Developing an Implementation Plan Discussion Paper

Developing an Implementation Plan Discussion Paper


An implementation plan is an act of combining actions, processes, and strategies in an organization. The main aim of an implementation plan is to help an organization to achieve its goals and objectives. An implementation plan covers aspects of personnel in a respective organization, the timeline, and the budget for the organization. It is important to instill an implementation plan in all organizations. An implementation plan in a healthcare setting helps develop health capacity and improve the quality of patient care the respective organization provides. An implementation plan has five elements: stakeholders, quality control, risk assessment, work plan, and budget and resources. Designing a budget for an implementation plan to work in an organization becomes an essential aspect in this case. This paper explains the various aspects of developing an implementation plan and creating a budget in a healthcare setting.

Effect of financial and economic factors on a healthcare system

Effects of costs-benefit in a health care setting

The costs and advantages of a given action can be compared using a cost-benefit analysis, provided both are quantified in terms of money. Incremental cost, impact, and cost per unit of effect help measure cost-benefit in a healthcare setting (Chireshe & Ocran, 2020, p.2). A healthcare organization is unquestionably cost-effective if it produces more results while costing less than the alternatives. A cost-benefit analysis ensures proper patient care by considering both the cost and benefit of the services provided to the patient. Furthermore, cost-benefit allows healthcare organizations to evaluate decisions made and potential projects within the organization that is free from biases. Developing an Implementation Plan Discussion Paper

Effects of supply and demand in a healthcare setting

The inability to meet patient needs on time is one of the many adverse effects of the supply-and-demand in a healthcare setting, which leads to higher costs. Chinese & Ocran ( 2020, p.4) state that patient demand is predictable and not infinite. Supply and order contribute to increased patient care costs leading to delays in providing the necessary patient care. The effect of supply and demand in a healthcare setting is that price fluctuations of drugs and other relevant resources required in a healthcare setting affect the provision of services. The health organization’s inventory expenses will rise in an oversupply and low demand. In contrast, in a case of undersupply and high need, the organization would frequently run out of resources, frustrating the services provided in the health organization.


Effect of return on investment in a healthcare setting

A return on investment refers to evaluating the efficiency of an investment in an organization. The return on investment (ROI) quantifies the monetary gain that may be achieved for each dollar spent on a quality improvement initiative in a health system (Chireshe & Ocran, 2020, p.5). However, strategic health investments not only improve more people’s health and well-being but also boost economies, generate new employment, and increase individual productivity.

Effect of risks in a health care setting

The most common risks associated with health care include medication management, infection control, medical discovery, and environmental safety. Healthcare organizations apply different strategies for identifying and evaluating risks (Merkus et al., 2019, p.2). The inability to control infection affects patient care and services provided. The health organization may have limited qualified practitioners that would come up with proper medications for efficient maintenance—risk results in uncertainty in a healthcare organization’s structure. Thus, healthcare organizations should focus on managing risk before it affects operations.

The budget for the proposed initiative

Impacts of the proposed initiative

The proposed program is founded on recognizing that patients come from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds and that they need to be treated fairly in the healthcare system. Healthcare planning and integration boost productivity and adaptability in the workplace (Merkus et al., 2019, p.7). The economic initiative has enhanced the provision of quality healthcare services by expanding the capacity of healthcare services and coordination of care units in the organization. The working programs implemented in the economic initiative enhanced the effectiveness of providing care and quality maintenance of patients during hospital admissions.

Furthermore, the establishment of training programs results in quality healthcare practitioners able to treat critical illnesses. In addition, the proposed initiative also improves the quality of medical services in a healthcare organization (Merkus et al., 2019, p.9). However, the proposed program also improves healthcare hygiene, workforce, and communication within the health organization. Developing staff work schedules and coordinating healthcare activities is appropriate to compensate for the miscommunication.

Creating an implementation plan

Ethical and culturally equitable solutions to economic problems within a healthcare system

Health organizations face different economic problems that limit them from providing quality patient care. The financial difficulties include ethical drugs cost inflation, high cost of drugs, and an increase in malpractices of physicians (Pascarella et al., 2021, p.3). Creating an implementation plan in a healthcare setting includes brainstorming the program’s objectives, designing an implementation plan, conducting a risk assessment, establishing a budget, and developing the implementation plan for the proposed economic initiative. Developing an Implementation Plan Discussion Paper Applying a code of ethics in solving financial problems in a healthcare system increases the organization’s quality of care and running. An implementation plan ensures accuracy in a respective projected outline. Coordination with organizational management affects the efficiency with which threats to the initiative are identified and monitored, increasing confidence in the budgeted results.

The implementation of both ethical and culturally equitable solutions helps in influencing the effectiveness of the healthcare system. The proposed economic initiative considers the patient’s cultural background and the necessity of providing fair treatment in the healthcare system (Pascarella et al., 2021, p.5). Furthermore, private and public health organizations employ health practitioners and staff from varying cultural diversities. Implementing ethical and culturally equitable solutions leads to equity and equality in a healthcare organization. Therefore, health organizations should apply ethical and culturally fairways in solving problems related to their organization to improve the quality of care.

The significance of qualitative and quantitative information used to guide decision-making.

The focus of quantitative research is on statistical and numerical data, while the focus of qualitative research is on narrative and conceptual analysis. Individuals can systematically test hypotheses and quantify variables with quantitative methods (Pascarella et al., 2021, p.8). Qualitative approaches permit in-depth examination of ideas and events. On the contrary, decision-making is difficult, especially when the subject at hand is complex in the comfort of stakeholders in an organization. Making a decision consists of five stages: recognizing the need for a decision, generating potential options, narrowing the field, and finally settling on a conclusion.

However, considerations of other elements that affect the decision’s outcome, such as a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), are included in qualitative decision-making. Therefore both qualitative and quantitative information is vital as it ensures proper data evaluation by stakeholders and colleagues in a healthcare setting (Pascarella et al., 2021, p.9). Furthermore, quantitative and qualitative information provides accountability to stakeholders in a healthcare organization. In qualitative decision-making, the analyst is an active participant with a more in-depth grasp of the situation than in quantitative decision-making, where the analyst is solely an objective investigator of discrete factors.

Strategies for ensuring that a proposed economic initiative remains viable to an organization

Implementing strategies in a healthcare organization is a technique that is used to improve sustainment, adoption, implementation, and scaling up interventions. Systems differ in complexity irrespective of the problem to intervene ( Sarkar &Punnoose 2017,p.7). Most implementation strategies target the stakeholders in a healthcare organization. Several approaches can be implemented to ensure that the proposed initiative remains viable. Implementation of plans in the proposed program also maintains budget viability. The strategies to put in place when implementing the program include a budget management strategy and an effective cost of planning strategy. Budget being an essential aspect in implementing an initiative, it should be managed to ensure the endeavor becomes viable for the benefit of the health organization. A total budget is applied when implementing a budget management strategy. The total budget helps the health organization from having extra expenditures. Furthermore, the budget strategy ensures the reliability of achieving the desired objectives and aims.

Environmental risks associated with the proposed initiative

Several environmental factors limit the implementation of the proposed initiative. The environmental risks associated with the proposed program include cultural diversity and competition from varying health organizations (Sarkar &Punnoose,2017,p.4). Competition from changing health organizations limits the ability of respective health care setting to maintain the capacity of patients. Cultural diversity leads to discrimination and stigma in most cases. In addition, having people from different backgrounds in a healthcare setting also determines how treatment services are provided. Therefore health organizations should design appropriate interventions to prevent the environmental risks from limiting the organization’s operation.


To summarize, all organizations should have an implementation plan involving relevant interventions to improve the provision of services. In addition, the stakeholders of the respective organizations should design implementation strategies that will be used in coming up with the implementation plan. Furthermore, organizations should consider creating a budget that should include all the expenditures in the organization. A budget will help organizations to be accountable for all the operations within the organizations.


Chireshe, J., & Ocran, M. (2020). Financial development and health care expenditure in Sub Saharan Africa Countries. Cogent Economics &Amp; Finance8(1), 1771878.

Merkus, S., Willems, T., & Veenswijk, M. (2019). Strategy Implementation as Performative Practice: Reshaping Organization into Alignment with Strategy. Organization Management Journal16(3), 140-155.

Pascarella, G., Rossi, M., Montella, E., Capasso, A., De Feo, G., & Botti, G. et al. (2021). Risk Analysis in Healthcare Organizations: Methodological Framework and Critical Variables. Risk Management And Healthcare PolicyVolume 14, 2897-2911.

Developing an Implementation Plan Discussion Paper

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