Dealing with Conflict Essay Paper

Dealing with Conflict Essay Paper

Conflict within the nurse work environment is common. That is because nurses engage different stakeholders where they engage with different personalities thereby creating differences of opinion that could degenerate into conflict if not addressed at the earliest opportunity (Hartung & Miller, 2013). I particularly remember a conflict that I faced as a nurse. In this case, I experienced extreme difficulty from management failures as I attempted to deliver efficiency health care services. To be more precise, I was taking care of a patient whose assessment required the use of expensive medical procedures and yet the management refused to sign off on these procedures since the patient did not have the capacity to pay for the services. Dealing with Conflict Essay Paper



As a young nurse, I idealized the nursing profession and felt that caring should be at the core of nursing endeavors. I felt that the management should have signed off on the procedure since this was a life-saving measure and the patient was likely to die without this procedure. I was dissatisfied with the management’s failure and resigned from my position shortly thereafter citing job dissatisfaction as the reason. Looking back at the conflict, I feel that I may have overreacted. Faced with the same incident now, I would have explored other sources to acquire funds to pay for the procedure. There are organizations that focus on health care equality and they would have paid for the procedure if I had presented the case to them as a life-saving measure. In addition, I would have applied constructive criticism by acknowledging the good that the facility has done and offering guidance on how new management strategies can avoid similar conflicts in the future (Pabico, 2015). I now understand that health care organizations rely on funds to operate and they require patients to pay for the services. It is unrealistic to expect the facility to offer free services unless that is part of its mandate. Overall, this was a learning experience.


Hartung, S. & Miller, M. (2013). Communication and the healthy work environment. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 43(5), 266–273. DOI: 10.1097/NNA.0b013e31828eeb3c

Pabico, C. (2015). Creating supportive environments and thriving in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(10), 471–473.  Dealing with Conflict Essay Paper


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