Experience Gained In a Nursing Home Essay

Experience Gained In a Nursing Home Essay

Elderly people have always held a special place in my heart, so I wanted to do my field work in a nearby nursing home that I had never visited. I set out to learn about the quality of life that elderly people had in the nursing home and what contributed to that quality, either good or bad. I called ahead to get permission to do this assignment and get access to various areas of the building. I did not give a specific time or day so that I could ensure as natural setting as possible with no special accommodations from the home. I was allowed to make my observations in various parts of the building such as the lobby, lunchroom, and activities room. This paper will describe my experience and how I viewed the care, interaction, and quality of life the residents endured.Experience Gained In a Nursing Home Essay


I walked into a medium sized, ranch style, brick building with automatic sliding doors. I entered a large lobby with beige walls that had a flower-patterned wallpaper strip running horizontally in the middle of the wall. This pattern surrounded the lobby and ran all the way down the hallway accompanied by white linoleum flooring. The lighting was very fluorescent and not very bright.

Volunteering at a Nursing Home

I wanted to decide to brighten the lives of the elderly through volunteering during the volunteer work at the special nursing home for the elderly, but I realized that the elderly were ignored and forgotten. When I entered the house, a pungent odor entered my nostril and instantly caused vomiting reflex. This place is full of neglected and gentle inhabitants who are eager to attract attention. Everyone passing through them suddenly roars. Ignoring the display, I was shocked by my ignoring family, but I noticed that I wanted to change the present situation and change the living environment of people.Experience Gained In a Nursing Home Essay

Being a volunteer at a special nursing home for nursing homes can be a wonderful experience. You will get help from your community and volunteer for Boy Scouts, NHS or University. A resident of a special nursing home will be very happy that you are there. In this article, I will explain how to start a volunteer at a local special nursing home. Beyond. Even if you comply with rules and guidelines, you do not have to make minimal effort. If you are assigned to a patient moving from one room to another, please spend time talking to them, holding their hands and learning their name. If staff are asking for something, please think that even if extra time and effort are necessary, we are willing to participate.Experience Gained In a Nursing Home Essay

If you have an outgoing personality and want to interact with one or two elderly people rather than you, you can try volunteering at a special nursing home for nursing. In this article we will learn about the basic requirements of special nursing home volunteers (including training), the responsibilities of special nursing home volunteers, and the advantages of working with elderly people.

I would like to decide to brighten the lives of elderly people through volunteering while volunteering at a special nursing home for senior citizens, but I realize that elderly people are ignored and forgotten. When I entered the house, a pungent odor entered my nostril and instantly caused vomiting reflex. This place is full of neglected and gentle inhabitants who are eager to attract attention. Everyone passing through them suddenly roars.Experience Gained In a Nursing Home Essay  Negligence and negligence on the use of special nursing home for senior citizen facilities. The number of studies on this topic is very limited and obviously obsolete. Further study is necessary to understand the effect and experience of using physical restraint at the special nursing home for the elderly. Through research on this topic, it is clear that more research is needed to fully understand the use of physical constraints.

Technicians find working in long-term care has its advantages
If you are studying to be a Certified Nurse’s Aide, nursing assistant, or patient care technician, you may find that many of the job opportunities take place in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. Many people who work in long-term care facilities find that there are some advantages over typical hospital work. Here are some of the benefits you might find:

Benefit #1. You have the chance to develop a lasting relationship with your patients

Unlike hospitals, where a patient’s stay is typically short, long-term care facilities provide patients with care for many months and even many years. This gives you the chance to develop deeper relationships with your patients. Many caregivers find that they have special bonds with the patients they have served for many years. You may even have the chance to meet your patients’ family members. Losing a patient is always very sad, but being there for them during their aging process can be very meaningful.Experience Gained In a Nursing Home Essay

Benefit #2. You can learn a lot from an older generation

People who have lived full lives have a lot to share. They may have made decisions that led to happiness. They may have had interesting careers. They may have learned a thing or two about what’s important in life. Or they might just have a lot of good stories to tell. Listening to your patients can teach you a lot!

Benefit #3. Small favors can be greatly appreciated

When you are working with patients who need help with basic care, they often appreciate the small things that a CNA or patient care technician can provide. Moving a tray closer to their bed, grabbing a magazine for them to read, or helping them brush their hair can be small favors that are truly appreciated.Experience Gained In a Nursing Home Essay

Benefit #4. You gain a new perspective on aging

Aging and dying are difficult concepts for most of us. You may have aging parents to care for now or in the future, and someday you will need to come to grips with your own aging as well. Working with elderly patients gives you practical life experience with aging and helps to make it less frightening. Through working in an LTC facility, you will gain a better understanding of what people are going through as they age.

Benefit #5. Your co-workers tend to be caring people

People who chose to go into geriatric care are often caring, patient people. They like to help others, and really enjoy getting to know their patients. Take some time to get to know your co-workers, and you may find it’s like an extended family!

We hope you find this article to be useful as you decide exactly what career path you will pursue. Certified nurses aides, nursing assistants, and patient care technicians play an important role in the day-to-day lives of long-term care patients, and are an essential part of the healthcare system. As more and more of our population is aging, the skills and compassion of these professional caregivers will be much appreciated Experience Gained In a Nursing Home Essay

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