Delegating Successfully Assignment Paper

Delegating Successfully Assignment Paper

This week you are to read the chapter “Delegating Successfully” The following case study will challenge you to apply the appropriate delegation tools.
Read the following case study and think about what you learned. Use a separate word document, to answer the three questions following the case study, support your answers using the textbook, other resources and your experience.
James works at a large teaching hospital in a major metropolitan area. This institution services the entire geographical region, including indigent clients, and because of its renowned reputation, administers care to international clients and individuals who reside in other states. The staff is also limited with less RN’s and more patient care tech and nurses aids. The acuity of these clients has been quite high, requiring a great deal of time from the nursing staff. Delegating Successfully Assignment Paper
James arrived at work at 6:30 am, his usual time. He looked at the census board and discovered that the unit was filled, and bed control was calling all night to have clients discharged or transferred to make room for several clients who had been in the ED since the previous evening. He also discovered that the other RN assigned to this unit called in sick. His team consists of himself, two patient care techs, and an LPN who is shared by two teams. He has eight clients on his team:3 clients need to be ready for surgery, including pre-op and post-op teaching,1 of which is a 35 year old woman scheduled for a modified radical mastectomy for the treatment of invasive breast cancer; 3 clients are second day post-ops requiring IV antibiotics, dressing changes, NG suctioning, chest tubes, TPN and lipids, central line dressing changes, Foleys, and ambulation; 1 client needs transferred to the rehab unit with report called prior to the transfer and finally, 1 client is to be discharged home and requires discharge teaching on insulin and dressing changes.
1. Thinking of the five rights of delegation how should James delegate the work to be done?
2. Which is a priority and why?
3. What type of client management approach should James consider in assigning the work needing to be done to staff members?
* Use citations to support your rationale for each answer.

Delegating successfully

  1. Thinking of the five rights of delegation how should James delegate the work to be done?

It is important for James to make appropriate decisions with regards to the successful assignment of care. In this case, the assignment should be based on patient needs, skills of the personnel, staff job/position description, policies and procedures applied at the facilities, and nursing assistants as well as other members of the nursing team. There are five rights of delegation that must be considered when assigning care. These rights are: the “right” person; the “right” task; the “right” circumstances; the “right” directions and communication; and the “right” supervision and evaluation. In essence, James must assign the right personnel to the right jobs and tasks under the right circumstances. The decision must then be communicated to the person assigned the task even as directions are offered. Also, James should supervise the persons assigned the tasks and determine whether or not the task was competently, safely, appropriately and correctly completed (Barrow, 2019; Burke, 2020).


  1. Which is a priority and why?

Determining tasks priority should be based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs that offers five levels of need. The first level is to address the psychological needs of the patients in terms of things needed to live, such as food, water and air. The second level is safety needs that include adequate shelter and being free from danger. The third level is to address love and belonging to include the need for belonging and affection such as family. The fourth level is esteem to include approval from others and self-esteem. The final level is self-actualization that allows the patient to achieve full potential (Stanley, 2017).

Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the first task should be to provide the three clients with second day post-ops care as these are psychological needs. The second task should be to prepare the three clients for surgery to include pre-op and post-op teaching thus addressing psychological needs. The third task is to transfer the one client to the rehab unit thus addressing safety needs. The final task is to discharge the one client home and providing discharge teaching thus addressing safety needs.

  1. What type of client management approach should James consider in assigning the work needing to be done to staff members?

James is in a unique situation whereby there is a personnel shortage and shortage of beds. As such, he is best served by a functional nursing model in assigning tasks to the staff members. This model relies on nurses’ hierarchy for the performance of different tasks depending on level of experience, training and education. In applying this method, James would act as the team leader and determine the patients’ needs. Next, he would delegate tasks to the nurses under his supervision. Using this approach, the patient care techs would record vitals and transfer the patient to the rehab, the LPN would conduct patient education, and James (as the registered nurse) would administer treatments and assume overall direction of care. This client management approach maximizes the skill set of each personnel thus addressing the high acuity and understaffing situation. Still, this approach presents a concern with regards to nurses focusing on their individual tasks instead of the overall situation so that holistic care is not provided (Evans, 2018; Stanley, 2017).


Barrow, J. (2019). Nursing five rights of delegation. Retrieved from

Burke, A. (2020). Assignment, delegation and supervision: NCLEX-RN. Retrieved from

Evans, M. (2018). Types of nursing modalities. Retrieved from

Stanley, D. (ed) (2017). Clinical leadership in nursing and healthcare: values into action (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.  Delegating Successfully Assignment Paper

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