Current Challenges To The Health Of Adolescence Essay

Current Challenges To The Health Of Adolescence Essay

There are some prevalent diseases in women that are good to know. We all know that sometimes we are more attentive to the health of those around us than ours, and this is something we should take into consideration. Furthermore, our lifestyle can also determine the appearance of some pains. Daily worries stress and missed periodic medical visits can sometimes cause serious problems. Today in this article, we will discuss the current challenges to the health of women.


According to some data from the World Health Organization (WHO), migraine affects women much more than men. Furthermore, in them, the pain lasts longer and appears more frequently within a month.

– Migraine is probably the most common disorder among women. Currently, it has been shown that most traditional drugs that act on the arteries do not help to alleviate this problem.

– Migraine has nothing to do with hormonal problems or stress.

– Current data reveal that the causes of migraines lie in the hypersensitivity of the nerve fibers.Current Challenges To The Health Of Adolescence Essay.


– Migraine in women appears very early. In fact, it is quite common to come across 11-year-old girls who already suffer from it.

– The pain is intense and throbbing and focuses on one side of the head. It causes nausea, vomiting, and even visual disturbances.

– Usually, this type of headache appears four times a month. Sometimes it can disappear after a few years.



It may surprise you, but in general, allergies are much more common in women. Also, we don’t always give due importance to their symptoms when they are not very serious.

– Intolerance to gluten, barley, or rye affects women to a greater extent. According to data from the same association of celiac, almost 70% of patients belong to the female sex.

– It is also important to keep in mind that women are usually the ones who are most in contact with chemicals. Items such as make-up or household cleaning products lead us to suffer more allergic reactions.


– Observe how your skin and eyes react each time you use certain cosmetics.

– Dry throat or constant tearing is frequent when some allergy occurs.

– Symptoms related to pollen, dust, or certain elements are often more persistent in the early hours of the day. Current Challenges To The Health Of Adolescence Essay.

– Also, pay attention to your digestions. Sometimes malaise, gases, or constant swelling after eating may be due to some intolerance.


Irritable bowel syndrome is a digestive tract disorder that causes abdominal pain and inflammation. It appears along with alternating episodes of diarrhea or constipation that make us inactive for hours.

The exact causes of irritable bowel syndrome are still unknown today. However, it is very common that it appears in periods of intense stress, in times of particular nervousness or hormonal changes.


– Appears for the first time between 15 and 25 years.

– It is not a simple malaise, bad digestion, or gastritis. It is an intense pain localized in the colon area that involves the whole abdomen. Current Challenges To The Health Of Adolescence Essay.

– Symptoms such as vomiting, gas, and very intense burning occur. The pain comes and goes and can last a few days.


Breast cancer is one of the most common diseases in women. However, you must keep in mind that in recent years, cases of lung and colorectal cancer have also been steadily increasing, so undergo constant medical examinations.


Look at your breast. Self-palpation in search of small bumps is a good habit.

The most important thing is to pay attention to the shape of the skin in order to see any type of alteration, be it small protuberances, strange swellings, colors, or cavities.

Also, if there is a history of breast cancer in your family, you should start having regular checkups before the age of 40.Current Challenges To The Health Of Adolescence Essay.  From that moment on, periodic mammograms will have to be done.


According to the World Health Organization, depression affects around 350 million people worldwide and, to a large extent, it is women.

Depression is a silent disease that appears in certain periods of our life. However, there is one aspect that we must remember:

The woman has more strategies for dealing with depression. She asks for help before man, she unleashes her emotions and expresses her problems through better communication, opening herself more easily to others.


– Apathy.

– Lack of energy.

– Constant bad mood.

– Recurrent sadness and constant negative thoughts.

– Sleep disorders.

– Physical and musculoskeletal pain.


In women over 50, the main cause of death is heart disease, especially after menopause. This risk is exacerbated by changes in the woman’s lipid (fat) and circulatory profile. Over the years, women tend to gradually reduce the production of their natural hormones, estrogen. This is one of the factors that most causes heart disease.Current Challenges To The Health Of Adolescence Essay.  In addition, changes in blood levels and the concentration of LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol) affect the onset of the disease. The ideal is to check your body, perform annual checks in consultation with your general practitioner to ensure greater well-being at this time of life.


After 50 years, it is time to pay more attention to diabetes too. Its appearance is aggravated in this period due to the decrease in the female hormone (estrogen). It is most common in obese people, in women who abuse alcohol or who are familiar with the disease. To prevent diabetes, it is important to maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and make frequent visits to the doctor. The earlier it is diagnosed and cured, the better. Current Challenges To The Health Of Adolescence Essay.


After menopause, many hormonal changes occur, which reduce the fixation of calcium in the bones with the consequence of losing bone density. Consequently, the predisposition to osteoporosis, which usually appears after the age of 60, is greater.

Osteoporosis is due to a weakening of the bone structure. Continuous medical follow-up, proper nutrition, and, where necessary, a hormonal replacement can be essential for maintaining bone health.


You, womanhealth of women, should always be attentive to all changes in your body. A health plan can be a great ally when it comes to taking care of yourself and staying healthy and protected. Current Challenges To The Health Of Adolescence Essay.

Key points
  • Adolescence is one of the most rapid phases of human development.
  • Biological maturity precedes psychosocial maturity. This has implications for policy and programme responses to the exploration and experimentation that takes place during adolescence.
  • The characteristics of both the individual and the environment influence the changes taking place during adolescence.
  • Younger adolescents may be particularly vulnerable when their capacities are still developing and they are beginning to move outside the confines of their families. Current Challenges To The Health Of Adolescence Essay.
  • The changes in adolescence have health consequence not only in adolescence but also over the life-course.
  • The unique nature and importance of adolescence mandates explicit and specific attention in health policy and programmes.

Recognizing adolescence

Adolescence is a period of life with specific health and developmental needs and rights. It is also a time to develop knowledge and skills, learn to manage emotions and relationships, and acquire attributes and abilities that will be important for enjoying the adolescent years and assuming adult roles.

All societies recognize that there is a difference between being a child and becoming an adult. How this transition from childhood to adulthood is defined and recognized differs between cultures and over time. In the past it has often been relatively rapid, and in some societies it still is. In many countries, however, this is changing.

Age: not the whole story

Age is a convenient way to define adolescence. But it is only one characteristic that delineates this period of development. Age is often more appropriate for assessing and comparing biological changes (e.g. puberty), which are fairly universal, than the social transitions, which vary more with the socio-cultural environment.

Adolescence: physical changes

Adolescence is one of the most rapid phases of human development. Although the order of many of the changes appears to be universal, their timing and the speed of change vary among and even within individuals.Current Challenges To The Health Of Adolescence Essay.  Both the characteristics of an individual (e.g. sex) and external factors (e.g. inadequate nutrition, an abusive environment) influence these changes.

Adolescence: neurodevelopmental changes

Important neuronal developments are also taking place during the adolescent years. These developments are linked to hormonal changes but are not always dependent on them. Developments are taking place in regions of the brain, such as the limbic system, that are responsible for pleasure seeking and reward processing, emotional responses and sleep regulation. At the same time, changes are taking place in the pre-frontal cortex, the area responsible for what are called executive functions: decision-making, organization, impulse control and planning for the future. The changes in the pre-frontal cortex occur later in adolescence than the limbic system changes.


Adolescence: psychological and social changes

Linked to the hormonal and neurodevelopmental changes that are taking place are psychosocial and emotional changes and increasing cognitive and intellectual capacities.Current Challenges To The Health Of Adolescence Essay.  Over the course of the second decade, adolescents develop stronger reasoning skills, logical and moral thinking, and become more capable of abstract thinking and making rational judgements.

Changes taking place in the adolescent’s environment both affect and are affected by the internal changes of adolescence. These external influences, which differ among cultures and societies, include social values and norms and the changing roles, responsibilities, relationships and expectations of this period of life.

Implications for health and behaviour

In many ways adolescent development drives the changes in the disease burden between childhood to adulthood—for example, the increase with age in sexual and reproductive health problems, mental illness and injuries.

The appearance of certain health problems in adolescence, including substance use disorders, mental disorders and injuries, likely reflects both the biological changes of puberty and the social context in which young people are growing up. Other conditions, such as the increased incidence of certain infectious diseases, for example, schistosomiasis, may simply result from the daily activities of adolescents during this period of their lives.

Many of the health-related behaviours that arise during adolescence have implications for both present and future health and development. For example, alcohol use and obesity in early adolescence not only compromise adolescent development, but they also predict health-compromising alcohol use and obesity in later life, with serious implications for public health. Current Challenges To The Health Of Adolescence Essay.

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