Effective Communication Example Paper

Effective Communication Example Paper

Nurses deliver essential primary medical services that are at the core of strengthening the health system, and have them engage communication activities with other stakeholders who include patients and medical personnel (Nancarrow et al., 2013). To be more precise, nurses offer patient-centered medical care that brings them closer to the communities where they are needed most thus helping in improving care cost effectiveness and outcomes. Besides that, they act as first responders, advocates, coordinators and protectors in health care intervention, relying on communication. It is important to note that every individual has a unique communication style that guides interactions and information exchanges with others (Harris, 2015). The present paper explore how effective communication enhances nurses’ relationships with other stakeholders, and professional nursing practice.  Effective Communication Example Paper

As a nursing student, I am inclined to apply the passive communication style that highlights my position as an individual pursuing nursing knowledge and skills thereby identify me as a novice. In applying passive communication, I acknowledge that I have limited knowledge and skills, and must yield to other medical personnel who have more knowledge and skills. Besides that, I am not confident in my capacity to make competent nursing care decisions thus leaving me restrained as others express themselves. I understand that my low nursing skill and knowledge levels limit my professional competence, as such I have no resentment or anger towards other more competent nurses. Rather than resenting others, I am in awe of them and feel that it is only a matter of time before I graduate and get the competence that would allow me to become a confident nurses capable of communicating with other nurses and patients with confidence. I believe that applying passive communication as a student has been very effective since it has allowed me to be more receptive to others opinions and learn from expert nurses to improve my nursing competence (Alvernia University, 2018; Guffey & Loewy, 2015).


As a nurse, my tutor applies assertive communication style that highlights her position as an expert nurses with extensive experience, knowledge and skills. In applying this style, she comes across as open to communicating with others and expressing her opinions without being assertive. In fact, she unreservedly expresses her feelings, ideas, desires and needs, while also considering the needs of her audiences. Her communication style is one to exemplify since it allows the communicating parties to win in a situation, balancing the rights of the persons who are communicating. Her communication style is effective since it allows the communicating parties to own their behaviors and feelings without blaming others. Also, it acknowledges the presence of choices, considers options, and allows all parties to equally express themselves while being respectful to one another. Besides that, it allows the individual to take ownership of the communication, make eye contact, make honest expressions and opinions, and voice desires and needs confidently (Alvernia University, 2018; Guffey & Loewy, 2015).

I intend to establish myself as an effective communicator over this semester by adopting the assertive communication style. Although this short period will not allow me to substantially improve my knowledge and skills to become an expert, I still have the opportunity to become an assertive communicator. This would occur by taking ownership of my statements, maintaining eye contact with others, learning to say no, and confidently voicing my desires and needs. Also, I would respect the rights of other, realize that I have choices in my life and should consider options before making decisions, and that I am equally entitled to express myself respectfully to other despite being a student nurse (Alvernia University, 2018).

One must accept that effective communication is important in nursing care since it has implications for care cost effectiveness and outcomes. In addition, one must acknowledge that individuals apply different communication styles based on competence, knowledge and skills. Nursing students typically apply passive communication style that makes them more of spectators than active communicators. However, the ideal communication style for nurses is assertive communication style that allows individual nurses to express themselves honestly and respectfully.


Alvernia University (2018). 4 types of communication styles. Retrieved from https://online.alvernia.edu/articles/4-types-communication-styles/

Guffey, M. & Loewy, D. (2015). Business communication: process & product (8th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

Harris, M. (2015). Handbook of home health care administration (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Nancarrow, S., Booth, A., Ariss, S., Smith, T. Enderby, P. & Roots, A. (2013). Ten principles of good interdisciplinary team work. Human Resources for Health, 11, 19. Retrieved from https://human-resources-health.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1478-4491-11-19 . Effective Communication Example Paper

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