Consequences of Medical Errors Discussion

Consequences of Medical Errors Discussion


Health care in most states and countries is not safe, but it can be following the results and reports given under IOM 1999 in a year approximately 44,000 people to 98,000 people die in hospital. Medical error is the failure to take deliberate action to complete an intended purpose or use a wrong plan in achieving a purpose. In providing healthcare, common mistakes might occur like an improper transfusion, surgical injuries, suicides, pressure ulcers, burns, and mistaken patient identities in intensive units, operating rooms or departments of emergency (Graber, 2015). This paper seeks to discuss the impacts of medical errors and find a solution.

Diagnostic is one of the errors identified and results where most healthcare systems have e delays in manner of diagnosis, if they fail to employ it indicated tests, use of an outmoded tests and therapy are failure which act on results of monitoring and testing (Stanton & Ganz 2015). Consequences of Medical Errors Discussion Healthcare is entitled to offer basic safety, but this is not the case for the first lack of government designated agency that concentrates on monitoring safety through health systems. According to Guo & Li (2017), the leadership should create a Centre for diagnosis and patient safety that can track progress, define prototype safety systems, develop a method of consumers education about safety, and also recommend additional improvement as possible.

In treatment area, there were several mistakes like an error in administering the treatment, how performance of operation is done, test or procedure. There were errors in ways of giving a dose and how drugs are being used, avoidable delay in treatment or response to an abnormal inappropriate care. This treatment caused more deaths in most healthcare, as witnessed by the results. Patients are not given clear procedures by the doctors and nurses on using the medicines (Gavaret et al., 2017). Preventive to provide an prophylactic treatment, monitoring’s which are inadequate or treatment.


In most cases, patients who experience an extended hospital stay or follow up with no one to care about them. This increases the chances of them being subjected to other diseases, which increases the chances of death. According to Xu, J. et al. (2018), Oversight and regulatory organization and payers should use regulation, legislation, accreditation and payment mechanism and also media to adopt the technologies in making their follow up of their patients, payers and purchasers should always motivate improvement in the medication, accreditation bodies mandated for Oversight of professional education should be given more training to improve medical management practices and clinical pharmacology.  Consequences of Medical Errors Discussion

Communication failure, failure of equipment and another failure in system also make part of the errors discovered by IOM reports (Bauchat & Jeffries 2016). Healthcare systems and organizations must develop a safety culture so that their workforce and processes deal with reliability and safety of care for patients. Like in the United States, safety should be the explicit goal of any organization that demonstrates well-understood safety measures.


Many factors have increased the national epidemic of medical error, even in addition to how health professionals are licensed and accredited, which has aimed to limit the prevention of those errors. Many providers have taken medical errors at the minimum to confront resistance from some health care organizations. Developed countries have taken a step ahead to protect their citizens from this death rate. Thus, these common mistakes may be reduced by designing a good system of health at every level to make it more safer, prevent people from doing something unpresentable, this makes it easy for them not to do the wrong thing, and make them vigilant and held responsible for their actions.


Bauchat, J. R., Seropian, M., & Jeffries, P. R. (2016). Communication and empathy in the patient-centred care model—why simulation-based training is not optional. Clinical Simulation in Nursing12(8), 356-359.

Gavaret, M., Pesenti, S., Diop-Sene, M. S., Choufani, E., Bollini, G., & Jouve, J. L. (2017). Intraoperative spinal cord monitoring: Lesional level diagnosis. Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research103(1), 33-38.

Graber, M. L. (2015). The IOM report on improving diagnosis: new concepts. Diagnosis2(4), 201-203.

Guo, T., Yang, Y., Liu, R., & Li, X. (2017). Enhanced removal of intracellular organic matters (IOM) from Microcystic aeruginosa by aluminium coagulation. Separation and Purification Technology189, 279-287.

Stanton, A. L., Rowland, J. H., & Ganz, P. A. (2015). Life after diagnosis and treatment of cancer in adulthood: Contributions from psychosocial oncology research. American Psychologist70(2), 159.

Xu, J., Zhao, Y., Gao, B., Han, S., Zhao, Q., & Liu, X. (2018). The influence of algal organic matter produced by Microcystis aeruginosa on the coagulation-ultrafiltration treatment of the natural organic matter. Chemosphere196, 418-428 .

Consequences of Medical Errors Discussion


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