Cervical Spine Injury – Essay Example

Cervical Spine Injury – Essay Example

The latter could lead to an impairment of the neurological function by pathological motion of the cervical vertebra. The pre-hospital management in the first instance would be the immobilization of the cervical spine to prevent undue movement in the extraction process (Bronwyne, 2007, p.88). The spinal immobilization devices that are used by the rescuers consist of a hard collar with supports on either side of the head and the patient lying on a spine board with the head strapped on the board with the neck in a neutral position. High cervical spinal cord injuries are prone to airway compromise and this necessitates for respiratory support measures (Timothy, 2004, p. 2). Part two Shift work has been cited by many researchers as a cause of many problems to people engaged in activities that extend beyond the normal day. There are many professions that embrace the aspect of shift work and emergency response service is among them.Cervical Spine Injury – Essay Example.  The ambulance staff faces both health problems and social problems as a result of the effects of shift work. There are many strategies that have been proposed to address this but the problem still persists (Parkes, 2005, pp.2-8). Shift work has been linked to a variety of problems on ambulance staff. The first problem is that of disruption of the circadian rhythms and this has led to sleep/wake disturbances, desyncronization of internal processes and increased susceptibility to diseases (Parkes, 2005, pp.2-8). The second is that it has also led to disturbed socio-temporal patterns and this has resulted from atypical work hours that lead to many family problems such as divorces, reduced family support as the individual is most of the time away from the home and stress as a result of fatigue. (Parkes, 2005, pp.2-8). The third effect is unfavorable changes in health behaviors where individuals have been seen to start smoking, there is poor diet and irregular meals. Another problem that has been cited as a result of sleep loss and fatigue is the impairment of cognitive performance and this is especially true for tasks that require high concentration and decision making and this has led to accidents and injuries to patients being rescued (Pisarski, Bohle, & Callan, 2002, pp. 119-126). Part three Sepsis is a condition that occurs in which the body tries to fight a severe infection that has spread in the bloodstream. Septic patients have low blood pressure which leads to poor circulation of blood in the body and lack of perfusion of important tissues and organs. It can be caused by the body’s own defense system or from toxic substances from bacteria, viruses or fungi. Various people are at risk of developing sepsis and these include people with AIDS, young babies whose immune system is still undeveloped and the elderly (Collop, 2006). Ambulance staff plays a big role in the recognition and care of patients with sepsis. Many emergency responses have shown that the ambulance staff has contributed a lot to the early recognition and treatment of sepsis. A tool has been identified to help in the identification of sepsis and this is called the “sepsis six” tool.Cervical Spine Injury – Essay Example.  First the patient is assessed for temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate,


      Spinal injuries are a very serious, and even life-threatening, problem facing
almost everyone at some point in there lives. If a broken vertebra pinches a
spinal nerve, paralysis may result. The spine is a column of vertebrae stacked one
on the next from the skull’s base to the tail bone. Each vertebra is hollow
through the center where the spinal cord runs through.
There are some signs and symptoms that you should check for if you suspect
spinal injury on an injured person. Head injuries may indicate that the head may
have been snapped in one of more directions. If the victim is conscious, ask
them if they feel a pain when they move their arms or legs. Also, the victim may
feel numbness, tingling, weakness, or burning in their arms of legs. They may
also lose control of their bowls or bladder. However, deformity or an odd
looking angle of the head serves as the best clue to a serious spinal injury.
If the victim is unconscious, you should check for cuts, bruises and
deformities; that may serve as a good clue to spinal injuries. You should also test
their responses by pinching their hands and feet. If no reaction occurs, spinal
The first and most important thing you should do is keep the victim immobile
at all times.Cervical Spine Injury – Essay Example.  The only exeption to that would be if the victim is in a dangerous
place such a burning building or car. The second first aid procedure you should
administer would be monitoring the breathing by using a “jaw thrust.” Be sure to
keep the head and neck still. Victims usually required a neck splint, but one
should not be put on by you. It takes at least two trained EMS people to put a
neck brace on. Since you can not put on a brace, you should stabilize their neck
by putting objects on both sides of the neck. Float the victim gently to shore and
place them on a backboard in the water if they are in water.


A spinal cord injury is caused by trauma to the spinal cord that results in complete or incomplete paralysis. A complete spinal cord injury is when the spinal cord is completely severed causing a person to never be able to walk again. An incomplete spinal cord injury is when the spinal cord is still intact, but has trauma to an area from a foreign object or bone compressing against the cord without transecting it. Incomplete spinal cord injury victims have a little hope to be able to walk again. The effect a spinal cord injury has on a person depends on the level of injury of the spine, which are the cervical, thoratic, and lumbar spine level.
An injury to the cervical spine is the most severe and worst one of the three. This is because a cervical spinal injury results in paralysis from the neck on down disabling a person to move all four limbs, this is also called quadriplegia. It is impossible for a quadriplegic to survive on his own and he will always depend on a care giver 100 percent for bathing, grooming, eating, and other necessary physical activities. Quadriplegia`s also ha… 
Cervical Spine Injury – Essay Example.
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