Evaluation of Qualitative Research Study

Evaluation of Qualitative Research Study

The quality of our work as professionals depends on our ability to critically assess relevant studies’ findings. This is especially true for medical professionals, as the outcomes of their actions and advice can have far-reaching effects. This paper will evaluate an article titled “Patients’ and partners’ health-related quality of life before and four months after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery.” In addition, the paper will discuss how this research study contributes to evidence-based practice (EBP).


According to Houser (2018), evaluating an article’s credibility involves assessing the authors’ credentials, conflict of interest, is the article peer-reviewed, and the purpose of the study. For this purpose, the article’s authors are Thomson, Niven, Peck, & Eaves, all affiliated with the medical field and have appropriate clinical and educational credentials for the research study. The article has no conflict of interest. The article has been peer-reviewed, as evidenced by external editorials in the journal “Vascular Health and Risk Management” in April 2019. The article can be found in the journal’s archive. There is no financial tie between the paper and the study’s favorable or unfavorable findings. The purpose of the study was to compare the patients’ and their spouses’ health-related quality of life before and four months after the coronary artery bypass grafting operation. The study’s findings have no financial ramifications. As indicated by the above results, this article is credible.

The Problem Statement

While evaluating the problem statement, one assesses whether the problem is clearly stated or inferred and the significance of the study in a particular field, among others (Houser, 2018). Evaluation of Qualitative Research Study For this purpose, this article’s problem statement is pertinent and clearly stated. For instance, the problem statement is before and four months following coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery. The authors aim to assess patients and their partners’ health-related quality of life. The authors want to find elements that could affect patients and their partners’ quality of life. The significance of this problem statement is to evaluate how CABG surgery affects patients’ and their partners’ quality of life. This research may shed light on how CABG surgery affects lifestyle quality and offer crucial knowledge to medical professionals.

Research Design

According to Houser (2018), research can be classified by the nature of design or philosophical assumptions. The research design used in the article is quasi-experimental. The study compared the pre-and post-surgery quality of life of patients and their partners but did not include a control group. Additionally, the paper has used a quantitative research method approach. Before and after the procedure, the authors evaluated patients’ and their spouses’ health-related quality of life using a survey. This survey aimed to gather information about the participants’ social, psychological, and physical well-being.

Evaluating the Ethical Issues in the Article

Evaluation of ethical issues in a study involves assessing whether the study subjects were adequately protected, whether the authors document approval of their research, and the collection of informed consent, among others (Houser, 2018). According to the article, the participants were informed about the study before taking part and gave their written agreement. This demonstrates respect for the participants’ autonomy because they have the information necessary to decide whether or not to participate. Additionally, there is no evidence of coercion of participants to agree to the study.


The Purpose Statement of the Article

Houser’s (2018) evaluation of the proposed statement of an article includes determining whether the purpose is stated or inferred, whether written as a statement, and the description of the variables, among others. Therefore, the purpose of this article is written as a statement, and it is easy to find. Additionally, the variables for the study are described. For instancethis study intends to look at patients and their spouses’ health-related quality of life before and four months following coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2022)

A discussion on how this article contributes to Ethical Based Practices (EBP)

By presenting new data on how coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery affects patients’ and their spouses’ health-related quality of life (HRQL), this study article contributes to evidence-based practice (Steven, 2013). In particular, the study discovered that following CABG surgery, the patient’s and their partner’s HRQL significantly improved. The findings of this study imply that CABG surgery may be a valuable treatment for raising the patient’s and partner’s HRQL, which can result in improved outcomes for both parties. The study also discovered that the improvement in HRQL persisted four months following CABG surgery, indicating that the procedure’s advantages could be long-lasting. These results can be utilized to promote the creation of evidence-based guidelines for managing coronary artery disease and clinical choices about using CABG surgery.

Literature review

According to Houser (2018), a literature review of an article should rely primarily on the studies carried out in the last maybe five years. The article’s literature review focuses on the effect of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) on patients and their partners’ health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Studies that looked at the immediate and long-term effects of CABG on HRQoL are covered in this review. It also investigates how clinical and demographic variables affect how well CABG affects HRQoL. The literature review connects to the study issue because it focuses on how CABG affects patients’ and their partners’ HRQoL. It examines the impact of demographic and clinical parameters and CABG’s immediate and long-term consequences on HRQoL.

The article has clearly described conceptual and theoretical frameworks. The notion of Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) and the examination of its development following coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery serve as the foundation for this article. The paradigm also considers the patient’s medical, psychological, and social results and the impact of CABG on the patient’s spouse.

Sampling strategy

Evaluation of the sampling strategy of an article includes assessing whether the target population is identified, sample size, method of data collection, and sampling techniques, among others (Houser, 2018). The number of inhabitants in this study was made out of continuous grown-up patients with coronary supply route illness and their accomplices who went through CABG medical procedures. The example was illustrative of the populace, given that it consisted of sequential patients with coronary vein infection and their accomplices. The sample size was satisfactory, given that there were 114 patient-accomplice dyads remembered for the review. Information was gathered through the use of self-managed surveys.

Quantitative study

Houser’s (2018) checklist on quantitative study expects that the design of the articles is met, the purpose of the quantitative study and the instrumentation used are also met. Thus said, this study utilized an imminent, longitudinal, observational review plan. This quantitative study decided the well-being-related personal satisfaction (HRQoL) of patients and accomplices previously and four months after the coronary supply route sidestep joining (CABG) medical procedure. Evaluation of Qualitative Research Study The polls utilized in this study were the 12-thing Short-Structure Well-being Overview (SF-12), the World Well-being Association Personal satisfaction BREF (WHOQOL-BREF), and the apparent social help scale (PSS). The example included 120 patients and accomplices who planned to undergo CABG surgery. Data were gathered by self-report polls previously and four months after the CABG medical procedure. Enlightening insights were utilized to quantify the HRQoL of patients and accomplices, and matched t-tests were used to analyze the HRQoL previously and four months after the CABG medical procedure. Generally speaking, this quantitative review meets the standards illustrated in Houser’s (2018) assessment agenda.

Measurement strategy

According to Houser (2018), the measurement strategy checklist includes instruments linked to the concept of the research question, reliability and validity of instrumentations, and written and detailed protocol for each instrument. For this study, the measurement strategy used in this article is valid as it includes a measure of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) that has been validated and used in other studies. Additionally, the authors used the EuroQoL 5-Dimensions (EQ-5D) scale to measure HRQoL before and after surgery, which is a reliable and valid measure.

The article does not mention any measures of objectivity, such as blinding the raters or using objective measures. However, the authors did use the EQ-5D, which is an objective measure of HRQoL. The article does not mention any reliability measures, such as test-retest or inter-rater reliability. However, the authors did use the EQ-5D, which is a reliable measure of HRQoL. The article does not mention any sensitivity measures, such as the use of a sensitive measure or a large sample size. However, the authors did use the EQ-5D, which is a sensitive measure of HRQoL. The article does not mention any measures of generalizability, such as using a representative sample or a large sample size. However, the authors did use the EQ-5D, which is a generalizable measure of HRQoL.

Quantitative results

The checklists for quantitative results include that an article’s statistical results are accurate; also, statistical tests are appropriate for measuring variables, among others (Houser, 2018). 53 CAD patients who were having CABG surgery, together with their partners, made up the sample. The sample is well explained. The authors used the EQ-5D-3L and the EuroQol-Visual Analogue Scale to assess health-related quality of life. The actions are laid forth. Self-report questionnaires were used to gather data during two periods (pre- and post-surgery). Methods for gathering data are mentioned. To examine the data, the authors employed descriptive statistics. It is unknown if any inferential statistics were utilized because the authors should have addressed them. After CABG surgery, the patients’ and their partners’ health-related quality of life improved, according to the authors’ interpretation of the data. The explanation fits the data that is shown.

Qualitative Results Study

According to Houser (2018), the checklist for qualitative evaluation includes a well-defined research question and appropriate data collection. Thus said, the exploration question is plainly expressed in this article’s title: “Patients’ and accomplices’ well-being related personal satisfaction previously and 4 months after coronary conduit sidestep joining surgery. “The article utilizes a poll to gather information from the patients and their accomplices, which is a proper information assortment strategy for this review. The article utilizes distinct insights to dissect the information, which is a suitable examination technique for this study. However, the article does not discuss unwavering quality or legitimacy, so it needs to be clearer, assuming these were tended to in the review. Additionally, the article gives an itemized understanding of the outcomes, which fits this review. The article makes suitable determinations from the outcomes, which are reliable with the review’s discoveries. The article does not talk about suggestions for training, so it needs to be clarified if these were attended to in the study.


Qualitative results

According to Houser (2018), the qualitative results checklist includes construct and internal validity. The article characterizes the development of well-being-related personal satisfaction and the actions used to survey it. The creators likewise note utilizing outside models to survey the dependability of the actions. The article utilizes a pre-present plan on survey well-being-related personal satisfaction changes. The authors likewise note that the example size was enough to catch significant changes in personal satisfaction. The article works hard to itemize the review test’s attributes, including age, orientation, and clinical history. This permits the outcomes to be summed up to different populations. The article notes that the actions used to evaluate well-being-related personal satisfaction were tried for dependability. This recommends that the actions were solid and could be utilized to evaluate the development precisely. The article works hard to itemize the techniques used to evaluate well-being-related personal satisfaction. This recommends that the outcomes be evenhanded and not exposed to predisposition. The article effectively reveals the study’s tangible outcomes.


Evaluating the effectiveness of care is critical for assuring patient safety and quality of care. It assists nurses in identifying areas for improvement and making the required changes to improve care. The evaluation also assists in identifying and mitigating potential hazards and areas of strength and weakness in treatment. This can be accomplished through various means, including patient satisfaction surveys, chart checks, and quality assurance activities. Nursing likewise relies heavily on evidence-based practice. It entails guiding clinical decision-making and practice with the best available data from research, clinical, and other sources. This can involve using evidence to guide intervention selection, assessment, diagnosis, and therapy. Nurses must use the best available evidence to inform their practice to ensure that the care they offer is evidence-based and up-to-date. In the nursing, evaluation and EBP can help enhance patient care in various ways. It can aid in the reduction of medical errors, the improvement of patient outcomes, and the reduction of hospital expenditures. Adopting these principles in your clinic ensures that your patients receive the finest possible treatment. Evaluation and EBP are critical components of nursing and should be used to improve the overall quality of care (Patelarou et al., 2020).


Houser, J. (2018). Nursing research: Readings, using & creating evidence (4 th ed.). Jones and Bertlett Learning.

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2022). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=EPaBEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT26&dq=evidence+based+practice+in+nursing&ots=PG2hOaKmuI&sig=2EaS7-3isn_DFFc2qjUtN2t1OP4

Stevens, K., (2013) “The Impact of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and the Next Big Ideas” OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 18, No. 2, Manuscript 4. https://doi.org/10.3912/OJIN.Vol18No02Man04

Thomson, P., Niven, C. A., Peck, D. F., & Eaves, J. (2013). Patients’ and partners’ health-related quality of life before and four months after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. BMC nursing, 12(1), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1186/1472-6955-12-16

Evaluation of Qualitative Research Study

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