Review the list of competencies for nurse educators published by the NLN. Choose two of the competencies and discuss how the nurse educator would demonstrate these competencies. You may use yourself as an example as applicable. Competencies for Nurse Educators Essay
Competencies for Nurse Educators
For the nurse educators to successfully fulfill their role, they are supposed to have the necessary skills and knowledge as indicated by the NLN Core Competencies (Fitzgerald et al., 2020). The NLN Core Competencies outline the nurse educators’ role and their specialized preparation. The selected competencies include two competencies, where the first competency is to facilitate learning and the second competency is to facilitate learner development and socialization.
Nurse educators facilitate learning by ensuring that the learning environment is conducive and favorable for learners. They also facilitate learner socialization and development by assisting learners to synthesize and integrate the learned values, and at the same time utilize the appropriate assessment strategies (Chaghari et al., 2017). Competencies for Nurse Educators Essay
A nurse educator can demonstrate these competencies by for example using activities that promote interactions among learners, and with the educator as well. For instance, online discussions can be used to promote such interactions (Froneman et al, 2016). The nurse educator should also support learners during learning to improve the confidence, competence, and clinical learning outcomes for the learners. Technology can also be useful in facilitating learning among students. Moreover, to facilitate learning the nurse educator can encourage learners to take control of the learning process by for example providing the necessary resources and support to the learners and letting learners set the learning objectives. Finally, nurse educators can ensure learner development and socialization by using innovative learning and assessment activities such as simulations and role-playing to promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills for the learners (Chaghari et al, 2017).
Chaghari M, Saffari M, Ebadi A & Ahmad A. (2017). Empowering Education: A New Model for In-service Training of Nursing Staff. J Adv Med Educ Prof, 5(1), 26–32.
Fitzgerald, A., McNelis, A. M., & Billings, D. M. (2020). NLN Core Competencies for Nurse Educators: Are They Present in the Course Descriptions of Academic Nurse Educator Programs? Nursing education perspectives, 41(1), 4-9.
Froneman K, Plessis E & Koen M. (2016). Effective educator–student relationships in nursing education to strengthen nursing students’ resilience. Curationis, 39(1),1595.
Competencies for Nurse Educators Essay
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