Clinical Handover in Health Care Essay

Clinical Handover in Health Care Essay

The paper ” Clinical Handover in Health Care” is a perfect example of a personal statement on nursing. Hand over processes have also been referred to as handoff, patient transfer and it may involve Nursing and midwifery shift to shift transfer, junior to senior clinicians, inter-facility transfer, between medical teams, and maybe a transfer to the medical teams. It is the process that sees through the transfer of accountability and professional responsibility for some or all that concerns the care of that particular patient or a group of patients to another professional group. In addition, it should be a very effective process with already determined clinical success factors and limitations of successful hand over strategies. Moreover, good practice should carry an aspect of being transferable and sustainable. Clinical Handover in Health Care Essay. And above all, it should be able to bridge the gaps in the evidenced base hand over process. All this can be achieved through the constant sourcing for new pieces of information that are available from the peer-reviewed journals and other articles of relevance to the area of expertise. As a nursing student, I have always developed the passion to do more and achieve academic, professional, and statutory requirements. My understanding of hand over includes a ritual practice of analyzing caseloads at the start of every shift. ‘This is a very essential practice as it involves regular analysis of patients hand over case studies’ (Jeffcott et al, 2007). As a matter of fact, the caseloads are divided into several groups of people who work in teams. ‘Teamwork is a pertinent thing in hand over especially the nursing scenario where we might be required to work in shifts’ ((Bianco, 2008). I was allocated a team which was my colleague and me; I was to look at the case study hand over laboratory one and them hand over to my colleague who was to hand it over back to me. My lab one analysis was a little bit more confusing; I had a theoretical understanding of all the details that are involved in a handover. It Includes information on the leadership, time, place which could be either face to face or at the bed site, the history of the patient, the current status of the patients, the preferred intervention to be conducted. Lab one HND had bed no, the details of the patient, admission; History, the recommended diet for the patient, mobility, and the comments. According to me, this was a shallow hand over-report. The second report was good, I was now enlightened and I had improved my speed in handling and coordination which took me less time because I had decided to use a different technique, IOSBAR tool. It improved my timing in analyzing what I needed to do with almost 35%. It was over the bed site handover which informs the patient and allows informed consent of the patient. Clinical Handover in Health Care Essay. Face to face will not provide you much of the information as might be required while the taped handover is the worst kind of hand over because somebody will feed you with the theories he or she wants to believe, there are no questions and clarification and kills the team factor.


Clinical handover is much more than the physician and nurse interaction at the beginning and terminal of a scheduled clip. It is the conversation that ensures information is passed on to the appropriate individual on a timely mode and is carried out suitably. The consequence of hapless clinical handover is an uneffective system at best and patient decease at worst. The concern of heightening clinical handover is deriving intensifying attending as inpatient stay every bit good as medical working hours is reduced, whereas at the same clip patient sharp-sightedness augments. Poor clinical handover is connected with discontinuity of patient attention and medical mistakes

Clinical handover is of import to guarantee continuity of patient attention and patient safety. It serves many maps and there are many factors that affect clinical handover. Poor clinical handover is associated with discontinuity of patient attention and medical mistakes.

CH has been identified as a high precedence in patient safety. In the US, involvement in bettering handover has increased with The Joint Commission publishing a demand that infirmaries implement a standardized attack to handover communications, including an chance to inquire and react to inquiries ( Joint Commission, 2006 ) .

Although CH has been researched for at least four decennaries, a comprehensive definition of CH has non been proposed or universally recognised ( Wong et al, 2008 ) . This has important deductions for set uping a common apprehension of CH and finding how execution of best pattern in CH may be achieved. Additionally, CH has been studied and researched in peculiar clinical scenes and so much of the grounds is context-specific ( Cohen & A ; Hilligoss, 2009 ) . Clinical Handover in Health Care Essay. The term CH has typically been used to depict the procedure of ‘handing over ‘ patient attention from one health professional to another between displacements or on transportation of the patient from one wellness attention puting to another. It involves the communicating of patient care-related information and transportation, sharing and credence of duty and answerability for patient attention among and between persons and squads of wellness attention suppliers across the wellness attention continuum and between passages of attention ( ACSQHC, 2008 ; Safety & A ; Quality Council, 2005 ) .

Understanding the nature of CH is cardinal to understanding its associated jobs. It is besides the necessary get downing point to suggesting any comprehensive solutions or schemes for betterment. The two chief elements of CH comprise communicating of information and ‘handing over ‘ of duty and answerability in add-on to other covert and ritual maps. CH is complex, dynamic, multifaceted and hard to specify ( CRE-PS, 2007 ; Turner et Al, 2006 ) .

The effects and effects of uneffective CH are legion and far making. These impact on all degrees of the wellness system, including the administration, squads, persons and patients and their households. A former Australian Safety & A ; Quality Council ( 2005 ) literature reappraisal summarised the effects of uneffective handover as follows:

Patient ailments ( Bark et Al, 1994 )

Increased hospital length of stay ( Zwarenstein & A ; Bryant, 2002 )

Increased wellness attention outgo ( Zwarenstein & A ; Bryant, 2002 )

Delaies in medical diagnosing ( Pronovost et al, 2002 )

Incorrect intervention ( Priest & A ; Holmberg, 2000 )

Life endangering inauspicious events ( Bulau, 1992 )

A scope of other potentially preventable inauspicious events ( In the Petersen et Al ( 1994 ) survey these were due to spreads in communicating and patient attention between cross-covering medical squads ) .

CH is self-contradictory. It represents both a bad period for patient safety during the procedure of ‘handing over ‘ patient attention information, duty and answerability, and an chance to catch mistakes through ‘fresh eyes ‘ ( Clancy, 2006 ) .

During CH, alterations in displacements, patient transportations and passages in patient attention, ‘gaps ‘ in continuity of attention, communicating and duty may originate, making possible for mistake and attendant patient injury. Characterizing spreads in continuity of attention, understanding how they develop, how they manifest themselves in the work universe in peculiar contexts, and how they impact patient attention and safety is indispensable to planing effectual agencies for making continuity of attention ( Patterson et al in Bognor, in imperativeness ) and forestalling mistake and patient injury. Clinical Handover in Health Care Essay.

Modern twenty-four hours wellness attention is performed by squads of wellness attention professionals working in a “ complex sociotechnical system ” ( Braithwaite et al, 2009 ) . Due to its complexness, the health care system has to some grade lacked the construction, systems and processes to back up effectual transportation of information ( Plsek & A ; Greenhalgh, 2001 ) . Information dissymmetry aggravates or worsens patient attention coordination ensuing in atomization of attention and discontinuity of attention that can compromise patient safety ( Arora et al, 2008 ) . Communication demands are hence increased in the context of increasing specialization of wellness attention. One of the ends of communicating is to organize the actions of persons through common apprehension and duty ( Weigand et al, 2003 ) .

Adding to the job of information dissymmetry, organizational complexness involves both horizontal distinction of labor every bit good as perpendicular divisions of hierarchy and power. Significantly, relationships among and between squad members are molded and determined by these divisions. These constructions and differences in position have a powerful influence on non merely how wellness attention squads relate to one another but can besides find whether and how critical information is efficaciously communicated ( Sutcliffe et al, 2004 ) . Seniority, experience and expertness of in-coming staff, every bit good as alterations in the surrounding conditions, such as passage from twenty-four hours to dark infirmary coverage, can besides lend to adverse patient results, even if all the needed information is absolutely communicated ( Petersen et al, 1994 ; Cohen & A ; Hilligoss, 2009 ) .

Two modern-day tendencies that characterise today ‘s complex wellness attention administrations are increasing specialization and increasing rates of forces alteration ( Cohen & A ; Hilligoss, 2009 ) . Increasing patient brushs across fortes, rapid turnover of staff and patients, increasing sharp-sightedness of attention, technological complexness and increasing casualisation of the work force, are all factors that impact on the safety and quality of wellness attention ( UTS, 2008 ) . Health attention needfully involves multiple occasions where critical information must be efficaciously communicated and duty and answerability for patient attention is transferred between or shared among health professionals. Health attention suppliers are besides faced with the built-in restrictions of human public presentation from increased force per unit areas due to clip restraints, weariness, multitasking and breaks to their day-to-day modus operandis ( Denham, 2008 ; Leonard et Al, 2004 ) .

Discontinuity of wellness attention forces and undertakings during shift-to-shift handovers and atomization of attention due to passages in patient attention across scenes can take to the hazard of non-transmission or miscommunication of critical information ( Lardner, 1999 ; Schultz et Al, 2007 ) .  Clinical Handover in Health Care Essay.Variability in construction, type, extent and order of information exchanged between suppliers is thought to augment the likely for skips of information and miscommunication every bit good as doing it complicated to anticipate what information will be received in handover, directing to wasted attempt in looking for this elsewhere. It besides makes it less efficient because the regulations for handover demand to be negotiated each clip anew ( Borowitz et al, 2008 ) . The motion of patients across the wellness attention continuum and between stages of attention must be accompanied by mechanisms to back up the transportation of high quality information and be supported by clear lines of duty and answerability for patient attention between members of the wellness attention squad ( AMA, 2006 ; Sutcliffe et Al, 2004 ) .

To day of the month, in Australia, formal and comprehensive national and statewide health care policy counsel sketching information demands, communicating procedures, and functions and duties in CH, has been missing ( Quin et al, 2009 ) .

Coupled with this, few wellness attention instruction and preparation plans officially teach wellness attention providers how to execute effectual CH ( Horwitz et al, 2006 ) , taking to hapless quality CH among trainees and associated inauspicious events, errors and close girls ( Jagsi et al, 2005 ) . This has mostly been learned informally, on-the-job and by detecting senior co-workers giving CH ( Sharit et al, 2005 ) . Furthermore, wellness attention suppliers receive small or no preparation in non-technical accomplishments such as teamwork and communicating within interdisciplinary squads, yet they are expected to work efficaciously in interdisciplinary squads in the health care puting ( Singh et al, 2007 ) .

Education and preparation of wellness attention suppliers such as physicians, nurses and allied wellness professionals has in the past typically focussed on communicating with patients and single proficient accomplishments for proficiency of specific undertakings ( Nestel & A ; Kidd, 2006 ) .


Health attention suppliers are besides educated and trained within their several professions. Effective communicating and teamwork between subjects have been assumed and formal preparation and appraisal in these countries has been mostly absent ( Leonard et al, 2004 ; Healey et Al, 2008 ) . Failures of communicating are non simply the result of defective transmittal and exchange of information among wellness attention suppliers, but besides arise from deficiency of function lucidity, function struggle and ambiguity, and struggles with professional position and interpersonal power derived functions between persons and within subjects ( Sutcliffe et al, 2004 ) .Clinical Handover in Health Care Essay.  Teamwork is an of import pre-determinant of successful CH and is influenced by many complex, system-based factors ( CRE-PS & A ; ACSQHC, 2007 ) .

Yet CH is extremely variable within and across squads, subjects and wellness attention administrations and is frequently ill performed ( Arora et al, 2008 ) . Schemes aimed at bettering communicating and CH between members of wellness attention squads must therefore clarify functions and duties of squad members and bridge these differences in position and power ( Weller et al, 2008 ) .

In drumhead, there is no 1 size fits all scheme for CH across all QH clinical scenes ( Cohen & A ; Hilligoss, 2009 ) . The coordination of multiple attacks is more effectual than trust on an elusive “ silver slug ” ( Patterson et al, in Bognor, in imperativeness ) and this requires extended stakeholder audience and flexible standardization ( Lillrank & A ; Liukko, 2004 ; ACSQHC, 2009 ) . The best identified schemes to supply a comprehensive betterment model for CH combine both top-down ( policy and execution criterion with functions, duties and answerability in CH ) with bottom-up attacks ( interdisciplinary squad based preparation in CH, communicating and teamwork ) to construct capacity and resiliency among interdisciplinary squads. Clinical Handover in Health Care Essay.

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