Delegation in the Nursing Context Essay Paper

Delegation in the Nursing Context


Nurse Joserine did not delegate tasks appropriately. This is because he delegated the authority and responsibility for the tasks specified to nurses Jeleen and Mae without regard to any of the five rights of delegation (Barrow & Sharma, 2019). This is illustrated below.  Delegation in the Nursing Context Essay Paper

Right Tasks/ Activities

Nurse Joserine needed not delegate core tasks related to his position such as disciplinary actions and quality improvement initiatives. These are tasks that only he can perform according to organizational policy and even the state nurse practice Act. Therefore, these tasks were not right for delegation to begin with (Barrow & Sharma, 2019).

Right Circumstances

Nurse Joserine did not ascertain that the delegatees would have the right supervision for the delegated tasks. What he just did was delegate and go. He also neither determined that the environment was right for the delegation nor bothered to find out if the delegatees had the resources and equipment to finish off the tasks (Barrow & Sharma, 2019). Because of this, the circumstances were not right for delegation.

Right Person

Nurse Joserine needed to first determine if the two delegatees had the requisite knowledge and experience in dealing with the tasks that he assigned them. He did not bother to ask them if they have received any training related to the tasks or even if they have done the tasks before. In fact, nurse Joleen asked him outright that she would need guidance on what to do. That meant that she was not sure of what to do (Barrow & Sharma, 2019). For these reasons, the two delegatees in this scenario were not the right persons.


Right Supervision

It is a requirement by all state nurse practice Acts that the registered nursing delegating must provide appropriate supervision for all delegated tasks (Barrow & Sharma, 2019). In this case, nurse Joserine did not have any plan to do this. For instance, he tells Nurse Mae to call the head of the quality improvement committee is she has a question. In this scenario, therefore, the right supervision was missing.

Right Direction and Communication

Nurse practice Acts also require the delegator to give precise and direct instructions and performance expectations to the delegatees. They must give the right information and direction and ensure that the delegatee understood what they are supposed to do (Barrow & Sharma, 2019). All this did not happen in this scenario. Therefore, right supervision and communication was absent.  Delegation in the Nursing Context Essay Paper


The person who will be held accountable for the outcomes of the roles that Nurse Joserine has delegated is nurse Joserine himself. The laws and regulations on delegation in nursing clearly state that the registered nurse can delegate authority and responsibility, but cannot delegate accountability. In this case, therefore, legal accountability for the tasks still remains with Nurse Joserine.


Barrow, J.M. & Sharma, S. (2019). Nursing five rights of delegation.    Delegation in the Nursing Context Essay Paper



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