Education Strategic Planning Issues Essay Paper

Education Strategic Planning Issues Essay Paper

Identifying a strategic plan issue is an important first step in creating a strategic plan, but if there isn’t already a clear issue to be addressed, how can you determine what may make a meaningful impact on a community or organization? The answer is to consider the mission and/or vision of the organization, and then continue to ask questions until you arrive at an issue you feel confident will improve the organization in some way. Investigate to see if there is a particular segment of the organization that is underperforming or is not effectively meeting the needs of the population it is designed to meet.

Are there notable organizational achievements, successes, or failures that could be built upon or addressed? How are current and future trends in the industry likely to affect the organization? What strategic steps can be taken so that the organization is most likely to be successful in achieving the changes? Education Strategic Planning Issues Essay Paper  Although it may initially feel like there are more questions than answers, delving into the current state of an organization will aid you in selecting a meaningful strategic issue.

For this Discussion, you will select and provide a summary of the strategic plan issue you wish to use for your Strategic Plan.   You will have the opportunity to receive peer feedback before officially submitting your Strategic Plan issue for instructor approval in this week’s Assignment due on Day 7 of Week 2.


Strategic Planning Issues – Education Compliance

The strategic plan issue to be addressed is the nurse personnel shortage at the facility. Despite the growing demand for nurses at the facility in response to the growing number of patients, there has been minimal effort to increase the number of nurse personnel. This issue has been caused by three factors. Firstly, health care cost pressures have forced the facility to reduce its nurse staff. Secondly, the aging local population whose need for health care is intensifying and increasing. Thirdly, increased hospital acuity due to reduced length of stay. The three factors have placed pressure on nurse personnel (Grinspun & Bajnok, 2018). Owing to the nurse personnel shortage at the facility, the available nursing staff often need to work under stressful conditions for long hour. This state of affairs has increased job dissatisfaction, injury and fatigue among the nurses.

In addition, these nurses have become more prone to making medical errors and mistakes. Besides that, there is a high nurse turnover rate as the nurses look for less stressful and demanding work environments. An unfortunate effect of this state of affairs is that health care quality has deteriorated at the facility with the result being increased incidences of preventable complications such as overcrowding at the emergency department, medication errors, and more alarmingly, a rise in patient fatalities (Black, 2016). The proposed changes to the hospital strategic plan propose to address the issue through three strategies. The first strategy is to implement mandatory overtime policies to ensure that nurses are available to work when required. This strategy is targeted at increasing nurse presence when patient populations increase. The second strategy is to form strategic partnerships and seek financial support to help with hiring more nurses. The final strategy is to increase nurse wages to improve retention and recruitment (Catalano, 2015).


Black, B. (2016). Professional nursing: concepts & challenges. New York, NY: Elsevier Health Sciences.

Catalano, J. (2015). Nursing now! today’s issues, tomorrow’s trends. (7th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: FA Davis Company.

Grinspun, D. & Bajnok, I. (2018). Transforming nursing through knowledge: best practices for guideline development, implementation science, and evaluation. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.  Education Strategic Planning Issues Essay Paper

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