Concept analysis must include stress as phenomenon.

Concept analysis must include stress as phenomenon.


Consider the phenomenon of concern (concept) you identified in Module One. In a paper, discuss the purpose of the concept analysis, the concept\’s definition, its defining attributes, antecedents, and consequences. Include an example of a model and contrary case. Refer to the textbook page 58 Box 3-1. Support your opinions with scholarly evidence. Short Paper: Concept Analysis (use subheadings to organize your paper) Purpose of the Concept Analysis Uses of the Concept Defining Attributes Antecedents Consequences Model Case Contrary Case Empirical Referents Conclusion References Must be in word for editing APA 7th edition. Concept analysis must include stress as phenomenon.


Purpose of the Concept Analysis

Nursing has, for many years, been considered to be one of the more stressful professions. Several defining factors have been seen to increase stress among nurses for nearly three decades. These include budget cuts, increasing workload, the ever-increasing use of sophisticated healthcare technologies, and constant organizational changes in healthcare environments (Alenezi et al., 2018). This concept analysis defines stress in the context of nursing practice, its attributes, and other elements as a means of demystifying the concept for nurses and offering a pathway to avoiding stress. Concept analysis must include stress as phenomenon.

Definition of Stress

In medical and biological contexts, stress is defined as a mental, physical or emotional factor that results in mental or bodily tension. Stresses may be internal, from illness or medical procedures, or external, arising from the environment, social or psychological situations. Stress is known for its capacity to initiate the “fight or flight” response, a complex reaction of the endocrinologic and neurologic systems. Concept analysis must include stress as phenomenon.

Defining Attributes

In nursing, stress is primarily attributed to several factors, some of which are unique to this profession’s members. One factor to which stress in nursing is attributed is physical labor. Nurses undertake a significant amount of physical labor during their shifts. This ranges from activities such as standing and walking for long hours to lifting medical equipment and supplies. Nurses also experience stress from the patients’ emotional demands and suffering they care for and their families. Like all other medical professionals, nurses also experience significant stress from long working hours and shift work. Finally, there have been stress cases among nurses resulting from interpersonal relationships and interpersonal conflict (Cantrell et al., 2017).Concept analysis must include stress as phenomenon.


By definition, an antecedent is something that logically precedes the other. Therefore in the context of stress, this concept analysis looks at the factors that precede stressful situations of nursing practice encounters. The identified antecedents include conflicts, physical and verbal aggression, experience, tenure, excessive demands, and unresponsiveness, age, level of training, and nursing level (Alenezi et al., 2018).Concept analysis must include stress as phenomenon.


When affected by stress, certified nursing practitioners suffer directly from the health, behavioral, and psychological effects of stress. Furthermore, research has shown that nurses that stress among nurses affect the quality of care offered to their patients, job contentment, and the overall cost of care (Cantrell et al., 2017).Concept analysis must include stress as phenomenon.

Model Case

During her 12-hour shift one night in January 2020, a nurse Abigail would find herself caring for her first COVID19 patient. The patient, also a nurse, had become infected with the virus while visiting her parents one town over. Abigail had not cared for a loved one before, and this situation was taking an emotional toll on her. Furthermore, the patient in question, being in quarantine, could not communicate with her family members. It was up to Abigail to hold her up to an iPad so she could say her final farewells to her family. The patient soon succumbed to complications from COVID19. Abigail and other intensive care nurses decided to attend a nursing debriefing session to help them cope with the event’s emotional and psychological stresses.Concept analysis must include stress as phenomenon.

Contrary Case

Following a pile up on a nearby highway, the intensive care unit of a hospital was overwhelmed. James, who had just finished two consecutive 12-hour shifts and was clocking out when the first patients were brought in, sensed that he might be of help, so he stayed against the nurse’s advice in charge.Concept analysis must include stress as phenomenon. As James was on with his rounds and exhausted, he inadvertently administered morphine to a patient who was intolerant to the same. The patient immediately experienced the adverse effects of his allergies, including morphine-induced hallucinations. While the patient was subsequently stabilized and made a full recovery, James’ refusal to unwind from the physical and mental stresses of the day was seen to have nearly cost a life.Empirical Referents

Stress has significant negative impacts on nurses as well as their ability to accomplish their designated tasks. More specifically, it results in a lack of concentration, poor decision making, decreased motivation, apathy, and anxiety, all of which may create uncharacteristic errors, thus impairing job performance. These effects may also contribute towards decreased work performance, absenteeism, and finally burnout (Admi et al., 2018).Concept analysis must include stress as phenomenon.


As this concept analysis has shown, stress is an issue of concern for nurses, and its effects do affect not only the performance of the nurses but also the nature of the care they offer to patients. Therefore, nurses must identify stressful situations and take the necessary steps to alleviate their stress.Concept analysis must include stress as phenomenon.

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