Community Health Needs Discussion Paper

Community Health Needs Discussion Paper

Community is a complex term that encompasses a wide range of variables, including geography, demographics, and qualitative information that characterizes a community. A given community can be defined and evaluated based on various criteria, depending on what is most important to the particular stakeholders involved. When assessing the community of New Orleans, the most important criteria to consider are the physical geography of the city, the socio-demographic characteristics of its population, the range of services and resources that the city provides, the quality of life of its people, and the various forms of community cohesion that exist. The physical geography of New Orleans is heavily shaped by the Mississippi River and its many surrounding marshes and wetlands (Liu, 2022). It is also served by an extensive transportation network of railroads and highways and numerous airports and ports. This physical geography helps to shape the city’s socio-demographic characteristics, which include a diverse population of African Americans, Caucasians, Hispanics, and others. It is also home to various cultural, religious, and business activities. The range of services and resources available to the people of New Orleans includes several hospitals and medical centers, schools and universities, job opportunities, cultural institutions, and recreation activities. These services and resources help to create a good quality of life for its population, further strengthened by the various forms of community cohesion in the city. These forms of cohesion include relationships within neighborhoods, businesses, and other organizations, as well as residents’ shared interests, values, and beliefs.

Considering these various physical, socio-demographic, and cultural criteria when evaluating a community makes it possible to understand its particular strengths and weaknesses better when attempting to improve population health. This comprehensive approach can then be used to better plan interventions more likely to achieve positive results for all community members. Community Health Needs Discussion Paper

Health improvement needs

The health improvement needs of the New Orleans community can be identified through various epidemiological studies. One of the most pressing concerns is the high rate of infant mortality, with the infant mortality rate in New Orleans being twice the national average (Hunt, 2022). Additionally, studies have found that cases of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV/AIDS are consistently high in New Orleans. Lastly, the city has seen high levels of drug abuse, particularly among the homeless population. To effectively evaluate the relevance of epidemiological information, one must examine how that information can be used to inform public health policy and initiatives. For instance, data on infant mortality rates can be used to inform improvements in healthcare access, nutrition, and education. Data regarding sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS can be used to understand which interventions, policies, and treatments are successful and targeted and which are less effective (Chow et al., 2019). Lastly, drug abuse data can be used to develop programs that address the root causes of addiction and improve access to appropriate substance abuse treatment. Thus, it is clear that epidemiological data can be used to inform public health initiatives to improve overall population health in New Orleans.


Engagement of community stakeholders

The engagement of community stakeholders is essential to developing effective population health initiatives. In New Orleans, the engagement of multiple stakeholders is necessary to foster an effective and equitable approach to health promotion. These stakeholders include city and state governments, non-profits, healthcare providers, community members, and businesses. Barriers to building successful stakeholder engagement in New Orleans include a lack of healthcare resources, limited knowledge of health initiatives and programs, and cultural and political resistance. To overcome these barriers, healthcare providers could partner with non-profits, local businesses, and government organizations to build networks and foster collaboration. These networks could offer better access to healthcare and health promotion services for all community members.

Additionally, comprehensive health education programs could be developed to empower local communities to advocate for their health. Finally, creative strategies such as social marketing and local events could increase awareness and raise support for health initiatives. By leveraging multiple stakeholders’ collective knowledge, resources, and influence, New Orleans can create a culture of health and wellness to improve population health outcomes.

Treatment or wellness models

In New Orleans, the public health system has implemented several treatments and wellness models to address the identified high-priority health improvement needs in the community. Treatment models, such as primary care initiatives, have been developed to increase access to quality healthcare services. These models focus on providing care to individuals or groups with medical or mental health needs. For example, the City of New Orleans has implemented a Primary Care Access Network, which increases access to primary care and preventive services through community-based centers (Gizaw et al., 2022).

A wellness model that could be implemented in New Orleans to address health improvement needs is community-based health education. This model is based on empowering the community by providing health education initiatives. Initiatives could include informational classes on nutrition, physical activities, and the risks of smoking and drug use. Through educational programs and activities, community members can learn to become independent and make better-informed health decisions, improving community health.

Though the city is making strides to address its health improvement needs, there are areas of uncertainty that need to be addressed. For instance, more data is needed to understand the cultural and economic barriers to healthcare access and further research into the impact of health initiatives on health architecture and community dynamics. Additionally, exploring how the various stakeholders are engaged in developing and implementing the health initiatives would provide more insight into their effectiveness.


To summarize, New Orleans faces several health improvement needs that can be addressed through various treatment and wellness models. These models focus on providing care to individuals or groups, increasing access to quality healthcare services, and empowering the community through health education initiatives. Although progress has been made in improving the health of New Orleans, there are still many areas of uncertainty. Therefore, further research and engagement of community stakeholders are needed to make the health initiatives more effective. By understanding the complex nature of the community, we can begin to implement effective strategies to improve population health in the city.


Chow, E. P., Grulich, A. E., & Fairley, C. K. (2019). Epidemiology and prevention of sexually transmitted infections in men who have sex with men at risk of HIV. The Lancet HIV6(6), e396-e405.

Gizaw, Z., Astale, T., & Kassie, G. M. (2022). What improves access to primary healthcare services in rural communities? A systematic review. BMC Primary Care23(1), 1-16.

Liu, L. (2022). NEW ORLEANS A Century of Decline. In Emerging Global Cities (pp. 142–159). Columbia University Press

Hunt, J. (2021). Maternal Mortality among Black Women in the United States. Ballard Brief2021(2), 6. Community Health Needs Discussion Paper

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