Discussion Post Response Week 4 Safety For Older Adult Essay


Discussion post response Week 4: Safety for older Adult

Cognitive impairment is one of the mental disorders that requires proper communication especially from the healthcare providers and family members of the patient. The condition affects an individual’s remembering capacity, inability to make proper decisions as well as concentrating and learning new things. There are various different communication techniques that can be adapted to provide education to individuals diagnosed with impaired cognition. One of the communication technique that I would employ towards a patient with cognition impairment is speaking slowly and clearly while expressing my point. Doing so would help the patient to understand effectively. I would also consider maintaining eye contact while communicating with the patient which shows some form of care about what the patient is saying (Mueller et al., 2018). I would also give sufficient time for the patient to respond to the simple and clear questions that I would be asking. Allowing enough time shows the patient that you are more concerned with the information they are sharing about their health. I would also ask the questions one at a time and avoid so much unnecessary arguments that might distract the patient. Finally, I would offer simple and clear instructions stepwise to the patient concerning how they should care for themselves.   Discussion Post Response Week 4 Safety For Older Adult Essay


Patients with decreased cognitive function require more social support especially from their family members. However, there are some situations where such patients lack family support. The first intervention that I would recommend is suggesting an aid that would help improve the daily functioning of the patient without any help from other people. For example, I would encourage the patient to always use a calendar among other reminders on daily basis. I would also recommend proper physical exercise as well as a healthy diet to help manage their reduced cognitive function (Petersen et al., 2018). Finally, I would refer the patient to communal and national resources such as support groups, where the patient can interact and gain more social support from other community members.


Mueller, K. D., Hermann, B., Mecollari, J., & Turkstra, L. S. (2018). Connected speech and

language in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease: A review of picture

description tasks. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology40(9), 917-939.


Petersen, R. C., Lopez, O., Armstrong, M. J., Getchius, T. S., Ganguli, M., Gloss, D., … & Rae-

Grant, A. (2018). Practice guideline update summary: Mild cognitive impairment: Report

of the Guideline Development, Dissemination, and Implementation Subcommittee of the  American Academy of Neurology. Neurology90(3), 126-135.  Discussion Post Response Week 4 Safety For Older Adult Essay


Week 4: Discussion post response Week 4: Safety for older Adult

when patients have Impaired cognition, Nurse practitioners need to intervene to create a plan for safety. Assessing cognitive status, physical frailty, and sensory impairments are the most common physical exam strategies used for these patients. Including family member to obtain the history and additional information about cognitive status and physical health is significant if there is family available to attend appointments and provide support.

Discussion Question to answer: what type of communication techniques would you use to provide education and information to a patient diagnosed with impaired cognition? What interventions would you consider for patients with decreased cognitive function if they had limited family support? 

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Discussion Post Response Week 4 Safety For Older Adult Essay

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