Challenges Faced By Mental Health Nurses In Providing Holistic Care Example Paper

Task Description Directions

For assessment 3 you have five tasks to complete. Complete each task and submit your response to each task in the form of a written assignment.

Identify and briefly describe a specific area of your practice in which you have a particular interest or where there is uncertainty/ differing opinions about the provision of care.

Develop a specific searchable question using the PICO format or similar based on the area of practice described in task 1.

Conduct a search for the highest levels of evidence that you can find  to  answer  your  question  (refer  to  levels  of  evidence models/frameworks). The 3 highest pieces of research evidence found should be selected. Succinctly describe your search process and provide justification of the resources that you chose to search, and the evidence selected (discuss where your evidence sits within a levels of evidence model/framework). Attach the abstract/s or summary/summaries of the high level evidence to your final assignment.

Compare and contrast the findings from the high level evidence to current practice in your clinical setting. Your discussion should highlight the level of evidence and strength of the recommendations and clearly discuss any differences that exist between the evidence based recommendations and current practice in your clinical setting. If you are unable to find high level evidence and/or clear evidence based answers to your question then this should be discussed, including reasons why you think this evidence does not exist or is poorer quality evidence.  Challenges Faced By Mental Health Nurses In Providing Holistic Care Example Paper

Discuss the barriers to EBP that may exist in your specific clinical setting, and how these barriers may be overcome, and/or strategies that promote EBP within your practice setting.

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