil For Sleep Issues And Tinnitus Symptoms Essay. Finally, watch out for side effects, like all drugs, people react to substances differently. When taking CBD, be watchful to ensure you are not experiencing any side effects and if you are, cease treatment and see your doctor immediately.

Why is CBD so popular now?

In 2018, Congress passed the Agriculture Improvement Act, officially removing hemp from the Controlled Substances Act. This opened the door for marketing the non-narcotic aspects of the plant.

Today many companies sell the chemical compound, claiming its medicinal virtues include alleviating pain and treating a wide variety of conditions including anxiety, depression, insomnia, acne and tinnitus. Rigorous medical research, so far, is lacking for most of these conditions. The exception being two rare forms of epilepsy, which can be treated with an FDA-approved drug containing CBD called Epidiolex. CBD Oil For Sleep Issues And Tinnitus Symptoms Essay.

It’s important to know that the commercial market is unregulated and products vary widely in quality. For example, products that use hemp seed oil do not actually contain any actual CBD. Medical-grade CBD is still largely restricted to states in dispensaries where marijuana has been legalized, either for THC or CBD or both. Consumer Reports has put together a useful primer on how to shop for CBD. CBD Oil For Sleep Issues And Tinnitus Symptoms Essay.

Research on tinnitus and CBD

Scientists have discovered two receptors in the brain, known as CB1 and CB2, that respond to the presence of CBD. Emerging research shows that these receptors may play a role in balance and hearing. This has led some to wonder if taking CBD might help with hearing disorders, such as tinnitus. But there’s not a lot of information to date. A 2015 study using CBD to treat lab rats, for example, showed it didn’t help, and in some instances even seemed to worsen tinnitus (in rats, at least).

However, there’s evidence that CBD might help with stress. For example, the results of a study published in the 2015 issue of Neurotherapeutics suggests CBD is effective in reducing anxiety behaviors related to disorders such as PTSD, SAD and OCD. Other studies have produced mixed results, according to VeryWell.com.

This lack of data also exists for side effects. The Mayo Clinic notes they may include “dry mouth, diarrhea, reduced appetite, drowsiness and fatigue. CBD can also interact with other medications you’re taking, such as blood thinners.”

Trying CBD: One person’s perspective

Because tinnitus patients often have high levels of mental distress from the constant ringing in their ears, anything that helps with stress relief is appealing, explains Glenn Schweitzer, a Healthy Hearing contributor who documented his methods for managing his condition in his book Rewiring Tinnitus and also writes about his experiences on his website. He has recently started using CBD.

“It’s funny because I had this idea going in that CBD was just some silly health craze that wouldn’t really amount to anything,” he said. “I honestly thought it was going to be like the antioxidant fad a few years back, when supplements with ‘super food’ ingredients like acai berries were all the rage but ended up being all hype and no substance.”

Although his expectations were low, the results he felt after his first dose made him a believer.

“Most people take CBD oil sublingually, letting it absorb under the tongue, but I didn’t know that at the time. CBD Oil For Sleep Issues And Tinnitus Symptoms Essay. I just swallowed the oil and 30 minutes later, my anxiety disappeared entirely. It blew my mind. I’ve struggled with anxiety for most of my life, and it was just gone. That tight feeling in my chest and stomach just melted away. But I wasn’t sedated, high, or impaired in any way. “

‘Everyone reacts differently’

That was several years ago. Today Schweitzer said he uses CBD on an “as-needed basis.”

“When I’m dealing with stressful and challenging circumstances, I take CBD every day, usually 30 minutes before I go to bed,” he explained. “I find it helps me fall asleep, and I experienced a cumulative benefit in taking it every day. The best way I can describe it is that it greatly increases my ability to deal with stress.”

While Schweitzer is a proponent of CBD, he admits there are challenges. His advice to others who are interested in using it to treat their tinnitus is to do some research before they talk to their doctor and then start with a small dose if they decide to proceed.

“The biggest challenge with CBD is that everyone reacts differently,” he said. “The dose that works for me could be too much or too little for you. And not everyone experiences the same thing. Some people, like me, notice an immediate effect. Others have to take it every day for a week or two before they notice anything. And some experience nothing at all. You have to be comfortable experimenting a bit to find what works best for you, and that’s kind of unfortunate. But for me, it was worth all the effort.”

Buyer beware

Meanwhile, it’s important to keep in mind that one person’s experience isn’t the same as a randomized controlled clinical trial on a large group of patients. That kind of data is needed, noted Timothy Caulfield, a University of Alberta-Canada health law expert, health trend tracker and host of the Netflix series A User’s Guide to Cheating Death.


“Testimonials and anecdotal reports may suggest research, but it’s never good evidence,” he said in a news release. “The scientific process is specifically designed to overcome the biases inherent in anecdotal evidence.”

State laws vary widely regarding the use of cannabis products of any kind, and the FDA doesn’t regulate CBD products, meaning the quality of supplements aren’t guaranteed. CBD Oil For Sleep Issues And Tinnitus Symptoms Essay.

Finally, use caution. Products marketed as the “best CBD” don’t have to pass any tests to make that claim. State laws vary widely regarding the use of cannabis products of any kind, and the FDA doesn’t regulate the compound, meaning the quality of supplements containing CBD aren’t proven. Please determine if CBD is legal where you live before purchasing or consuming products which claim to contain the compound, and discuss any concerns with your doctor.

Tinnitus relief

For tinnitus, it also may help to see a hearing care professional who specializes in the disorder. They can suggest solutions, including possibly recommending hearing aids with tinnitus masking features, to help you find some relief. Our directory can help you find a hearing instrument specialist or audiologist near you.  CBD Oil For Sleep Issues And Tinnitus Symptoms Essay.

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