FITT Principle for Cardiovascular Fitness Essay

FITT Principle for Cardiovascular Fitness Essay

Cardiovascular fitness involves activities like walking, biking, skating, jogging as well as rowing.
These activities in turns strengthen the heart and lungs of human being and hence. the muscles become more efficient due to the availability of enough oxygen. In addition, the activities involved during cardiovascular fitness increases the amount of blood pumped per heartbeat hence. lowering resting heart rate up to an average of 72 BPM. Normal functioning and working of the heart depend on the resting heart rate and when it is low it enables the heart to function well and that why Cardiovascular fitness becomes an essential component of life (Dennis, McCully and Juris, 13-19.).
Nevertheless, during cardiovascular fitness process, Aerobics which is an exercise under the process results into long term activity usually termed as cardiovascular endurance. This term is also known as cardio-respiratory endurance and it is the ability of the body of a human being is able to work continuously for a given absolute time frame. FITT Principle for Cardiovascular Fitness Essay.


The practitioners, however, have availed that cardio-respiratory endurance increases one’s chances of living longer here on earth since it is a channel of a healthier life. In addition, when one fails to engage in cardiovascular fitness, he or she may be affected by cardiovascular diseases such as type2 diabetes and obesity. In adhering to the health principle, one needs to understand the importance of FITT principles which brings about benefits to the health of your heart. The table below illustrates different FITT principles that give us an overview as far as the issue of body health is concerned.
Frequency of exercise
It is standardized that maximum cardiovascular benefits are accomplished when one engages in exercise three to five times per week. This leads to improvement of general fitness but at times one may be engaged in the fitness even more than five times according to his or her capability.
Intensity of exercise
This is generally an aspect that shows how hard you are working against your fitness exercise. Benefits that are incurred by heart is determined by the intensity and level of exercise one is adhering to as per the availed fitness norms. It translates to a Target Heart Rate (THR) zone, which is determined when exercising a level of the body heartbeats between 50% and 85% of people’s maximum heart rate, which is approximately 142-186 BPM.
Time of exercise
This is determined by how long one should do exercise as analyzed by the Target Heart Rate Zone.FITT Principle for Cardiovascular Fitness Essay.  It is, however, advisable to provide a workout program that goes for at least 20 minutes of continuous aerobic activities which results in Cardiovascular benefit. At one approaches 60 minutes during the exercise process, the cardiovascular benefit starts to level off hence. if one refuses to stop injuries may be availed within the body of a human being.
Type of exercise
There are several types of cardiovascular fitness including. rhythmical as well as repetitive activities whereby we monitor prolonged periods of exercise that involves an essence of muscle groups. The exercise, however, includes’ walking, swimming, cycling, jogging as well as aerobic forms of activities that are availed by the practitioners and professionals. By following the above PITT principle, you will be able to reduce your body weight to considerable weight as well as grow healthier.

Cardiovascular fitness relates to the body’s ability to generate energy and deliver oxygen to working muscles. It is considered the most important component of physical fitness and is one of the best indicators of overall health. Aerobic exercises are best for developing cardiovascular fitness. Aerobic means “with oxygen” and includes continuous activities that use oxygen. A few examples of aerobic activities are walking, biking, jogging, and skating.  These types of exercises sustain oxygen to the muscles for an extended period of time.

Aerobic activities strengthen the lungs and heart, and make your working muscles more efficient at using oxygen. They also increase stroke volume (amount of blood pumped per heartbeat) and lower your resting heart rate. Increasing stroke volume is very important because it means your heart does not have to work as hard.  A resting heart rate varies from person to person, however the lower your resting heart rate, the more efficient your heart is working.

One long-term result of regular aerobic activity is cardiovascular endurance, also known as cardio-respiratory endurance. This is the ability of the body to work continuously for extended periods of time. Those who have a high level of cardiovascular fitness have lowered risks of adult lifestyle diseases, such as, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity. FITT Principle for Cardiovascular Fitness Essay,

Cardiovascular endurance increases your chances for living a longer and healthier life. It is important to know your FITT Principles so that you gain health benefits for your heart. The table below illustrates the different FITT Principles

  • Frequency of Exercise: Cardiovascular benefits are achieved when you engage in exercise 3-5 times each week. You may gain additional benefits if you engage in an activity more frequently, but 3-5 times is the recommended range to improve general fitness. (Also understand the dangers of overexercising.)
  • Intensity of Exercise: Intensity refers to how hard you are working. Intensity is one of the most important ways to determine if you are exercising at a level that benefits your heart. This level is called your Target Heart Rate (THR) Zone. In general, this means exercising at a level where the heart is beating between 50% and 85% of a person’s maximum heart rate (220 minus age) or approximately 142–186 BPM (average for youth).

Charts have been developed so that you do not need to calculate your own Target Heart Rate Zones. FITT Principle for Cardiovascular Fitness Essay. These charts are developed using your age and average resting heart rate information. The table below is an example of a Heart Rate Percentage chart. Your own Target Heart Rate Zone may vary. However, using this chart will give you heart rate numbers for a Target Heart Rate Zone that can be used as a guide. For cardiovascular activities, intensity is monitored by heart rate. Intensity is directly related to how difficult an activity is and how much energy the body needs to sustain an activity. Every activity requires energy, and when exercising, intensity is often measured by how hard and fast the heart is pumping to deliver oxygen to the working muscles. As exercise intensity increases, the heart must work harder to get more oxygen to the muscles. Exercise designed to improve cardiovascular fitness works to improve the heart’s ability to pump blood and the muscle’s ability to pull oxygen from the blood. To improve cardiovascular fitness, it is necessary that you exercise at your Target Heart Rate Zone. Another way to monitor your intensity is through what we call the “Talk Test”. If you can talk fairly easy but still are breathing pretty good you at an appropriate intensity If you can sing, you need to pick up the pace to get the most from your workout. If you can’t talk you are working too hard and should slow down to stay in your Target Heart Rate (THR) Zone. FITT Principle for Cardiovascular Fitness Essay.



Heart Rate Percentages








11 209 147 160 172 185 197
12 208 146 159 171 183 196
13 207 146 158 170 182 194
14 206 146 158 170 182 194
15 205 139 152 165 178 192
16 204 138 151 164 178 191
17 203 138 151 164 177 190
18 202 137 150 163 176 190


  • Time (Duration) of Exercise: Time refers to how long you should C03-02A exercise in your Target Heart Rate Zone. To achieve the greatest cardiovascular benefit, a workout should be at least 20 minutes of continuous or intermittent aerobic activity per exercise session. Intermittent means that the activity should be done in blocks of time that are 10 minutes or longer. Cardiovascular benefits continue to increase as the exercise duration is extended to 60 minutes. Beyond 60 minutes of activity, cardiovascular benefits start to level off, and the risk of injury increases.
  • Type of Exercise: Types of cardiovascular fitness exercises include rhythmical, repetitive activities that involve large muscle groups and are performed over prolonged periods. These types of activities provide the greatest improvements in cardiovascular fitness. The list of activities that fall into this category include walking, cycling, swimming, jogging, and aerobic class type activities. FITT Principle for Cardiovascular Fitness Essay.
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