Comprehensive Overview Of Cataract Disease Essay
According to the World Health organization, cataract is responsible for 51% of world blindness. Cataract is a significant cause of visual impairment in both low-income and high-income countries. However, there is an effective treatment for cataract, which is surgical removal of the lens opacity with implantation of an artificial intraocular lens. The most common cause of cataract is advancing age. It also is associated with numerous conditions. Cataract is defined as the loss of lens transparency because of clouding of the lens. Comprehensive Overview Of Cataract Disease Essay.
A cataract is an ocular disease in the lens of the eye. Hence, we should talk about the lens briefly. The crystalline lens is a biconvex, avascular and completely transparent structure that helps to focus light on the retina. It is composed of lens capsule, lens epithelium and lens fibers, and is suspended by zonules on either side, which connects it with the ciliary body. The lens fibers are produced continuously from the lens epithelium and migrate from the periphery towards the center. Therefore, the older lens fibers are compressed into a lens nucleus and being harder than the cortex.
A cataract is any opacity in the lens. It has various types but the most common one is age-related cataract. Cataractous lenses are characterized by accumulation of proteins that disseminate light rays and reduce transparency. Additional findings may include vesicles between lens fibers or migration and aberrant enlargement of epithelial cells. A cataract can occur in both eyes. It cannot spread from one eye to the other. The effective treatment for cataract is surgical. However, rare surgical complications may occur. Secondary opacity of the lens tissue remaining after the surgical procedure may occur and this called secondary cataract or posterior capsular opacification. Age-related cataract can be divided into three types: nuclear, cortical and posterior subcapsular cataracts. Epithelial cells of the lens proliferate and differentiate into fiber cells. Fiber cells then migrate into the center and results in lens nuclear opacity. A cortical cataract begins in the outer third of the lens and extending along the fiber cells toward the optic axis. A posterior subcapsular cataract is a plaque-like opacity develops in the axial posterior cortical layer. Cataract may occur congenitally.
There are different types of cataract. However, most cataracts are related to the aging. Age-related cataract is three diseases. Each type occurs in different regions of the lens and involve various pathological mechanisms. The three types are nuclear, cortical and posterior subcapsular cataracts. Comprehensive Overview Of Cataract Disease Essay. In nuclear cataracts, the opacity occurs in the central region of the lens. It is caused by aggregation of lens proteins. Cortical cataracts are in a peripheral of the lens, cortex. Cortical opacities are associated with disruption of the fiber cells. Posterior subcapsular cataracts occur in adjacent to the posterior capsule. These opacifications often rapidly degrade vision. Plaque are formed in the optic axis.
A cataract is divided into another types. Diabetic snowflakes are usually white subcapsular opacities. Posterior polar cataracts are white opacities in the central portion of the posterior capsule. These opacities often penetrate the posterior cortex and typically they are congenital. In addition, there is a traumatic cataract which develops to the effected eye after an injury. There is also polychromatic cataract. It is a rare type of opacification of the lens. It is identified by needle-shaped polychromatic cortex. As a conclusion of the types,
1. Age-related cataract:
2. Childhood cataract:
3. Cataract associated with systemic disease: such as diabetes, hypocalcemia, myotonic dystrophy and atopic dermatitis.
4. Drug-induced cataract: The most common cause of the opacity in this type is administration pf corticosteroids.
5. Traumatic cataract: due to a foreign body injury to the lens.
6. Radiation cataract: due to exposure to UV rays.
We will identify the risk factors for cataract formation in order to know who at risk. Firstly, individual factors. They involve increasing age especially after 50 years, female sex, Racial and ethnic groups. Asian people have higher prevalence than European people. Secondly, genetic factors. Thirdly, lifestyle factors. They involve ultraviolet-B exposure, cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption. Fourthly, diet. It involves consumption of carbohydrates with high-glycaemic index and malnutrition. Fifthly, systemic disorders. For example, diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, renal impairment and hypocalcemia. Sixthly, ocular diseases such as myopic refractive error and large retinal drusen. In addition, maternal infection, obesity and uveitis are considered significantly risk factors for cataract. As a summary of the risk factors:
The typical presentation of cataract patient is slow decreasing in vision ability over long period of time which the patients usually don’t recognize until they have visual damage (they cannot do their daily activities). Patients may come with blurry vision and glare.
Cataract creation is classically affecting both eyes, although it is often asymmetrical. Patients commonly find difficulties while driving at night specially with reading road signs. Before there is opacity of the lens that damages vision, patients may complain about an increase in shortsightedness that called a “myopic shift, ” it caused by an increase in the refractive power of a lens that is gradually becoming diseased by cataract and it could continue with the development of opacity. Comprehensive Overview Of Cataract Disease Essay. The patient may complain about developing sensitivity to sunlight or any bright light and sometimes it can reach to falling and getting injured. A sudden improvement in the vision without a glasses for short period of time is another sign of cataract, it is due to changing in the refractive power of the lens.
Symptoms of age-related cataract are: pain, redness and visual loss. The signs depend on the severity and they are: severe inflammation, vitritis, corneal haze, discharge, afferent pupillary defect is also common. Changing the lens nucleus to brown color is a sign to detect nuclear sclerosis that happens because of urochrome pigment. Enlargement of abnormally positioned epithelium in case of posterior subscapular cataract. The lens cortex may liquefy in case of morgagnian cataract.
Painless, progressive deterioration in vision is the characteristic that give a clue to suspect a cataract case. Cataract should be diagnosed after following a step by step diagnostic strategy. Starting with history taking, it needs to check the presence of the risk factors such as: older than 65 years of age, previous trauma to the eye, smoking, diabetes. . . ) and the cloudy vision in addition to changing in the vision color (yellow). Then moving to the physical examination, assessing the distance vision using the best-corrected spectacle prescription for distance and a formal eye chart. A slit-lamp examination should be done to assess the lens dilatation ability. Being unable to cooperate with slit-lamp examination, inspection and evaluation of the red reflex using direct ophthalmoscopy can help measure the severity of the cataract. Last step is the diagnostic tests: dilated fundus examination (to exclude any other abnormality that could be the cause of deteriorated vision), measurement of intra-ocular pressure, glare vision test. A diagnosis of cataract is confirmed if no other abnormality is discovered and the degree of lens opacity associates with the patient’s history. In some cases. medication is given to dilate the pupil temporarily.
The clinical diagnosis of cataract in pediatrics consists of: medical history, ocular examination, Systemic examination, investigation. First of all, the history: the age of onset, the past medical history of any trauma (if the cataract suspicion was in one eye), the family history. Comprehensive Overview Of Cataract Disease Essay. The ocular examination: observation of the visual behavior and alignment of the eyes, the red reflex test and the visual assessment. In the systemic examination we look for any systemic disease or skeletal abnormalities. Finally, the investigation: Serum TORCHS titre screen, VDRL titre, urine test.
the treatment of Cataract is mainly surgical and it has shown its effectiveness over the years in restoring the vision, the infected lens is replaced by an intraocular lens (IOS), but till this day its not widespread among the world, and a lot of people became blindness because of lack of access the eye care. Basically the surgery is done with small-incision extracapsular Cataract extraction, after this we remove the diseased lens and insert an intraocular lens (IOS), also there is a lot of advanced techniques that help the surgeon and make the procedure more easier. After the surgery, the patient can go on and do the everyday activities, but in some cases the vision become blurry and the healing eye must take time for adjusting so that can lead to focus more appropriately with the other eye. Also the period after the surgery is accompanied with intraocular lens (IOS), which help to make the colors more bright and clear. For instance, The Femtosecond Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery (FLACS), was established in 2012, this technique has made the surgery more easier and safer to the surgeon. Also the Refractive Cataract Surgery is modern and new advanced treatment of Cataract, its mainly focusing on replacing the natural lens with an advanced lens that designed for correcting the vision, also it could be used for Myopia or Hyperopia. Comprehensive Overview Of Cataract Disease Essay
While development of cataract part of the lens degenerated from the lens making cleft which the material will accumulate in it that called (morgagnian corpuscles, incipient cataract) the material that will accumulate in this space is water because of the osmotic pressure is increased as consequence of degenerated lens, accumulation of water will swollen the lens and may obstruct the pupil which cause glaucoma. Also the surgical treatment of cataract have some complications like: capsular rupture and vitreous loss and they happened not because of lack of surgical team experience or availability of the surgery tools but because of the complexity of the surgery and poor management of the outcomes after the surgery.
Cataract prevention majors are not yet known but these some helpful tips:
As every disease cataract will harm the patient. Patient with cataract will give up night driving that because his eye cannot recognize the blue color as well as the glare and abrupt changes in light pose so, he sometimes cannot see the pedestrians when they cross the road which lead to a lot of accidents and casualties. He will give up not just the night driving also the reading and a lot of daily life activities. The patient cannot even walk because he afraid of falling and injuring himself which make him fully paralyzed.
Ayurveda the science of life, since its origin is serving the mankind throughout in health & disease state of life. Shalakyatantra, one of its specialized branch deals with the science of Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Orodental surgery & Head; was contributed and developed by Rajrishi Nimi, the King of Videha, who was a colleague of Atreya, Punarvasu, Dhanwantri, Bharadwaja, Kashyapa etc. The available literature related to this speciality is reproduced from original text of Nimitantra in Uttartantra of Sushruta samhita. So Rajrishi Nimi deserves all the credit and regards for Shalakyatantra and for being the first eye surgeon on this earth. The fact regarding the technique of cataract surgery adopted by ancient surgeons is still a matter of debate. Comprehensive Overview Of Cataract Disease Essay. Most of the medical fraternity accepts cataract surgery of ancient surgeons as couching procedure but after going through forth coming pages, the prevailing concept will prove to be a myth. It started with extra capsular extraction through small incision during the period of Sushruta Samhita but later shifted to couching like technique by Acharya Vagbhatta. Secondly, the objective of this literary research paper is to find proper co-relation of the disease cataract to those mentioned in Ancient Ayurvedic classic. Linganasha has been inadvertently taken as cataract but this is neither logical nor in accordance with classics. We find detailed description of cataract’s differential diagnosis, indications, contra- indications, pre/intra/post operative procedures and complication in ancient texts of Ayurveda. Not only this, vivid description of treatment of various complications of cataract surgery are also given. Needless to say, no other surgically treatable diseases & its complications except Kaphaja Linganasha are given this much attention. Comprehensive Overview Of Cataract Disease Essay.
Linganasha is a technical descriptive term in Ayurvedic literature, which means loss of vision. (Dalhan)1. Two varieties of Linganasha– loss of vision have been described i.e. reversible and irreversible or curable and in-curable. On the other hand linganasha as a whole can be classified2 as follows:
Endogenous linganasha is described vividly on anatomical and etiological grounds and is said to be the end stage of Timira, a serious disease of the visual apparatus. On anatomical descriptive grounds, when the vitiated body humours reach/invade 4th/last patal/layer of the eye ball (nucleus of the lens), then patient’s vision is obstructed, pupil is covered by vitiated body humours then patient perceives only bright illuminating objects that too when the eye (Posterior segment) is normal. This stage of Timira; invading 4th patal (Lens) is labelled as linganasha (Cataract). According to the etiological classification, linganasha is again the 3rd stage of disease Timira, 2nd being Kaach-(ISC).
The clinical picture is as per the vitiating / causative body humours. Among these pathologically classified linganasha only Kaphaja linganasha (KL) is surgically curable rest all being incurable3 & 15 but a misconception about the surgical procedure is still prevailing. The western medical literature considers that surgical procedure depicted in ancient surgical treatise Sushruta Samhita is couching14/1 i.e. displacing the mature catractous lens in capsular bag into the vitreous cavity. This fact is partially expounding the Ayurvedic view point because the said treatise encompassing the view point of Rajrishi Nimi of Videha Kingdom holds a very different explanation. The available description therein is very similar to that of extra capsular cataract extraction that too with a small incision. On the other hand in the later surgeon Acharya Vagbhatta’s(5thAD) technique is very near to the of couching. Comprehensive Overview Of Cataract Disease Essay.
To explore the facts in this regards and to put forth the correct view point of Ayurveda this literary research was under taken.
To review the literature on KL and cataract to establish their relation.
To explore there from the surgical method & procedure adopted by ancient scholars.
Classical literature on the subject from Ayurvedic and western system of medicine were explored thoughly and where felt necessary help of Sanskrit grammar scholars was taken. The collected classical material was compared and put forth in a systematic manner in the coming pages.
Kaphaja Linganasha
Clinical picture of Kaphaja linganasha4 is as follows
Complete obstruction of vision; the patient can only perceive bright light /object.
Pupillary circle appears to be thick, smooth, and white in color like a white drop of water (fluid) moving on lotus leaf.
Pupil constricts in sun and dilates in shade/dark (+ve Pupillary reaction).
Pupillary circle is mobile/changes its shape on ocular massage.
These clinical features of Kaphaja linganasha invading fourth patala (Lens) exactly simulate the picture of mature/hypermature senile cortical (Cuneiform) cataract, the white and soft cataract.
Exogenous variety of Linganasha (Vision loss)-Sanimitaja and Animitaja types are classified according to known and unknown (idiopathic) exogenous causes respectively. In both these varieties the pupillary circle remains clear, like natural one i.e. jet black in colour5. Both are incurable. Trauma also leads to irreversible loss of vision. Comprehensive Overview Of Cataract Disease Essay.
Well developed Kaphaja linganasha i.e. fully mature/hypermature cortical cataract with clinical features mentioned above.
Uncomplicated cataract16 e.g. Avartaki etc. following Six complications of Kaphaja linganasha are to be avoided before surgical intervention:
Avaratki: Pupillary circle appears like whirlpool, hyper- reactive, of reddish white colour.
Sharkara: Where linganasha-cataract appears like that of coagulated milk i.e. calcified cataract.
Rajimati: When cataract’s anterior surface is seen with linings i.e. anterior capsular calcification or hard cataract.
Chhinanshuka: Pupil is irregular, with tears, charred coloured and painful; i.e. cataract with uveitis and posterior synechiae.
Chandraki: Pupillary area reflects off- white color and its shape is like that of moon; i.e. cataract with retinal detachment.
Chhatrki: The pupillary area (Cataract) is multicolored like that of mushroom i.e. posterior segmental pathologies. Comprehensive Overview Of Cataract Disease Essay.