Family Nursing and Family Health Promotion Discussion Paper

Family Nursing and Family Health Promotion Discussion Paper



The purpose of this assignment is to explore your values and beliefs related to family nursing and family health promotion and to consider how they impact decision-making processes and professional judgment in nursing practice. By examining one’s values and beliefs through critical reflection, assumptions in practice can be challenged to facilitate a preliminary shift in attitude, which is part of transformational learning (Melrose, Park & Perry, 2013).

Assignment Guidelines and Marking Criteria

Content (20 marks)

  • As a nurse, if you had the ability to select your patient assignments from the list of bios below, which 3 patients would you choose? What guided you in this decision-making process? What are some assumptions you had about the patients and families based on the descriptions alone? How would you proceed with the family nursing assessment and family health promotion with your selected patients? (5 marks)
  • From the same list of bios below, which 3 patients would you not choose if choice was an option? What influenced you in this decision-making process? What are some assumptions you had about these patients and families based only on the descriptions? How would you proceed with the family nursing assessment and family health promotion for this group of patients? (5 marks)
  • What family nursing theory/theories guided you in your family nursing assessment and family health promotion for both groups of patients? (4 marks)
  • Use APA (6th ed.) to format citations and references used in this assignment. Note: You have the flexibility to creatively present your work, outside of APA (6th ed.) criteria in either presentation format chosen, as indicated below. (3 marks)
  • Demonstrate critical analysis and synthesis of content and ensure writing is succinct and clear in your assignment. Reference sources should always include peer reviewed journal articles. Refer to the Scholarly Evidence Guide for more information on how to access peer reviewed sources. (3 marks)


Presentation (10 marks)

1) Present your reflections using ONE of the following ways (3 marks)

a) Use a journal format to share your reflections. You can find a journal template online at sites like
Choose any journal format you like for your written submission. Your reflection should be a maximum of 6 pages in length and use APA 6th edition.


b) Use a powerpoint (ppt) format with voice over narration to share your reflections. Use a maximum of 8 slides excluding the title slide and reference slide. Include elaboration of your slide content in the written speaker notes.

  • Outline only key points on the slides. All additional details should be added to the speaker notes. Ensure adequate white space on the slides.
  • Then, imagine that you are presenting this information to your classmates or colleagues in-person. Add voice over narration to your ppt slides. To enable voice over narration select “media” (sometimes is a drop-down menu) and “select record audio”.

c) Spend some time reflecting on your choice of format for this assignment and include your reflection in the assignment. You may want to comment on the audio, visual, or narrative components of the chosen format that have helped you share your reflections in this assignment.

2) Creativity of expression is an important component in this assignment. Consider the use of photos, graphics, or other elements that would help illustrate your values and beliefs of family nursing and family health promotion as they relate to the patient bios in this assignment. Note: Ensure that the photos, graphics, or other elements chosen are cited and referenced in accordance to APA (6th ed.). (3 marks)

3) Transformational learning that is genuine occurs when students can converse with peers and instructors about thoughts and feelings that relate to specific decisions in their critical thinking process (Melrose et al., 2013). As well, new insights can be gained in a supportive, engaging, and transformative learning environment through critical self-reflection (Melrose et al., 2013). Family Nursing and Family Health Promotion Discussion Paper In this assignment, explore and share your deeply rooted values and beliefs of family nursing and family health promotion, as they relate to your decision-making process in selecting patients. (4 marks)

Post your completed assignment (in the chosen form) to the Assignment 3 Gallery Forum and send it to your instructor for grading in the course dropbox.

NOTE: Part of your participation grade will be based on discussion of the submissions to the Assignment 3 Gallery forum. See Conference Forum Participation for details.

Patient Bios

    1. Alex Abraham is a 42-year-old man who was recently diagnosed with Type II Diabetes at a family care clinic. He works out of town doing 12 hours of shift work and is away from home for two weeks at a time. He is married and has two young children at home. He is having difficulty accepting his new diagnosis.


    2. Bernetta Bold is a 78-year-old woman who lives at home. Her spouse passed away three years ago and Bernetta has been increasingly isolating herself, as reported by her adult children, who live in the next town about an hour away. Her family doctor referred her to home care for an assessment.
    3. Charlie Heron is a five-year-old boy admitted to the children’s hospital for acute respiratory distress. His grandparents accompanied him to emergency because his parents were away on vacation. You are the nurse assigned to his care, while in the emergency department.
    4. Dixie Cup is a 13-year-old girl who was admitted to the short stay psychiatric unit last week for depression. Her mother and father have visited her daily. Dixie usually appears more upset after the visits.
    5. Ernie Erbach is a 29-year-old man who suffers from various issues related to polysubstance abuse. He has a meeting with his social worker today and has requested to see a nurse at the drop-in clinic for general health-related concerns.
    6. Fiona Friday is a 16-year-old girl who is in her second trimester of pregnancy who has not sought prenatal care before. She has no family close by and is living with a friend and her family. Fiona’s friend has convinced her to see the nurse at the weekly clinic in the community for prenatal care.
    7. Gary Greenwich is a father of a one-week-old newborn baby. He is separated from his wife but he was present at the mother’s home during the public health nurse’s visit. He asked a lot of questions during the home visit and the mother was more reserved.
    8. Hailey Berry is a 66-year-old woman just diagnosed with cervical cancer. She and her partner of 30 years, Julie, have met with the oncologist and are now here to review the pre-operative checklist with the nurse.
    9. Ian Harris is a 10-year-old boy who asked to speak to a school nurse today. When he comes into your office, he discloses that he has been abused. He lives with his stepfather, biological mother, and two siblings ages three and 15.
    10. Joy Carr is a 50-year-old man going through cardiac rehabilitation post myocardial infarction. He usually comes alone to the sessions, other than being accompanied by his wife on occasion. He has quit smoking but states that his diet could use improvement and that his wife is the one who primarily prepares the meals.


      1. Melrose, S., Park C., & Perry, B. (2013).

Teaching health professionals online: Frameworks and strategies

    1. . Edmonton, AB: AU Press.

Family Nursing and Family Health Promotion Discussion Paper

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