Clinical Versus Management Tracts Essay

Clinical Versus Management Tracts Essay

Clinical versus management tracts Clinical versus management tracts Nursing career is changing the health care sector where nurses, who hold a BSN, manage patients and provide the required care, maintain quality principles, professionalism, and even help boost positive health outcomes. According to Rodgers, Burson and Kirschling (2004), nurses with the right skills, aspiration, professionalism and zeal can reach advanced opportunities. Three of the advanced opportunities available for professional nurses with a BSN include the following: Pediatrics, informatics, and geriatrics.
Pediatrics nurses mainly provide medical doctors with health care and help prepare therapy plans for young patients. Pediatric nurses work in hospitals or clinics. According to Datta (2007), they may play many roles, such as providing treatment, inserting IV lines amid other therapies. Informatics nurse helps in identifying, managing and communicating data, information and analytical knowledge to the medical doctor. This entails the incorporation of science and compound data management strategies (Mettler & Raptis, 2012). Geriatrics nurses help provide health care to elderly patients. This is considering that old patients have an increased risk of injuries and illness. Therefore, a geriatric nurse helps these elderly patients avoid further illness and injuries. Additionally, they assist the elderly patients and family in coping with old age illnesses (Makary, Segev & Pronovost et al., 2010). Clinical Versus Management Tracts Essay.
Clinical nursing opportunities entail working as pediatricians, geriatrics in clinical care settings or emergency rooms. According to Alligood (2013), mainly they manage psychiatric or rehabilitative types of care where they attend to patients enduring pain and anxiety. On the other hand, management tracts entail managing or directing nurses who provide nursing care to patients. Besides, nurse managers play a crucial role in hiring and retaining nurses (Alligood, 2013). They also work collaboratively with medical doctors in managing patients and enable patients and their families overcome pain, suffering and illnesses.
As a nurse, I am intrigued by taking a managerial position in nursing. I am well aware of the demands that management-level nursing entails, such as carrying out leadership roles and running administrative duties in a clinical setting. I enjoy taking part in a decision-making process in a clinical setting and pursuing the nurse management role will help me achieve this desire. Nursing management also entails undertaking managerial duties, such as strategizing, scheduling, staffing, managing and analyzing nursing activities. According to Alligood (2013), great nurses are recommended to pursue extra education qualification, such as earning a Masters degree in nursing or a doctorate in nursing practice. This is what I am planning to do to boost my management skills and professional nursing abilities. I am well aware that any management position needs the applicants to hold advanced education and nursing is not an exception. Most of all, I enjoy working in a team where I embrace a collaborative practice. I believe that it is through taking up a management nursing position that I will tap into my greatest nursing skills. I am also a good listener.Clinical Versus Management Tracts Essay.  Tying my listening with reasoning skills makes me better placed in handling emergent issues in a clinical setting.
Alligood, M. R. (2013). ‘Introduction to nursing theory’. In Alligood, MR; Tomey, AM. Nursing
Theorists and their Work (7th ed.). Maryland Heights, MO: Mosby/Elsevier.
Datta, P. (2007). Pediatric nursing. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, Medical Publishers.
Makary, M. A., Segev, D. L., & Pronovost, P. J. et al. (2010). ‘Frailty as a predictor of surgical
outcomes in older patients’. J. Am. Coll. Surg, 210 (6), 901–8.
Mettler, T., & Raptis, D. A. (2012). ‘What constitutes the field of health information systems?
Fostering a systematic framework and research agenda’. Health Informatics Journal,
18(2), 147-56.
Rodgers, M., Burson, J., & Kirschling, J. (2004). Developing an accelerated BSN program.
Nursing Leadership Forum, 9(1). 18-22.


In this week, you will focus on the opportunities in the clinical versus management tracts
research the clinical and management tracts for nursing advancement.
Based on your research, complete the following tasks as a 2- to 3-page report in a Microsoft Word document:
•Discuss at least three advancement opportunities you have as a professional nurse with a BSN.
•Compare the opportunities in the clinical versus management tracts.
•Describe the track that you will choose to pursue and provide reasons for your choice. Clinical Versus Management Tracts Essay.
Course Project Part 2—Setting Up Personal Goals
Continuing with the course project you started in Week 1, this week, you will interview a professional nurse with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) who

could be a mentor to you.
Interview a professional nurse with a BSN who could be a mentor to you and who exemplifies the type of nurse you want to become.
Write a 1- to 2-page interview report. In your report, include the following:
•Identify and describe the attributes that make this nurse a role model for you.
•Explain the beliefs, values, attitudes, and philosophies this nurse demonstrates and relate it to your long-term goals.
Course Project Part 3—Studying a Professional Organization
Identify a professional organization and then complete the following tasks:
•Analyze and discuss the selected organization’s aim and activities.
•Explain how the organization meets, supports, or advocates the EBP standards and concepts of professional nursing.
In addition, explain the concepts of professional nursing—caring, communication, critical thinking, professionalism, and wholism
Course Project Part 4—Role of Nursing in Healthcare Delivery
In this week, you will study the role nursing plays in healthcare delivery. Clinical Versus Management Tracts Essay.
Complete the following tasks:
•Interview a nurse manager and discuss the nursing role in the healthcare delivery system.
•Include questions in the interview that address the responsibilities of a nurse manager and the role’s accountability.
•Include the interviewee’s thoughts on cost containment.
Cite all sources in APA format
Course Project Part 5—Creating your Resume
Continuing with the course project from the previous four weeks, in this week, you will be asked to submit your professional resume` outlining your skills and

Each week you have completed part of a professional development plan. This week, you will compile the papers to make one final document. You need to

include a resume` in this paper. The final paper should include:
•Advancement opportunities
•A Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) nurse interview
•A Professional organization
•A Nurse Manager interview
•A Resume`

Clinical Versus Management Tracts Essay

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