Evaluating Environmental Health Websites Discussion Example

Evaluating Environmental Health Websites Discussion Example


In this evaluation process three websites were selected. They will be evaluated according to five criteria, namely accuracy of web document; authority of content; objectivity of conclusions;   web documents frequency and content coverage (Evaluation of web documents, 2014).

Websites evaluation

Toxnet is a website established by the United States National Library of Medicine. The focus is presenting information to the public regarding toxic substances in the environment (Toxnet, 2014).

The accuracy of this website content could be validated by the clear purpose of the webmaster. Evaluating Environmental Health Websites Discussion Example The site serves as a link to other sites offering current /relevant data pertaining to toxic substances and their effects incertain segments of the population who are at risk of contamination. Links published lead towards obtaining data on several health issues influenced by toxic substance contamination. They include breastfeeding and drugs, chemical releases and mapping and occupational exposure to chemicals (Toxnet, 2014).


The authority reflects authenticity being established as aquashi government site (United States National Library of Medicine). There is no information pertaining to how often the website is updated. The contact information includes an email address and physical location. The content due to its supporting website links covers numerous topics on toxicology (Toxnet, 2014).

HIV/AIDS information is a website established by the United States Department of Health and human services providing information on his condition. The content is expected to be authentic and authoritative since it has been maintained by a government agency. The purpose is providing the public with current relevant information pertaining to HIV/AIDS prevention and management. The content appeared to be objective since there was inclusivity of populations being targeted for the information dissemination(HIV/AIDS information, 2014)

The content was last updated 7th November 2014. Contact information showed both a physical and email address. The content coverage on HIV/AIDS is extensive dealing with topics such as medical and social resources available. Access to  relevant healthcare coverage for this condition was outlined on the website with links for reaching programs(HIV/AIDS information, 2014).

This reproductive health environmental topic was found on the National Institute for environmental Health Sciences website. Evaluating Environmental Health Websites Discussion Example  The webmaster’s purpose is educating the public regarding reproductive health options available to them from their immediate environment. Subsequently, the content is expected to be authentic and loaded with authority being a government agency. This site is updated frequently. The last updated date was April 20014. A physical location was found, but no email address identified(National Institute of environmental Health Sciences, 2014).

Information covered on the site pertaining to reproductive health included a brief description of what constitutes reproductive health. The webmaster then guided the user towards links of other environmental health concerns such as asthma, autism, cancer, lupus and lung disease. Other links to health studies and trials could also be accessed by logging into this site, which makes it very informative (National Institute of environmental Health Sciences, 2014).


In comparing features of these websites withthat of Center for Disease Control and Prevention; from a credibility standpoint CDC could be considered more authentic.The data shared on thiswebsite was directly produced from studies, which were prior verified from authentic sources. Importantly, all three of these websites chosen for this review are government affiliated. The producers of CDC website has a legal obligation to provide valid information concerning disease conditions.


Evaluation of Web documents. (2014). PDF

HIV/AIDS information (2014). Browse HIV/AIDS topics. Retrieved on November 13th, 2014 http://aids.nlm.nih.gov/index.php

National Institute of environmental Health Sciences (2014). Reproductive health. Retrieved on November 13th, 2014 from http://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/conditions/repro-health/index.cfm

Evaluating Environmental Health Websites Discussion Example

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