Competitive Ability to Acquire Surgical Robot Unit Essay

Competitive Ability to Acquire Surgical Robot Unit Essay

The target of the provision of improved diagnostic capabilities in the healthcare with less invasive as well as more comfortable experience for the patients forms a competitive capability to acquire the surgical robot unit. Capacity to do smaller and more precise interventions help various health care centers to embrace the use of the surgical unit in their operations. The ability of the surgical robot unit to be used not for the open surgery also for the hysterectomies, joint replacement, the elimination of fibroids, kidney surgeries, as well as open-heart surgery make the hospitals to high demand for the machine. Besides, the ability of the device to be applicable with MRIs in the provision of organ biopsies has enabled the competition for the installation of the machine in hospital to remain high. The machine has been able to provide the best platform for the physicians who use the device in seeing the images of patients during the examination as they control the robot through computer fastening their work not just in the room or at the similar location as the patient in the facility. Competitive Ability to Acquire Surgical Robot Unit Essay. The idea of using a machine with the help of new technology has tremendously increased the ability of different health care centers to acquire surgical robot unit for their operations. The connection of the unit to the computer system has enabled specialist to do operations on the patient who is far away lacking either patient or practitioner having to go for the service to be complete. According to Orlewska (2011), the acquisition of surgical robot unit has remained competitive as it provides the best working environment for the physicians through the reduction of strain as well as fatigue. For instance, surgeries lasting for long hours can cause both a client and the finest surgeons to feel hand fatigue as well as tremors, while the surgical robot units are much steadier and smoother leading to the fastening of surgery.


Stakeholders in acquisition of surgical robot unit

The interested parties in the relation to the present situation of approving procurement of the robotic surgical unit include both internal stakeholders plus external stakeholders (Orlewska, 2011). The internal stakeholders in this process consist of the health care management organization as well as the providers of health care like doctors and nurses in health organization. The outside stakeholders in an acquisition of surgical robot unit include the patients who seek treatment from the health care for treatment as well as the officials from the government.

Impact of acquiring a surgical robot unit to stakeholders

The acquisition of the surgical robot unit offers many potential benefits the stakeholders involved. Both policy makers like governmental bodies and clinicians express the enthusiasms that come with the purchase of surgical robot unit. The robot unit has enabled the management of health care organizations to address the limitation of traditional laparoscope as well as thoracoscopic surgery that have been in existence for long. The acquisition has thus allowed conclusion of complex as well as advanced surgical procedures with an increased accuracy in the minimally invasive method.Competitive Ability to Acquire Surgical Robot Unit Essay.  The acquisition of robot unit around health care centers has improved series of motion compared with customary laparoscopic instruments by allowing the surgeon to carry out more surgical movements during their operations. Application of surgical robot unit has reduced the cases of mortality, morbidity among the patients as the hospital stay evaluating favorably to conservative laparoscopic operations. Besides, the use of technology in surgery by the management improves precision and dexterity as it makes surgeons to perform operations that were customary not amenable to least contact techniques (Dixon et al., 2014). The new technologies that come with surgical robot unit remain powerfully ally with healing roots in creating the new medium for and patient assessment through stimulation of all operations. The health care centers need to struggle to keep up with the new growth in surgical technology likely to reform the way they perform surgery. Acquisition of a surgical robot unit among the management results to appropriate hand-eye coordination as well as an ergonomic position, and improve visualization during the operation. The system of using surgical robot unit makes surgeries regard to be technically difficult or unfeasible previously to be possible with their current implementation.

External and internal factors affecting acquisition of surgical robot unit

Surgical robot unit remains to be a new idea as there is necessitate of an extra work to be practical during their purchase to improve their efficiency. The machines continue to be very expensive that make them prohibitive for many hospitals as well as health-care centers. The issues with it latency that focuses on the occasion fall between the moments when the physician moves the controls tabs as well as when the surgical robot unit responds remains to be a challenging factor in making a decision of purchase. Competitive Ability to Acquire Surgical Robot Unit Essay. There exists the chance for occurrence of an error from a human when physician is operating the set unit incorrectly programs the surgical root before surgery making the decision of purchase to be challenging. The rise in robot procedures in the recent years has left medical insurance plans to consider them as non-experimental or pay the superior rate than for more customary operations making the subscription of choice of robotic surgery to be difficult (Dixon et al., 2014). The external factors that affect the decision-making include increased complexity of medical services, the business environment where medical devices are developed, the process of innovation, as well as the international medical-device regulatory arena.

Reaction of patients

Many patients are still a concern with how they will be able to put their life in the hands of the robot surgeon upon the purchase of the surgical root unit. Many parents ask the health experts to assure them if the device is safer and more precise without any adverse impact on an individual life both before and after the performance of the surgeries. Patients are more concern if the use of finer instruments that come with the robot unit can reduce the damage that has been in place while from the application of traditional laparoscope as well as thoracoscopic surgery. Even though robot surgery through the acquisition of the unit sounds like the ultimate in safe, efficient, and effective in the health care in the 21-century many patients are still worry about the safety (Orlewska, 2011). The reaction of customers majorly bases on the idea that there still exist a chance for an error from the human in case the physician operating the surgical robot unit can incorrectly program prior the surgery leading to a complication during and after surgery. The reactions by the patients need proper follow-up before installing their usage for surgeries.

Impact of ability of organization to compete

The acquisition of the surgical robot machines enhances dexterity in different units as the instrument significantly enhances the ability of the surgeon to use the computer making the surgeons tremor be under remuneration on the end-effectors activity. The compensation can bring the organization to deal with a significant number of patients without rising cases of fatigue thus making the organization earn huge amount in performing surgeries to several patients at ago (Dixon et al., 2014). The reinstatement of appropriate hand-eye coordination and the ergonomic situation that come because of the use of technology enables the elimination of fulcrum effort, thus making instrument manipulation more intuitive. Competitive Ability to Acquire Surgical Robot Unit Essay. The idea eliminates the call for doctors to twist as well as turn in uncomfortable positions to move the instruments as they dream of the monitor making them increase their efficiency leading to increased rates of surgeries done to the patients. The increased in surgeries will enable the organization to earn high amount of money as compared to other agencies that have not embrace the use of technology in their operations.

Differences in economic factors considered prior purchase of the surgical robot unit

When the robotic surgery technology is positional to revolutionize processes of surgeries by improving as well as expanding laparoscopic procedure, advancement of surgical technology, as well as bringing process of surgery into the digital age economic factors must be considered. The organization needs to find the advantage of its usage while overcoming the implementation cost of the machine. The evaluation of purchase and maintenance costs must be adequately considered prior the purchase. The existence of fellowship-trained surgeon among the staff enables the organization to eliminate the burden of the learning curve for the procedure that allows the organization to save on costs that could be channeled for training on the machine usage before the purchase. The organization should be able to learn from the other organizations that have been using the machine to be able to determine the safety, risks, maintenance cost, efficiency, and success of the machine before they purchase one. According to Orlewska (2011), the organization needs to consider training and to credential on the usage of the machine, clinical applications of the robot in surgery, risks of surgery and cost-benefit analysis, as well as researching on the importance of the machine on the organization.


Dixon, P., Grant, R., & Urbach, D. (2014). The Impact of Marketing Language on Patient Preference for Robot-Assisted Surgery. Surgical Innovation, 22(1), 15-19.

Orlewska, E. (2011). Challenges and changes in the Polish healthcare system. Society And Economy, 33(3), 575-594.

The use of robotic technology in surgical department is a new and developing technology in the healthcare sector. Surgical robotic is a currently a technology that has already been tested and proven and now available in the market. This technology is associated with a number of advantages since it makes surgical procedures more accurate and efficient. These robots contain key function to enhance complex surgeries, and wound minimization as a result of low inversion actions (Lanfranco et al., 2004). Normally, robots used in surgery are computer controlled an aspect that eases the surgical procedures. This implies that, with robots even the most complicate surgeries become easier and can be done within a short time period. However, the facility is quite expensive to acquire. This paper analyzes the competitive advantage of acquiring a robotic unit in a hospital. Competitive Ability to Acquire Surgical Robot Unit Essay.

Stakeholders in the Scenario

The new facility will impact a number of individuals either directly or indirectly. Among the people that will be impacted by this new facility will include surgeons who will be using the robot in operation. This system will ease their procedures and enhance their efficiency. The other stakeholder is the patients needing surgical procedures, this system will reduce the agony involved in open surgery since it minimizes wounds and reduce the surgery time. This also implies that the waiting time in the surgery queue will reduce and thus increasing the chances of saving patients’ life.  Another stakeholder is the surgical robot manufacturer and sellers who are responsible of developing a system that meets all the required standards to enhance safety, accuracy and anticipated efficiency. The hospital financial department is the other stakeholder who will be responsible of providing enough money to purchase enough units based on the size of the intended surgical unit and its main surgical purpose. Finally, is the hospital management that is involved in the process of decision making in this matter.

Impact for Acquiring the Surgical Robotic Unit to the Stakeholders

Acquiring of the robotic unit will ease the life of surgeons and improve their work performance. Robots are designed in a manner that makes a surgery more objective by providing pictures of the situation ahead. They are also designed to enhance accuracy such that they can allow a surgeon to hit the target without interfering with the patient body as an open surgery does. It therefore minimizes the wound and thus the patient’s surgical pain level. Robots will thus increase the number of successful surgeries and also allow one surgeon to make a higher number of operations per day than in the usual open surgery since the procedure is faster than open surgery. Patients on the other hand will have a much better experience with the surgical procedure.  Competitive Ability to Acquire Surgical Robot Unit Essay.This will include reduced surgical time, waiting time, minimized wounds and hence minimized level of pain. The procedure accuracy will be much higher an aspect that reduces medical complications related with surgical errors and increase chances of healing. However, they may be required to pay more for this service than in the usual open procedures (Brad& Murar, 2014).

Final financial department will also experience the impact of acquiring this unit. Although they may need to part with a huge amount of cash to set it up, they will also experience higher revenue that other healthcare facilities that still use old surgical procedures. The advantages associated with the current robotic system will attract more patients to the hospital than usual. In addition the reduced operation time will increase the number of individuals a surgeon can handle (Lanfranco et al., 2004). In this regard, the hospital will manage to handle a huge number of patients than in a normal surgical unit. This will definitely increase the hospital revenue. The hospital management will also benefit from the increased competitive advantage and high organization revenue that comes along with it. This will enable them to manage other organization projects especially those that involve modernization of the hospital facility and purchase of expensive machinery. The chances of expanding the hospital further using net profit will also go high. The Robert manufacturers will benefit by making sales for their products, increasing positive feedback and hence creating chances of expanding their market shares. This is due to the fact that other surrounding hospital will consider purchasing the new system to keep up with the new level of competition in surgical unit.

Internal and External Factors that will Impact the Decision

The decision on whether to acquire the robotic surgical unit or not will be influenced by a number of factors. Some of these factors will be internal and they include the availability of enough money to finance the project. Purchasing surgical robots can be very expensive and can only be successful if the hospital has enough money to acquire enough robots to meet the hospital demand (Lanfranco et al., 2004). The second aspect is surgeons’ preference. The use of robotic technology are complex and thus, surgeons may require advanced training on how to operate the system to ensure the anticipated level of efficiency and accuracy is maintained (Brad & Murar, 2014). Competitive Ability to Acquire Surgical Robot Unit Essay. Therefore, surgeon willingness to prepare for the use of this new system in their operation will also be necessary. The available room will also be an issue since robotic systems are big and cumbersome and thus they will need a bigger operation space. Among the external factors that will determine the decision is the patients’ acceptance of the new system. Patients may not have full faith on this new system and thus, they may still prefer the old procedure even after the hospital has acquired the new facility.


Consumers (Patient’s) Reaction

Patients reaction to the introduction of the robotic system may vary based on the individual. Some may embrace the technology and enjoy the advantage it brings to them. However, others may feel uneasy about entrusting their life to a programmed object. Many may imagine of any possible failure that can interfere with robotic operations such as power, bugs or any other error (BenMessaoud et al., 2011). Thus, it may take time to convince them of the efficiency and reliability of a robotic system. Patients reaction may vary based on the knowledge one has on this technology and the level of exposure. Young people are more likely to accept and endorse the technology than old.

Technology Impact on the Organization Competitiveness

There are a number of advantages that are associated with the use of robotic technology in surgery. Among these advantages include efficiency, accuracy, ability to handle complex surgical tasks, and reduced operation speed. This implies that, the hospital will manage to carry out more complex operation accurately and efficiently (Brad & Murar, 2014). In this regard, they will manage to get more patients either through referral or out of own-will. This will eliminate any fear among the patients and create trust, an aspect that will attract more patients to the hospital. The ability to perform more surgeries per day using one unit will increase the number of patients attended per and thus, increasing the organization’s revenue. The good organization performance in surgical department that include reduced surgical wounds, reduced pain level, and reduced surgical and waiting time will highly build the organization reputation and thus, attracting more patients even to the other organization departments. In this regard, the employment of robotic surgical unit will improve the general performance of the organization (Lanfranco et al., 2004). Competitive Ability to Acquire Surgical Robot Unit Essay.

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