Discussion Questions Essay Case Study

Question 1: How should we prepare health professional students so that they are able to be an effective Interprofessional team member in the clinical environment?
Question 2: How can/does emotional intelligence influence interprofessional collaborative practices? Please share your quiz results only as you are comfortable.
Question 3: What strategies can be used to disable the hierarchies and allow a shared leadership approach? Have you seen the physician role changeover time in your clinical experiences? How should the care coordination responsibilities be shared effectively in a collaborative situation?
Question 4: Finally, reflect on your capstone project from this standpoint. In your work with other professionals, as you prepare for your capstone project how can you encourage a shared leadership approach?
Question 4 alternate: If you have not yet officially begun development of your capstone project, in your work with other professionals, how can you encourage a shared leadership approach in your daily practice?  Discussion Questions Essay Case Study

Discussion Questions

Question 1

Health professional students should be provided with experiential learning opportunities where they interact and mingle within interprofessional healthcare teams. In such teams, students utilize a collaborative approach towards patient-care, while emphasizing team interaction, service learning, and communication (Green & Johnson, 2015). During their learning, students should be grouped into interprofessional teams, where each team has representations from various professionals such as nurses, podiatric medicine, psychology, mental health, physiotherapists, pharmacists, medical laboratory, etc. (Green & Johnson, 2015).

Question 2

Components of emotional intelligence such as the perception of emotions and self-regulation significantly influence collaborative practices such as teamwork. When workers self-regulate and are able to perceive emotions of others, they can avoid conflicts and hence work as a team (Lee, Bristow & Jason, 2018). In addition, empathy, interpersonal skills, and communication skills which are also important components of emotional intelligence facilitate collaboration among interprofessional teams (Lee et al., 2018).  Discussion Questions Essay Case Study


Question 3

Strategies that can promote shared leadership include delegating leadership roles to some employees and secondly having a big number of staff members execute organizational decisions, with minimal supervisory approval. In addition, team and department leaders should also be empowered to make organizational decisions (Nimmon & Stenfors-Hayes, 2016). With nurses furthering their education, the physician’s role is changing because other healthcare professionals are also becoming empowered by knowledge, professional development, research and further education. Care coordination can be shared by assigning each member their specific tasks according to their expertise and selecting a team leader to steer the collaborating team (Nimmon & Stenfors-Hayes, 2016).

Question 4

In my capstone project, shared leadership will be encouraged ensuring the leadership roles are shared by all stakeholders who will be involved in the project. In addition, I will delegate leadership activities to various individuals who will play a role in the capstone project.


Green, B. N., & Johnson, C. D. (2015). Interprofessional collaboration in research, education, and clinical practice: working together for a better future. The Journal of chiropractic education, 29(1), 1–10. doi:10.7899/JCE-14-36.

Lee C, Bristow M & Jason W. (2018). Emotional Intelligence and Teamwork Skills among Undergraduate Engineering and Nursing Students: A Pilot Study. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education, 8(1), 1-12.

Nimmon, L., & Stenfors-Hayes, T. (2016). The “Handling” of power in the physician-patient encounter: perceptions from experienced physicians. BMC medical education, 16(114). doi:10.1186/s12909-016-0634-0  .Discussion Questions Essay Case Study



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